So, yesterday, I decided I'd give the chopper Michael was flying to Franklin, so he could get to some missions quickly. So I switched to Franklin, saw he was home, switched back to Michael, and flew over to his house. When I arrived, I was like "hold on.." and hovered the chopper near Franklin's house. Then I switched back (instantly, like in missions, which happens when they're close), put on better clothes on Franklin, all while Michael was just hovering outside his window. There was just something so awesome about that.
Then I swapped back to Michael, and flew a bit closer, and Franklin was like "Fancy seeing you here, Michael. Wanna hang out?" - I said yes, and landed the chopper at his garage, and Franklin made it through his house and joined me in the chopper. Then I went to the movies and saw The Loneliest Robot. Then I got drunk and flew Franklin to his destination. Then I swapped back to Franklin, because he was getting the chopper, after all. Then Franklin flew off while Michael walked to the nearest Coffee Beans.
It was just rather excellent.