I cried for a full 18 hours.Massa said:I wasn't trying to troll (that's not even trolling) and it was a bit too snide, yeah. I apologize to him for that if it bothered him.
I cried for a full 18 hours.Massa said:I wasn't trying to troll (that's not even trolling) and it was a bit too snide, yeah. I apologize to him for that if it bothered him.
CozMick said:Can someone please recommend a car for the American Championship in the Extreme Series?
Holding down or tapping eject as soon as you turn on the main power on the back might do it. Otherwise, you may need to try the hair dryer trick on the vents to temporarily revive it long enough to eject.Mizzou Gaming said:So my PS3 just died a YLoD death with my GT5 disc in the drive, is their a trick to getting a disc out of a dead unit? I have an unopened launch 360 on standby so I just need to find a way to remove the disc.
offshore said:Man, I'm totally addicted to online NASCAR races. Just spent another 4 straight hours doing the same 10 lap race on Daytona.
Unbelievably addictive.
Yeah, it's just a little too extreme at the moment. I'd like to see the option of two draft settings, like real or standard, where standard is the draft effect now, and real tones it down and makes it more realistic.seattle6418 said:If they correct the draft effect
RankoSD said:
GT5 has the best day/night cycle of any game IMO. It's just too bad that PD's broad daylight is a little suspect and lets it down a bit.RankoSD said:
DonMigs85 said:Yeah, I want some more high challenge races.
TTG said:Yea, it's shit. What's the point of the expensive cars in the game if we can't use them? They got the F1 challenge in, how about a Le Mans prototype series? One for current models and the other for group C stuff.
PetriP-TNT said:fixed.
S. L. said:i am ready to throw the wheel trough the window, how the hell am i supposed to beat the thrid lvl21 nascar special event? internet tells me to switch of ABS but i can only turn it down to 1. -_-
S. L. said:i am ready to throw the wheel trough the window, how the hell am i supposed to beat the thrid lvl21 nascar special event? internet tells me to switch of ABS but i can only turn it down to 1. -_-
I think that's your problem, don't go flat out. Just take it smoothly.jergrah said:I feel like Im flying through the course and getting out of corners fast, but I still fall 1-3 seconds short of bronze every time.
offshore said:I think that's your problem, don't go flat out. Just take it smoothly.
Maybe it's just me, but I thought all Loeb challenges were really easy, and beat all of them by 3-4 seconds. Though rallying has never been GT's strong point.
Xanavi '06, '08 or the YellowHat are really good. The Woodone has some wonky handling. At least according to last seasons official Super GT drivers.ssolitare said:So which 900k range race car should I buy?
The Lexus cars have lower HP's than the Nismo's and etc.
Really? You sure, cause the count doesn't go up in real time. Only when you select "retrieve rewards" or whatever the button says. Once that's done, you exit out and back in, it should have an incremented count.fu3lfr3nzy said:ps: oh and remote b-spec races dont count towards the 500 races requirement. Fuckin really PD??!?! >_>
brentech said:Really? You sure, cause the count doesn't go up in real time. Only when you select "retrieve rewards" or whatever the button says. Once that's done, you exit out and back in, it should have an incremented count.
So are you saying that even with the count going up, it doesn't add? =\
fu3lfr3nzy said:I dont know this by experience, but I was reading over some posts on GTP and some of them have drivers with over 500 races (most of those remote b-spec) and the Trophy never shows up.
Unless, you need 500 races AND max out the experience bar, in which case PD needs to be more clear of the requirements instead of their vague "let them figure it out" approach.
seattle6418 said:No.
I hated getting that trophy but my driver Peter Schuhmacher got it for me with 165 races.
What you do to get this trophy is create a new driver and start using him on endurances and high rank races. His experience bar will raise considerably.
Then when you are close to it, like it was my case, it´s just a matter of 20-30 tsukuba sunday cup races to finish it off.
But you don´t need 500 races. That would be awful. (as if b-spec needed to be even more awful).
The R92CP does have 1027hp tuned, so it´s not a bug. It´s one of the few cars i´m still missing, but i know it´s supposed to have that much HP.
Toxa said:lol I saw L2ound in the photo album from GT Academy finals on facebook xD
seattle6418 said:Are you racing as well? Would be nice to have some GAF representation in the academy.