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Gotham S2 |OT| Dawn of Altruism - Mondays 8/7c


I like The Flash and I like Gotham but I think a crossover would be terrible.

You're probably right. The big problem is Gotham and The Flash have completely different tones. I mean, Gotham has a lot of dark, oddball comedy, and it's super violent/bloody. Which is the complete opposite tone of The Flash, which is more PG.


New episode today:
Season 2: episode 14 "This Ball of Mud and Meanness"

Alfred and Selina help Bruce on his quest to find his parents’ killer, Matches Malone. Meanwhile, Gordon follows up with Edward Nygma on Kristen Kringle’s whereabouts and Hugo Strange continues his treatment to reduce Penguin’s aggression.
- Promo for this week's episode.

Funky Papa

I need to start watching this show again

Do so.

S2 has been fire even after the break.

As for the Flash/Gotham mashup, I think it could work if extended over several episodes *and* all interactions were given to the Gotham writing staff so Flash's more cheery image doesn't seep into Gotham. Which is probably way too much work and offers a pretty terrible risk/reward factor all things considered, so I couldn't count on it.



Gotham was nominated for this award.

Nominees for the third annual Location Managers Guild International Awards are out. The awards honor productions in film, TV and commercials in six categories where the creative use of filming locations enhances or helps to drive the storyline. Last year, the top feature award went to The Grand Budapest Hotel and Wild.

Bridge of Spies (Klaus Darrelmann and Markus Bensch, Europe; Jason Farrar, New York)
Mad Max: Fury Road (Simon Crook and Paul Tomlinson)
The Revenant (Robin Mounsey and Bruce Brownstein)
Straight Outta Compton (Alison A.Taylor)
Trumbo (David Thornsberry)

Aquarius (Michael Haro and Stacey Brashear)
Fargo (Matt Palmer and Rob Hilton)
Game of Thrones, Season 5 (Robert Boake and Tate Araez)
Gotham (Keith Adams and Pat Sones)
Sleepy Hollow, Season 3 (Nancy Haecker and Ryan Taylor)

Better Call Saul (Christian Diaz de Bedoya)
Bosch (Robert Paulsen and Paul Schreiber)
Mr. Robot (Demian Resnick)
Sense 8 (Marco Giacalone and Bill Bowling)
True Detective, Season 2 (Michael Chickey and Caleb Duffy)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Does Gotham really count as a period piece?


Hmm, that's a good question. The show is anachronistic, so I'd let it slide. Cellphones with older style cars or clothing. Half the time it looks like the 1940s, the other half is modern. One of the more brilliant elements of the show.


Hmm, that's a good question. The show is anachronistic, so I'd let it slide. Cellphones with older style cars or clothing. Half the time it looks like the 1940s, the other half is modern. One more the more brilliant elements of the show.

Absolutely! I think they are trying to get in line with the style of the Batman animated series, where the cars looked like something out of the 40's, but they also had technology that seemed kind of futuristic (Like the various gadgets from Batman and the villains).

Hmm, that's a good question. The show is anachronistic, so I'd let it slide. Cellphones with older style cars or clothing. Half the time it looks like the 1940s, the other half is modern. One of the more brilliant elements of the show.

Agreed, it's definitely a fantastic choice (and I'd like to think they copped it from BTAS), but I'm just wondering if it can be a period show despite not taking place in a definite period.


It's crazy but I'm LOVING Bruce lately. He's really grown as a character and I'm seeing the seeds of the Bruce Wayne that is on his way to becoming Batman.


Lori Petty's character was a lot different then how I imaged her based on the one image of her that was released or floating around. I've always liked Lori Petty so here's hoping she shows up again.


That was really good. I've only seen the last few episodes. Why haven't I been watching this from the beginning?

Well, why haven't you?! Do so now! It's incredible how different both seasons are, but they're both great. Season 1 is this very classy mafiosi story with everybody caught up in-between. Season 2 is the awakening of the freaks.

Wonder what season 3 will be about.


DAMN. What an episode! I simply didn't expect it to be THAT good.

And holy shit at that beautiful Burton-esque shot of Gotham at the very end. It made my jaw drop to the floor.


Not a single boring moment throughout the whole thing. Everything was perfect. This episode might as well be titled "Batman Begins".


Jerome foreshadow! I can't see him not coming back now.

Jerome dying and coming back to life kind of makes sense if he is truly going to become the Joker. This would explain why nobody knows the true identity of the Joker in the future. Gordon believes Jerome to be dead and buried, so this new "laughing maniac" could not be the kid. He would think he's just a random, nameless copycat of Jerome.

