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God of War III |OT|


jett said:
Man GOW3 is just retardedly good looking, I'm almost too abosrbed in the game itself to fully realize how seriosuly amazing it looks while I'm playing.

lol dante's inferno

So true you just have to sit back and watch it on a big screen to admire how amazingly beautiful this game is.

You know I played the dante's demo and I said hey its not half bad. Then I played the GOW3 demo and I was like this game is not that good amid all the hype. And now when I played the actual game, I feel pity for Dante lol. This game is so epic that Dante looks and plays like an amateur game made by some noobs (no disrespect to the devs but GOW3 is just that epic and polished). I hope ppl were not discouraged by the GOW3 demo like I was because the final game is miles and miles better than the demo.


benevolent sexism
jett said:
heh at the
boss battle in chaos. You die in 1.5 swipes. All of his attacks take more than half your health bar. it's getting annoying now!

I was cursing the shitty design of this boss on Chaos mode. It didn't bother me at all on normal difficulty but when you can't make a single mistake it becomes extremely frustrating when the auto-targeting system for the Cestus completely sucks and you also get stuck behind his legs. I also felt like a lot of my deaths were caused by unpredictable hitbox behavior. Sometimes he'd land near me and I'd die, or he's swing a claw and it would kill me even though I appeared to be out of range or I was standing near his legs where I was usually safe.

Then I got to the Cerberus + Satyrs fight and was even more annoyed because not only is it difficult but I find it extremely boring to fight enemies who barely react to your attacks and have mountains of health. But then my PS3 YLOD'd during that fight, so I guess I'll be getting a break from GOW3.

So in conclusion: Fuck Chaos difficulty. :lol


GAF's Bob Woodward
All I can do is laugh at how ridiculously good looking the whole
Pit of Tartarus
sections are. It's like playing in a movie matte painting, in a prerendered bullshot. The mix of tech and artwork is just at a totally new height in these bits.

So exciting to see and play this stuff! :D

edit - please patch in a screenshot export function, SSM!

edit 2 - and then
happens...holy shit :lol Here's me going gaga at the
environments with that around the corner. I shouldn't type so soon!


Goddamn is the Cerberus + Satyrs fight kicking my ass right now. Playing it on Titan and once the first Satyr shows up I get owned.

Right now my strategy is to focus on the Satyr and try to get rid of him but I inevitably get stuck in the corner with him, the Cerberus and all those fucking exploding dogs (I can hear their annoying yelps as I type this :lol ).
Enojado said:
Goddamn is the Cerberus + Satyrs fight kicking my ass right now. Playing it on Titan and once the first Satyr shows up I get owned.

Right now my strategy is to focus on the Satyr and try to get rid of him but I inevitably get stuck in the corner with him, the Cerberus and all those fucking exploding dogs (I can hear their annoying yelps as I type this :lol ).

Cestus are your friends. Punch the dogs back legs and move around a lot.
Kill the Satyrs via Hades Claws by summoning the gorgon to stone them.

The Chef

Man this damn game has ruined me. I have beat it on Titan, finished all the challenges of olympus, and am half-way through Chaos and I can already tell even after I finish it on Chaos I am going to have no desire to play anything else.

I have Mass Effect 2 with Shephard just starring at me with accusative eyes but alas my mind and heart only want more Kratos. Its going to be a long long wait for the next game.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Up to the boss fight with Hades. They really went all out with the sense of scale, the early parts of the game are pretty crazy. I love how you have to destroy the pieces of Hades that you cut off. :lol


Need some help:
After the music game at the olympus flame, Kratos goes down on a circular platform. There's an encounter with shielded skeletons/guards/whatever and that snake thingie. Those enemies seem to respawn forever and i can't find a way to kill the shielded skeletons. Anyone has some tips? Also, am i near the end?


Holy cumshot I forgot about the sense of scale in the GOW Games ...
Totally loving the game so far (Arrived at the Caverns right now).

And too .... L3 + R3 ,
holy shit they chose well this QTE :eek:
Kos Luftar said:
Cestus are your friends. Punch the dogs back legs and move around a lot.
Kill the Satyrs via Hades Claws by summoning the gorgon to stone them.

