Ok, so details of the date:
We met at a bookstore. I had said 3:25 but didnt show up until 3:50 due to traffic, but she was cool about it. There were 15 minutes of "where are you" inside the store. We met, and then walked outside. I wanted to walk around a bit, but it was too cold, so we proceeded to the previously decided upon food place.
Food was had, as was cider. There was lots of conversation. When the bill came I didnt know what to do, as I wasnt sure if this was a date or a friends thing. She didnt jump out to pay the bill so I decided to pay. Probably a good move.
From there we went to a coffee shop that has board games and played scrabble and talked for a while. She was supposed to kick my ass, but I got 39 points with "chav" and jumped in the lead. Upon further reflection, it was an illegal word.
So we finished up there and walked around a bit. I left it on her to decide what was next. Eventually, she decided to invite me over, although was quite shy about it. It was quite adorable.
So we sit at the bus stop and she asks me to hug her because shes cold. I'd been thinking about doing it, but Im a giant pussy. We then arrive at her place, turn on the pats game, but didn't watch more than a minute of it.
I suck at knowing when to kiss someone, even though our noses were touching, so I made her do it by telling her that it is the hosts responsibility to plan couch activities.
Unfortunately I had to leave after an hour to catch the last bus.
There was making out, and it appears she would have gone further if I could have stayed longer. But thats ok, I think first dates with boobs are just fine.
As I was leaving, I popped out season 1 of community and told her to pretend it was Thursday. She made a happy face and then apologized for not having a gift for me.
So great success. I hope to see her again today, or at worst tomorrow, as I leave Wednesday.
Of course GAF advice would say to wait 2-3 days, but there is no time.