At least that's my theory.


Unconfirmed Member
Kinda weird they made Matches the killer and not Joe Chill... Don't really like that. Also, I HATE it when Bruce finds out who the killer is and the guy meets his demise. I always liked the fact that the murder of his parents was just some random thug and they happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The more senseless it is, the worse it is for Bruce. That way he can never find true closure into his parents deaths. When he goes out as Batman, every mugger he stops is just a metaphor for his parents killer. A never ending quest because he never will find the killer.
Kinda weird they made Matches the killer and not Joe Chill... Don't really like that. Also, I HATE it when Bruce finds out who the killer is and the guy meets his demise. I always liked the fact that the murder of his parents was just some random thug and they happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The more senseless it is, the worse it is for Bruce. That way he can never find true closure into his parents deaths. When he goes out as Batman, every mugger he stops is just a metaphor for his parents killer. A never ending quest because he never will find the killer.

But this is what it is. We still don't know if Matches is the guy, and if he was, he barely remembers it. And there was no reason other than greed. Maybe someone hired him. Maybe no one did. Bruce really has no closure here either. He's moved past it physically, but carries the weight with him as he goes to the street.
Lori Petty's character was a lot different then how I imaged her based on the one image of her that was released or floating around. I've always liked Lori Petty so here's hoping she shows up again.

In her younger days she would have made the perfect Harley. I'm a big Tank Girl fan and for all it's faults she's brilliant in the movie.

Gotham is getting better and better and the lad playing Bruce is a great little actor.


I don't think Matches was the guy. Notice how he only responded to the information bits that Bruce gave him. He probably wanted to ease the boys mind by giving him a killer since he wanted to die anways. I think they going to turn around and throw Bruce into another test later, bringing up Joe Chill.


I really liked the episode. Bruce's story is great and this now really sets him on the path to become Batman. Also, Strange is still menacing as fuck. Would have liked it a bit more if Penguin wouldn't have been released this early, another 1-2 episodes would have been better, but eh.

Also, Ed is nailing it. God damn.
I don't understand AV club at all. Gives this a D yet eats up even the worst Arrow episodes.

Their reviews are awful lately.

AV Club has this GIANT BONER for tonal consistency. Basically every single on of their reviews has centered around "but Gotham doesn't know what it wants to be!" when clearly it does, it just doesn't fit into the boxes they're trying to shove it into.

Funky Papa

AV Club has this GIANT BONER for tonal consistency. Basically every single on of their reviews has centered around "but Gotham doesn't know what it wants to be!" when clearly it does, it just doesn't fit into the boxes they're trying to shove it into.

It really is bizarre.

Specially considering that Gotham is quite probably the most consistent comic-book show on air. S1 was incredibly flawed in that regard, but S2 is coherent like no other.


AV Club has this GIANT BONER for tonal consistency. Basically every single on of their reviews has centered around "but Gotham doesn't know what it wants to be!" when clearly it does, it just doesn't fit into the boxes they're trying to shove it into.

Yep. Even in early days when it sucked, the show never had a problem with it's identity. The showrunners always knew exactly what kind of show they wanted and tonally it was spot on from the very start. It just took the stories to catch up in quality.


I don't understand AV club at all. Gives this a D yet eats up even the worst Arrow episodes.

Their reviews are awful lately.

Whenever I read the Arrow GAF thread, there is nothing but whining and complaining regarding S3 and S4. Even the OT for Arrow S4 mocks the show for being too focused on Felicity / Olicity drama. Or they'll mock the show for being too predictable. People are writing massive, multi-paragraph essays in that thread about all of the problems that they have with the show. Meanwhile, AV Club is dishing out A's to some of Arrow's worst episodes, when the truth is, Arrow S3 and S4 are nowhere near the quality of S1 or S2. Not even close.

I read the Supergirl, Gotham, and Flash threads, and there's actually a sense of joy in these threads. People are genuinely happy with the direction that those shows are heading toward.

For the record, here's how critics (IGN, AV Club, The Observer, Entertainment Weekly, Vulture, etc) reviewed the last two episodes of Gotham.

Episode 12 - Mr Freeze = 100% on Rottentomatoes (Average rating: 7.5 out of 10)

Episode 13 - A Dead Man Feels No Cold = 100% on Rottentomatoes (Average rating: 8.2 out of 10)

Is Gotham a good or bad show? I have no idea anymore. It seems like critics can't ever make up their mind.
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