It's probably obvious but I need someone to tell me then.
I have been chatting with this girl for months and we celebrated Christmas, New Year and my fathers birthday together. We even went to Sweden together.
We have had sex three nights and it upsets the family, cause some of them is of the opinion that we are relatives, that's how it is in the Philippine culture but me and the girl don't agree with that statement.
Now I have access to her Facebook as well and I uploaded our New Year photos to her account. But she is also listed as engaged to another guy in the Philippines but she says it's only for fun, that she don't take facebook seriously.
She got two other facebook accounts as well and is listed as in a relationship with another guy, also from the Philippines. When we went to Sweden, she told everyone else she went back to Norway where she work. She have told me she took the airplane this morning, but to others she said the train.
I'm just really confused. Because she seem to tell the truth to me and lying to others, but I'm also thinking maybe she is lying to me about the relationships.
The whole family thinks we are in a relationship, but I'm the one who have said no to a relationship so far. In fact, my mother kicked her out from our place, as rumors are she want to get fired and hide in another country, but I think she's just kidding - or that's where I'm heading; I don't know anymore.
I really like her, but maybe I should be aware. Maybe that's cause she is my only really close one, I don't have a network besides her (other than one friend I rarely see).