That's almost exactly what they are.Op-eds are forum posts. Learn something new every day.
Op-eds are forum posts. Learn something new every day.
I am a big fan of vinnybomb.anime
I thought the article was pretty fair and did a nice job and consolidating all the things into one post.
Not like it matters now, but I really wonder who they heard was going to buy Oculus.
Oh dear. Vinny got his hands on that make-your-own-manga software that released on Steam no too long ago.
I'm glad Giant Bomb is turning more and more back into the nonsense factory it started as.
Opinions are like a-holes, right? They all end up getting abused in pornography. I think that's how the saying goes, anyway...
After perusing Mr. Kleptok's opinion piece about the Oculus adoption by Facebook... what's the problem? If you don't agree with his line of thought, that's fine. It doesn't make Kleptok a moron or some anti-crowd sourcing scourge. If you think that Facebook is the devil and that Oculus is going to burn in a sulphur hot tub... go for it. People can have opposing opinions without having to rely on bombastic language to describe how "off" someone is in their thinking. We don't know the full details, as it happened on Monday, so let's wait a year or so before passing judgement on who is way off base. Let's do some wild speculation (and lots of cocaine!) and just have some fun, folks!
As for my VERY IMPORTANT view on this: Oculus VR is a business that got acquired by a bigger business. Who cares if their first round of funding came from donations via Kickstarter? They delivered on the promise for that deal. No one was Michael Rooker-ed... yet. This isn't a dictatorship run by the internet opinion, right? Oculus can choose to do business or sell out to anyone they so choose. They went from a cool idea with no product to $400 million and some stock that could be worth less than my socks in six months. I wish my socks were worth $1.6 billion... Anyway, who wouldn't take that kind of payday after a few years of research and presumably medium-to-hard work? You would all jump that opportunity's bones in a split second, just like you would Don Johnson at a Miami Vice convention. Your obsession with Don Johnson is a bit weird. I don't get it.
As for Notch pulling the plug on an Oculus port of Minecraft... that made me laugh. Now this is only my opinion from my dungeon beneath a steel foundry... but I'm not sure how much longer Sweden can contain Notch's ego. I don't know if he'll grow into the indie impresario that he imagines himself to be, but for now he's the multi-millionaire Minecraft guy who shares profits with Apple, Microsoft and Google (through app and game sales), yet pictures Facebook as some sort of creep. Uh... maybe his sombrero is too tight, or the brim has a reality distortion field in it. I don't know. I just use beer to create one. It's far cheaper and quite refreshing!
I'm glad Giant Bomb is turning more and more back into the nonsense factory it started as.
They just need complete access to a green screen again, and we are fucking set.
Vinny Hairavella
Vinny's hair looks crooked in this photo
Christ, the latter half of that Ground Zeroes ql is hard to watch, Jeff is being super abrasive and trying to end it every five minutes.
Jeff constantly sounding like he was on the verge of fucking throttling Brad during most of the quicklook was the best part about it
Today was a good day for Giantbomb.
- Facebook, Occulus, and Trust
- Quick Look Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes
- The Binding of Patrick
- The Giantbombcast
- Caravellas Comic Corner
- Goat Simulator Coming out soon
That is frontpage news if I've ever seen it.
It's just his schtick.I sense...anger. Also strawmen.
Man, the longer I look at Vinny's comic there more convinced I become that it actually makes sense.
For all its weird shit going on, MGS just doesn't seem very Metal Gear without Snake constantly reacting to the bullshit that's happening.
That sounds like an article way over his head.
It comes from the "I could write for Giant Bomb if I just made my forum posts in to articles and used spell check and then the entire crew would be my best friends" mentality you see so often. Everyone likes to pretend the only thing keeping them from Patrick's job and the praise he gets for it is opportunity and that he clearly doesn't know as much as them. It's fucking know... i feel like i see this post a lot in here. patrick write's an article and someone says its "over his head"
what kind of fucking patronizing bullshit is that? jesus
"oh look how cute patrick wants to try to write an article about his topic like a big boy"
It comes from the "I could write for Giant Bomb if I just made my forum posts in to articles and used spell check and then the entire crew would be my best friends" mentality you see so often. Everyone likes to pretend the only thing keeping them from Patrick's job and the praise he gets for it is opportunity and that he clearly doesn't know as much as them. It's fucking tiring.
It comes from the "I could write for Giant Bomb if I just made my forum posts in to articles and used spell check and then the entire crew would be my best friends" mentality you see so often. Everyone likes to pretend the only thing keeping them from Patrick's job and the praise he gets for it is opportunity and that he clearly doesn't know as much as them. It's fucking tiring.
Jeff and Brad secretly hate eachother. Duh.
I think a lot of people just don't like Patrick. It doesn't necessarily mean that they want his job.
We all could use a little vinny in the third chair.Whatever it is it's definitely not the greatest dynamic. They need Vinny in the third chair.