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Gotham S2 |OT| Dawn of Altruism - Mondays 8/7c


Outside of Calista on Supergirl and Snart on Legends those shows are barely watchable.

Eh I fell off on Supergirl and have no desire to really go back. Maybe when it's on Netflix. Legends is actually pretty good imo. It doesn't take itself seriously and I kinda like that.


That's a lot of clones.

Bruce going after him.

Clones is the opening to bring back Nora as well I think. Can see Victor going down that path once he and Strange start working together. I like what they did to his voice as well.


Unless Strange is lying to Victor and he has Nora in Arkham somewhere.
Ok, I know that Gotham has really nailed all of the casting that they've done - Penguin, Riddler, etc...but holy shit BD Wong is just amazing as Strange.


Why are people talking about clones? You mean the 'corpses' inside the tubes at the end? Are they confirmed to be clones? They could be the originals, but being 'revived'.


S1 i could maybe understand with a few low key episodes to balance it out.
S2 hasn't had much of a down episode yet. S2 looks expensive as hell.

I'm really liking how Gotham Season 2 is dabbling more into sci-fi stuff. (Mr. Freeze, Indian Hill, etc)

Normally, this kind of sci-fi stuff would only be seen in shows like The Flash or Supergirl.

For example, there's a rumor that they want to do something involving


Unconfirmed Member
ARRRGGGH I hate the ending they did with Nora dying. That's bullshit. She was the whole reason his arc works in the comics after Dini redefined it. Her being kept frozen while Victor tried to figure out the cure was what made him a great villain. Now he has nothing to live for. He's just going to be bad to be bad cause she died. That's boring. I was hoping when Strange turned around and looked into the other room, she was going to be floating in the tube in a salvageable state which would give him leverage over Freeze. Maybe they can still pull that card by saying Strange injected her with the correct formula which is always fighting the bad formula which gives Victor another problem to solve.

Ugh, I just reeeeally loved Heart of Ice and that version, but now it's just all thrown away.


Rest of the show though, amazing. Looks so fucking good and the casting is just so spot on.
What was in the tubes at the end? Clones? Of who.

I can totally see them bringing Nora back as a clone alive and seemingly well, only she still has the illness and eventually needs gets frozen properly this time.


I was hoping when Strange turned around and looked into the other room, she was going to be floating in the tube in a salvageable state which would give him leverage over Freeze. Maybe they can still pull that card by saying Strange injected her with the correct formula which is always fighting the bad formula which gives Victor another problem to solve.

I honestly expect the bolded to happen.

I think Strange will somehow use Nora as leverage over Victor. I doubt that she'll be 100% gone. Maybe Strange will promise to bring her back to life or clone her, if Victor agrees to work with him.

Also, producer John Stephens was doing an interview today, and he said
Firefly and Mr. Freeze
will show up again before the season ends.


What was in the tubes at the end? Clones? Of who.

I can totally see them bringing Nora back as a clone alive and seemingly well, only she still has the illness and eventually needs gets frozen properly this time.

We have no reason to believe they are clones.

They are most likely the corpses of Galavan and Jerome (And someone else?) in process of being reanimated.
Hey it's you opinion. Both those shows have been amazing. The only reason I watched this on time was because Supergirl was on break.

Supergirl has clawed its way to watchable, while Legends of Tomorrow remains a complete catastrophe. Calling either show amazing absurd hyperbole. Gotham season 2 demolishes both of them.


This fucking show. BD Wong is absolutley killing it as Strange. And I really like what a fucked up place Indian Hill is. Man, next week, why are you not here yet? I need more! MORE!


When I found out they were going to show Bruce as a kid I wasn't a fan but damn I'm loving how they're handling it.


Gotham is killing it now. BD Wong is killing it.

But I hate how they call him Mr Fries, Like he's from McDonalds or something.


Why are people talking about clones? You mean the 'corpses' inside the tubes at the end? Are they confirmed to be clones? They could be the originals, but being 'revived'.
Yeah. Especially in the context of Mr. Freeze. They're probably frozen corpses, put there in stasis for the day somebody figured the crystuff out. That somebody just came earlier than Strange expected. I hope they don't actually manage to revive people already, but half alive undying would be creepy enough.

Strange speculated his experiments had exposed him to small doses of the serum, which slowly changed his molecular structure. Guess he built up an immunity of sorts.
Yeah, it was spelled out. His body hotter than he should be and he needs to be in total cold to not burn up. His coldgun had less effect on him than on normal people.


If Gotham does get renewed for Season 3 (which is likely at this point) then does that also somewhat guarantee a Season 4 for syndication purposes? For example, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD was automatically renewed to a fourth season because ABC wanted to hit those syndication numbers.


I'm really really glad that there still exists the possibility for Jerome to be the Joker, as tiny as it may be. And personally I was never too interested in the "But the Joker must NOT have an origin!!" angle. In the comics it works because they can keep evolving the character over the years, but in the TV universe I welcome an origin story.


Dude was perfect for the role.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Gotta get on the BD Wong praise train.

Yep, he is having a blast with the role. I think him and the writers are channeling Hannibal with their interpretation of Strange. Even gave him a fly ass suit too.
If Gotham does get renewed for Season 3 (which is likely at this point) then does that also somewhat guarantee a Season 4 for syndication purposes? For example, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD was automatically renewed to a fourth season because ABC wanted to hit those syndication numbers.
Do you have a link for the fourth season renewal of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD?

I never heard aboud that.


Was there a significance to the 4-fingered hand against the glass of what looked like a cryo-chamber of some kind?

Amazing episode, I'm not a comic book buff so this is my first introduction to Hugo Strange, but I love BD Wong and so far I'm liking his Strange.
Damn, great episode! Season 2 just keeps getting better and better. This is definitely one of the most interesting shows on tv.

The art direction is amazing, and the cast is killing it. I know it's been mentioned already, but Hugo Strange is unbelievably good. I'm getting serious Batman Arkham Asylum vibes from him.

BTW I don't think those are clones in the chambers, they are the real bodies. There is a bullet wound on Galavan. Since Strange wanted the formula from Mr. Freeze, he likely wants to bring them back.
The scene between Bruce and Lee was fantastic. Seriously amazing, the duality is starting to surface and this kid is doing a damn good job of conveying the inner torment Bruce is going through.

No Jessica Lucas this episode though. Not cool.

Also - BITCH!


Was there a significance to the 4-fingered hand against the glass of what looked like a cryo-chamber of some kind?

Amazing episode, I'm not a comic book buff so this is my first introduction to Hugo Strange, but I love BD Wong and so far I'm liking his Strange.

Titanic easter egg



- BD Wong is amazing as Hugo Strange
- Don't like what happened to Nora. Really hope they will have her on ice for leverage
- Man, Bruce is growing up. Kudos.
- Pinguin never disappoints
- So Galavan and Jerome look like ideal testsubjects for being revived
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