When I got through it, I punched the hell out of the cerberus with cestus. Continued to dodge, evade, and focus on beating the hell out of cerberus. When it got too hectic, I switched to blades of exile and spammed lv 3 army of sparta. That weakened satyr 1 and allowed me to take off head 2 of cerberus. By this point, I had rage of sparta refilled -- so I activated that and focused on the cerberus. Once the cerberus was down, I found satyr 1 and exploited the circle mash abuse tactic. He died immediately. One on one with the last satyr allowed me to circle mash party til he went down, no contest.


Screw this god damn
fire Cerberus right after you jump down the chain following the Labyrinth on hard mode.
I've probably been trying it for 3 hours. I can handle the initial guy but the fellow who spawns after
you take off a head, and then the two guys who spawn after the second head are just too much.

I either suck way more than I thought at this game or I am just absolutely missing some easier way to deal with these guys.

Edit: Looking at post above mine I see I am not the only one that had trouble here. I guess I'll read back in thread for advice.
wouwie said:
Need some help:
After the music game at the olympus flame, Kratos goes down on a circular platform. There's an encounter with shielded skeletons/guards/whatever and that snake thingie. Those enemies seem to respawn forever and i can't find a way to kill the shielded skeletons. Anyone has some tips? Also, am i near the end?

concentrate on the gorgon. either kill her, or use the golden fleece to reflect her gaze attack (you can grab her to coax her into it if necessary. the onyx shielded soldiers will all freeze. problem solved.

and you're somewhere between 35-50% in I think.
ACE 1991 said:
Is the trophy
I didn't do it... But i Wish I did! a rape joke or something?
If so, that's not really cool.

I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to be a sophomoric comment regarding Kratos having no interest in the attractive chick.

At least that's how I took it.


Got to the
Tartarus Pit level, defeated Cronos last night.
Damn, how can anyone not think this game looks impressive? All the ash floating around in the air on that level. The mountain vistas where you seem to see for miles.

Kratos himself looks so great. He looks like he's made out of a clay figurine and they painted him and inserted him into the game. He doesn't look like he's made out of polygons at all. Only drawback is that some of the other human characters don't look as great. Like someone else mentioned,
doesn't look as great. But Kratos himself looks fantastic!

I think it'd be awesome if the motion blur in this game would be included in a future SDK. Many third party devs seem to leave that effect out of PS3 versions of games. It's so well done in this game. The blur together with the depth of field effects makes for some sweet looking scenes.

I have a feeling I'm getting close to the end. I just got to
the Olympus Garden
last night. Just started facing those creatures with the scythe-like weapons. Been having a really great time with this game. :D


@corrosivefrost and @nskinnear: thanks for the tips. Going to have another try tomorrow. And glad to hear that i'm only about halfway. Despite being completely crap at it, i find it strangely enjoyable.

There's definately something about the graphics that makes me go wow at times. The scope and epicness is there and the graphics look razorsharp at times. In other places, it looks slightly less sharp and more like a painting... hard to describe.

Difficult to compare with UC2 though because of the completely different setting and art style. Uncharted 2 did seem to offer more (insanely) detailed textures though.

There's times i really wish for a controllable camera to take it all in. I mean, i can understand why they decided against it because the game has great cinematic camera control but still... at times it seems almost a shame not being able to look around and take it all in. Exploration and feeling like being in a game world is a big part of the reason why i play games.
ACE 1991 said:
Is the trophy
I didn't do it... But i Wish I did! a rape joke or something?
If so, that's not really cool.

she died when the crank she was holding up for Kratos to get through the gate crashed down on her. It refers to Kratos wishing he had killed her, but instead he used her to move on in the game.
The Chef said:
So apparently I missed one of the God Items from my first play-through is there anyway to see what items I missed?

Open up the menu (press start) then R1 to get to the item list, it will tell you which possessions you picked up.


ultron87 said:
Screw this god damn
fire Cerberus right after you jump down the chain following the Labyrinth on hard mode.
I've probably been trying it for 3 hours. I can handle the initial guy but the fellow who spawns after
you take off a head, and then the two guys who spawn after the second head are just too much.

I either suck way more than I thought at this game or I am just absolutely missing some easier way to deal with these guys.

