I need some kind of advice on my situation with this girl. Quick summary :
1-New girl at my student job, she's obviously into me (huge signs of interest, always come towards me, ask me when I'm working, etc)
2-We chat a little but it's a busy job so we don't have a lot of privacy
3-So I ask her out pretty quickly, she was obviously waiting for it, answers yes ("whenever you want" with a big smile) but since she just got a new cellphone she doesn't know the number yet, takes mine instead.
4-A week pass (I only work two days a week), she doesn't call
5-This morning at work, first I've seen her since I asked her out. She's still always coming to me, it gets flirty but I don't mention the fact that she didn't call. It's like I never asked except she's still showing signs of interest (her behavior towards me and other guys are totally different)
From my experience when girls don't want to go on a date they just answer something like "why not" "maybe next week", but she was glad I asked so I'm really confused. When I left this morning she said "see you tommorrow", and when I said I wasn't working she looked extremely disappointed, almost embarrassed/upset, it was very odd.
I must admit I'm kind of upset by it even though I didn't mention it. I screwed up a date with a girl I have no interest in but that could have been a one night thing just because I was distracted by it. Should I bring this up next time I see her ?
If just for the sake of closure and your own micro-sanity, yes. A creative way around it is to pick a night when you know you'll be free, and just say something like "hey, give me a call X night, I've got some free time." If she responds in the affirmative and doesn't call, take the hint. If she says no, then don't even respond to her comings on to you. Put the ball in her court, and if she doesn't play, then move along. At least you've got a pretty office flirty thang to make the day better on the job.