Phire Phox
Anyone on here get all of a collectible or the stunt jumps? I barely have any of the collectibles :/
Anyone on here get all of a collectible or the stunt jumps? I barely have any of the collectibles :/
Ha, wow.
Is this a GAF first? Questionable mechanics are now part of GTAV's "satire," guys.
Seriously, as much as I am loving this game, the unwillingness to accept valid criticism is hitting an all-time high with this game.
I've not played this since achieving 100% completion.
I need some fun things to do.
Spend all this money on R&D for immersion
still let this late game bug happen
I found all of the collectibles, but there is no way I'm doing all 50 stump jumps.
I did 25 of them, and that was more than enough. I hate them so, so much.
There's stuff that isn't required for 100% completion. Check the R* Social Club site on your PC for a full list of things you haven't done (link your PSN/360 account to a R* account and sign in through the pause menu of the game, unless you've done it).I've not played this since achieving 100% completion.
I need some fun things to do.
How, have you just been walking around?65 hours and just under 40% complete. I'll still be playing single player for a while after multi comes out.
Is that really a bug? I thought it was just a byproduct of the way the game caches cars.
And finally with the mission "I Fought The Law..." this starts to feel like a buddy comedy. All the personalities and interaction worked great in that mission.
Yup, been complaining about in the thread before. It's a goddamn SUV fiesta sometimes.Spend all this money on R&D for immersion
still let this late game bug happen
So I beat the game but I never saw the scene from one of the trailers where Trevor is trying to flush a foot down a toilet. Did I miss that or was I just not paying attention when it happened?
63 Hours in. 98.27% Complete.
I just did that monster triathlon. My poor thumb. 2 more street races and 13 more stunt jumps to do for the 100%. Just a few other things then to clean up the rest. It's now that period of the calm before the storm.
You need the stunts jumps to get 100%? No, god please no, no, nooooooooooooo
Never saw this too
You need the stunts jumps to get 100%? No, god please no, no, nooooooooooooo
Only half of them.
Just 25 of the 50.. but I'll do them all for the trophy eventually just, they're a bit of a bastard in this at times.
Just 25 of the 50.. but I'll do them all for the trophy eventually just, they're a bit of a bastard in this at times.
The amount of stunt jump failures i've been receiving is infuriating.
The random side missions are all discovered, and some of them are more than they seem.
Thanks for confirming, I too was wondering where that scene is!
Except for everything that isn't a story mission.
Where do you get the Love Fist shirt for Trevor?
Yeah, I would say that it is.Question regarding the ending.
I assume C is the 'true' ending or am I missing something?
So I just completed the jewelry store heist, how far am I from unlocking trevor?
Just beat it! 84%, 18 hours 29 minutes as trevor, 18 hours and 6 minutes as michael, 17 hours 45 as frankin.
So I just completed the jewelry store heist, how far am I from unlocking trevor?
That's interesting to know. Waht game?Don't forget that this series exists thanks to a glitch in a racing game that made other cars ludicrously aggressive.
Obviously we're a ways beyond that now, but hyper cops is sort of a series staple.
So I just completed the jewelry store heist, how far am I from unlocking trevor?
So I beat the game but I never saw the scene from one of the trailers where Trevor is trying to flush a foot down a toilet. Did I miss that or was I just not paying attention when it happened?
Trevor's breathing down his neck lol.You just unlocked Trevor. Lol.
Whoever came up with the mission "The Last One" deserves a medal.
And whoever came up with these Epsilon grind missions deserves the opposite of a medal.
And whoever came up with these Epsilon grind missions deserves the opposite of a medal.
That person did research...And whoever came up with these Epsilon grind missions deserves the opposite of a medal.
Cause Resurgence Rundown
Also known as the "running program," the CRRD involves running circles around a pole 12 hours a day, for several days, while taking mineral supplements. The program is administered to people believed to have become "PDH" (Pain, Drugs and Hypnosis), or brainwashed against Scientology, to rid them of negative thoughts. Thought to be a form of punishment.
Took me 20 hrs to finish, but that was pretty much all story. I didn't want to do the side stuff again as I did the majority of those on 360.
My brother did get all the SP trophies except for the 200m one.
So I bought the Taxi Company the other day and I had to turn down the job the first time the dude called me cause I was doing something else. He then said something like "Oh I'm sorry, I knew I shouldn't have bothered you with that" and I haven't heard anything since...
Will he call me back again?