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Giant Bomb |OTXXX| Fondle it

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Guys, I'm three missions from finishing Horizon and I don't get the story praise. The setting is great but the actual story seems like your average YA novel. I don't know. There's interesting characters but they are never explored and the back story is cool but not cool enough to carry the game. It's also ridden with cliches and predictable story beats.

Fighting big robots is fun and the game is polished to a T but it hasn't spoke to me above that.

Also, the game is visually to busy, the characters face animation is more miss than hit and everything but fighting the robots is boring.

This is my hot take for the night.


So going by the Michael Jackson discussion on the last Yakuza 0 video, Abby is about 23? I realized I had unconsciously assumed her and Ben were in their late 20s to make myself feel less old.
Goddamn Vinny could taste that chicken dinner in the Waypoint stream.

Loved the armada bit, as Scoops put it.

Top stream. Waypoint is second best producer of GB content now after East. Aint it true Antiwhippy?


the holder of the trombone
Goddamn Vinny could taste that chicken dinner in the Waypoint stream.

Loved the armada bit, as Scoops put it.

Top stream. Waypoint is second best producer of GB content now after East. Aint it true Antiwhippy?

I mean I'm probably the only person in here who actually consumes waypoint content instead of memeing about it.

That binary domaincast.

Is a hell of a cast.

Also I'm pretty sure I've said at some point waypoint pubg content >> murder island.
Guys, it's gonna be Murder Island.

Steal My Sunshine on Tues/Wed probably

or SMS on Friday and some kind of playdate Tues/Wed



I mean I'm probably the only person in here who actually consumes waypoint content instead of memeing about it.

That binary domaincast.

Is a hell of a cast.

Also I'm pretty sure I've said at some point waypoint pubg content >> murder island.

i mean there's an episode with alex, vinny, patrick and austin. it's kinda not fair.
I think the regular schedule will look like this for a while:

Monday: Live Murder Island
Tuesday: Live Bombcast
Wednesday: Live Sunshine
Thursday: Weekend QL recording
Friday: Live Dota, Live Playdate, Live UPF

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Goddamn Vinny could taste that chicken dinner in the Waypoint stream.

Loved the armada bit, as Scoops put it.

Top stream. Waypoint is second best producer of GB content now after East. Aint it true Antiwhippy?
Nick Robinson was an intern so they're third place behind polygon
"I'm sorry, Mario, it's a bummer... in reality you're as dumb as they come...
..and I needed those shines REAL bad and I had to give them up; just to get PEACH off my back. So now we're gonna have to go get more.
And then we're gonna go on even MORE adventures after that, Mario. And you're gonna keep your MOUTH SHUT about it, Mario..
..because the world is full of idiots that don't understand what's important. And they'll TEAR us apart, Mario!!
But if you stick with me, I'm gonna accomplish great things, Mario, and you're gonna be part of 'em.
And together we're gonna run around, Mario, we're gonna... do all kinds of wonderful things, Mario. Just you and me, Mario. The outside world is our enemy, Mario... we're the only.... friends we've got, Mario! It's just FLUDD and Mario.FLUDD and Mario and their adventures, Mario.. FLUDD AND MARIO FOREVER AND FOREVER A HUNDRED YEARS FLUDD and Mario.. some...things.. Me and FLUDD and Mario runnin' around and... FLUDD and Mario time... a- all day long forever.. all a - a hundred days FLUDD and Mario! forever a hundred times.... OVER and over FLUDD and Mario... adventures dot com.. W W W dot at FLUDD and Mario dot com w..w..w... FLUDD and Mario adventures.. ah- hundred years..... every minute FLUDD and Mario dot com.... w w w a hundred times... FLUDD and Mario dot com......."


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the problem before the new hires that there wasn't enough #content coming out of west and now the problem is Ben is in too much of it? Good luck whomever replaces Drew if you aren't the right type of zany.


So I finished FFXV.

I'm assuming lots of people told SE they hated the in game encyclopaedic storytelling of FFXIII so their solution for FFXV was to not explain anything.
Oh I get it, this is the part where we create unnecessary drama regarding a user to spice up the thread.

This is a work.

I mean I'm probably the only person in here who actually consumes waypoint content instead of memeing about it.

I do too I just try not to bring up waypoint here because it always brings some people out of the woodwork just to be insufferable and let everyone know they're too cool for school
Out of 26 Elusive Targets, I successfully completed 23 for 88%

I got SA on 2 overall. The Angel of Death and The Blackmailer.

I failed The Prince, The Chameleon, and the Warlord

I did not get the Winter Suit...

I loved using the White Duck too much.

Speaking of Ducks...
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