Edit: Looking at post above mine I see I am not the only one that had trouble here. I guess I'll read back in thread for advice.

Yeah, you're not the only one having some problems with this part :lol :lol

I think quite a few people in this thread have commented on how tough/annoying this part is.


Started my Titan run earlier today, and phew, it's hard already. Just finished up the
battle after 4 retries, but damn it was fun; the additional difficulty adds another dimension to the game. I dread some of the later encounters though. :lol
ultron87 said:
Screw this god damn
fire Cerberus right after you jump down the chain following the Labyrinth on hard mode.
I've probably been trying it for 3 hours. I can handle the initial guy but the fellow who spawns after
you take off a head, and then the two guys who spawn after the second head are just too much.

I either suck way more than I thought at this game or I am just absolutely missing some easier way to deal with these guys.

use the cestus weapon and focus exclusively on the cerebrus.. dodge to avoid the dogs and satyrs and if you're surrounded use your magic and that will get them to back off.. also use the hermes boots if you're feeling overwhelmed because they can knock the satyrs off their feet pretty easily.. once the cerebrus is dead no more dogs will spawn and it's just you vs 2 satyrs


Last bastard fight in
the Labyrinth
on Titan. I remember it being long on normal but I want to scream atm. Of all the bloody beasties to kill me, just one of the random canon fodder enemies manages to get through my block right at the end. I couldn't believe it, turned the console off in rage. Was trying not to use RotS cos I know of the next fight... but jesus wept, that went on forever. I feel I'm a bit too defensive against the Sirens, but you can't exactly stay on the offensive for too long.

Enough for tonight, time for a midnight snack and then bed. Gonna have to go through for a third time on easy to get the trophy for not dying on this part, dunno if cba for it though... would potentially be my first platinum... hmm! If only the cut-scenes were able to be skipped, be an easy decision.


Some might be interested to know the stats involved in the different difficulty levels.

These are from BradyGames GoW3 strategy guide.

Spartan Mode:
Kratos Damage Output: 200%
Enemy Damage Output: 50%
Health Orb Worth: 150%
Magic Orb Worth: 150%
Titan Orb Worth: 150%
Red Orb Worth: 150%
Enemy Aggression: Normal
Enemy Recovery Rate: 200%

God Mode:
Kratos Damage Output: 100%
Enemy Damage Output: 100%
Health Orb Worth: 100%
Magic Orb Worth: 100%
Titan Orb Worth: 100%
Red Orb Worth: 100%
Enemy Aggression: Normal
Enemy Recovery Rate: 100%

Titan Mode:
Kratos Damage Output: 100%
Enemy Damage Output: 250%
Health Orb Worth: 75%
Magic Orb Worth: 75%
Titan Orb Worth: 75%
Red Orb Worth: 100%
Enemy Aggression: Doubled
Enemy Recovery Rate: 50%

Chaos Mode:
Kratos Damage Output: 75%
Enemy Damage Output: 500%
Health Orb Worth: 25%
Magic Orb Worth: 25%
Titan Orb Worth: 25%
Red Orb Worth: 75%
Enemy Aggression: Merciless
Enemy Recovery Rate: Immediate
source: http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2010/03/31/how-hard-is-gow-iii-really/

"enemy aggression" is interesting. Chaos mode is on a different stratosphere.


So I played about another hour tonight.

I Just killed posidens hot naked daughter. I thought I woild at least get a little action for saving her from the rabid dogs!! I guess the sex mini game isn't till later

I'm about 6 hours in... I really don't want the game to end.


Jesus fucking titty christ.

how on earth are you supposed to beat the Cerberus ( spelling is overrated ) and the two ADD goat fuckers with him. Its like SSM ran out of ideas (or time) and was like " hey guyz how about we throw in a regular enemy and quadruple his health and powerz!, that should make the game atleast 2 hours longer lollolol ". seriously this part is fucked up.
TEH-CJ said:
Jesus fucking titty christ.

how on earth are you supposed to beat the Cerberus ( spelling is overrated ) and the two ADD goat fuckers with him. Its like SSM ran out of ideas (or time) and was like " hey guyz how about we throw in a regular enemy and quadruple his health and powerz!, that should make the game atleast 2 hours longer lollolol ". seriously this part is fucked up.
Its obvious you haven't played previous GoWs....


RustyNails said:
Its obvious you haven't played previous GoWs....

I'm probably the biggest god of war fan out there. But there was nothing in the previous god of war games that were as tedious and frustrating as this. The pacing was going well untill this part came up. its not even fun wth!

leave the ninja gaiden difficulty out of my god of war please.


For you guys having trouble on the above boss
The Fire Cerebus, use the Bow and nothing else save a kicked dog every now and then. Dodge when theres more than 2 dogs and just keep shooting it until a circle prompt appears. Summon a gorgon to take care of the satyrs and always keep your distance, and use L1 counters when it charges.
. I just beat it in chaos with little problems. I wish the boss before it was that easy but it's just old fashioned Nintendo hard, and needs alot of luck to win.
TEH-CJ said:
I'm probably the biggest god of war fan out there. But there was nothing in the previous god of war games that were as tedious and frustrating as this. The pacing was going well untill this part came up. its not even fun wth!

leave the ninja gaiden difficulty out of my god of war please.
I can think of one that is very troubling. The escort of GOW2 on Titan mode.


Passing metallic gas
ScrubJay said:
For you guys having trouble on the above boss
The Fire Cerebus, use the Bow and nothing else save a kicked dog every now and then. Dodge when theres more than 2 dogs and just keep shooting it until a circle prompt appears. Summon a gorgon to take care of the satyrs and always keep your distance, and use L1 counters when it charges.
. I just beat it in chaos with little problems. I wish the boss before it was that easy but it's just old fashioned Nintendo hard, and needs alot of luck to win.
how long did that take as compared to using cerberus?..'ll give it a shot ..just wondering thou


lol I'm getting my ass handed to me by Hades on Titan. Why is there only an option to go to easy mode but not medium?


Passing metallic gas
Yoboman said:
lol I'm getting my ass handed to me by Hades on Titan. Why is there only an option to go to easy mode but not medium?

make friends with the fleece counter...when i beat that part i actually thought i accidentally switched to easy...but i didn't...just stay cool and use your air dash when you're feeling overwhelmed


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I just used the bow. A lot. Yeah, it takes a bit longer, but it's the safest route while he's chasing you around the arena. The final part of the battle is by far the easiest in terms of being able to dodge and attack successfully.


Gr1mLock said:
make friends with the fleece counter...when i beat that part i actually thought i accidentally switched to easy...but i didn't...just stay cool and use your air dash when you're feeling overwhelmed
Yeah my one fleece counter and non existant air dash?
I never had a problem with the cerberus on Titan mode so its interesting to see people found the section after the labyrinth and chains hard.

Hades, Scorpion boss and last room in the labyrinth where you fight loads of enemies were very hard though on Titan and gave me problems.

GOW 3 = Platinum'd



Fuck yeah! Beat 4 Challenges last night:
- Population Control (nailed that one day 1 after beating GoW3)
- El Matador – Ole’ (had some bad luck of running out of Spartan Rage in the last wave right at the moment a Minotaur decided to try & gore me a couple of times)
- Knockout - this was fun :D
- Simply Smashing: fuck me sideways, managed to nail this one with the square-square-triangle-combo in the very last second after a gazillion tries

Nearly finished Bare Hands, ripped apart the last remaining sentry as the timer hit zero... the other ones... I need to come up with more solid strategies for those.


catashtrophe said:
I never had a problem with the cerberus on Titan mode so its interesting to see people found the section after the labyrinth and chains hard.

Hades, Scorpion boss and last room in the labyrinth where you fight loads of enemies were very hard though on Titan and gave me problems.

GOW 3 = Platinum'd


Nah man its the opposite for me. I'm still stuck on the cerberus.


Short bus special
Yoboman said:
lol I'm getting my ass handed to me by Hades on Titan. Why is there only an option to go to easy mode but not medium?

I got by that part without dying by spamming the bow on him. Then rolling and dodging his attacks (can't remember them now though, but they are easy to dodge.) Just constantly keep your distance, spam the bow and be prepared it will take a little while, but it will be easy.
When the he spawns the dogs, as soon as they make the Attack-motion towards you, roll, and they will go *poof* after they missed. Then keep spamming bow. :D
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