That's weird, I've definitely seen that happen before in GTAV.
Same here.
That's weird, I've definitely seen that happen before in GTAV.
No you need to buy them if you have the regular version. Only the special/collectors edition have them unlocked from the start.
GTA V patch update WISH LIST - hypothetically if R* were to release an update that addresses certain issues with the game.
- Cruise Control - mostly for boats/planes (auto-pilot). Having to hold down the trigger for long durations kinda sucks. SRIII had cruise control
- Hot button for map - It'd be great to not have to pause game, wait for load, click on map, then drop a marker.
- Wanted (police stars) is so temperamental - Seriously, I get the cops on me if I just look at a pedestrian wrong as Trevor. That's insane. I know he's batshit crazy, and must frighten people, but come on! I
was at the top of Chilidad, and I brushed a hiker while manuvering the platform up top to look out the viewing binnoculars. The hiker threatened to and called the cops. WTF?
Haha, thanks for this. Currently buzzing around downtown Los Santos.
(2^(31))-1 = 2147483647
If you go over that it will default to negative values.
That's exactly what I needed to know, thank you both!2147483647
What the hell? I just (cool death spoiler)got eaten by a fucking shark!
1: Remove the deadzone on the car steering, SO stupid and makes it difficult to make small adjustments properly ( results in twitchy car controls) and maybe a suspension system in-between IV and V.
Ok, so when changing characters, they'll choose a random outfit right? They don't just pick a random assortment of clothes, they always pick from one of your outfits? Where do you buy full outfits then? I've checked clothing stores and they only let you buy individual items
Can you elaborate more about the deadzone? What exactly is this? Are you saying the steering is too tight, or that you can't make sharp enough u-turns or something?
Also, anyone beat 161mph? (i'm sure you have)][/QUOTE]
I don't know how. Maybe it was a glitch or something or maybe you can go that fast?
124 for Michael and 117 for Trevor.
I don't know how. Maybe it was a glitch or something or maybe you can go that fast? i don't know.
124 for Michael and 117 for Trevor.
Things I would like to see in a patch:
* Hold d-pad down to bring up the map(having to pause, go into the menu, etc sucks)/have it use the phone
* Allow for extra garage space, say 50 cars or so. You can pick 4 rides to display and can select from all available vehicles using a simple menu/rotating preview system
* Allow for selection of a default vehicle for each character; I'm tired of using that pos that Franklin has
* Fix the impound system; just have it respawn in the garage if it's a vehicle we owned(maybe for a small fee)
* More purchasable property and mini-game to go along with them(bar hopping, bouncing, pleasing the celebs at your nightclub, owning a car lot and selecting what type of cars to sell, etc)
* Accurate graphs for the stock market
* QoL improvements like being able to adjust car audio volume, garage saving issues, helicopter deadzone improvement, etc
Why don't you have yourself a trophy for that son
Also, you can adjust car audio volume in the options. It's a universal audio options throughout all the vehicles. So if you meant car to car, and depending on the situation, then that'd be cool.
I don't know how. Maybe it was a glitch or something or maybe you can go that fast?
124 for Michael and 117 for Trevor.
Can you elaborate more about the deadzone? What exactly is this? Are you saying the steering is too tight, or that you can't make sharp enough u-turns or something?
Also, anyone beat 161mph? (i'm sure you have)
At least something good came out of that. I was in the middle of hunting certain collectibles when that happened.
They need to patch in:
1. More control customization options.
2. Ability to manually check stats. Forcing you to wait for it to scroll by is monumentally stupid.
I don't know how. Maybe it was a glitch or something or maybe you can go that fast?
124 for Michael and 117 for Trevor.
They should put back in the ability to leave the engine on when leaving a car. Right now, I'd guess it was left out due to an oversight.
Holding the d-pad down would be a good call. As of now I keep hitting it down to pull the small box map out further. So a hold would simply be the next step in progression.
I read an article (maybe kotaku) about some of the wish-they-didn't-do-that design choices R* made. One of 'em was the fact that we spend a lot of our time looking at the bottom left corner of our screen, always at that damn little map box to make sure we're on the right path. I know it's unavoidable, but once I read that I realized how true it is.
Also, you can adjust car audio volume in the options. It's a universal audio options throughout all the vehicles. So if you meant car to car, and depending on the situation, then that'd be cool.
Doesn't up/down on the right stick move the stats page?
It needs a pool of blood to work.They should put back in the ability to leave the engine on when leaving a car. Right now, I'd guess it was left out due to an oversight.
Also, I've seen clips of players doing a burnout on a person, and having blood spray around. How do you do that? Tried it myself, but nothing happens.
So, is there like no NOS?
Or unlocked later?
TL: DR: It makes the driving in game a lot less precise because of the affects it has.
In IV you could FULLY control a cars steering, meaning even VERY small adjustments on the analog stick would move the cars wheels in game, making it very good for making very small movements with the car when driving ( especially when driving fast)
In V ( and SD, SR and JC2) there is a small deadzone, like 20% or so of the analog sticks don't affect the cars handling at all, so to move the car you have to push further out with the analog sticks for the cars wheels to move. This makes it a lot harder to make small adjustments since it results in a more twitchy gameplay experience ( since you have to move the stick further out, you move the analog sticks faster outwards to move the car, resulting in less precise driving in game)
It's hard to explain but just mess around with the driving and you should notice it.
IV and Mafia 2 don't suffer from this, which is one of the reasons why they have some of the best driving in a game ( even better than some racing games)
IV's suspension system I also loved a lot too, so sad to see that almost fully removed in V. It made the cars feel a lot more... alive in a sense.
Brucie was funny but that was about it.GTAIV wasn't as funny, right? V is just laugh out loud hilarious."We have received some reports about problems with cars and garages, particularly after upgrading and then completing a mission, and are looking into this now," explained Rockstar. "Unfortunately, we do not currently have a workaround to recover a car if it is missing."
While Rockstar is still investigating the cause of this issue, the developer stated that it thinks this may occur if you drive another character's personal vehicle. "In the meantime, please try to avoid parking a car in a garage, driving one already in a garage, or getting in a default vehicle, when playing as a character other than the one with your upgrades."
Rockstar also made sure to note that cars parked in one character's garage will not appear in another character's safe house. That part's not a glitch, but simply a design decision.
Oh man, it sounds like the kind of thing you don't even know exists until someone brings it to your attention, and then it's all you can think about
But I get ya. That's annoying, especially if you're aware of it and realize how quickly it could be patched or fixed. And per the weight and suspension of the vehicles in IV, It'd be nice to have some of that back, but really, I enjoy the driving in V. The cars aren't nearly as weighted as before, but the criticism from people about the difficulties associated with IV is what made R* make it more 'arcade-y'
Do you mean holding "down" on the d-pad or holding "up" on the d-pad? Pressing and holding "down" brings up the character select.
You're right, my mistake! haha. I knew that. So yes, the select button would be more appropriate.
I put 20k into this supercar and parked it in the garage of my aunt's house. Then I complete a mission and I'm automatically moved into another home. When I get there, the garage is empty.
?????? What's the point of finding new cars if they just disappear?
Yeah it sucks, its a bug that they are working on you can look at my above post.I put 20k into this supercar and parked it in the garage of my aunt's house. Then I complete a mission and I'm automatically moved into another home. When I get there, the garage is empty.
?????? What's the point of finding new cars if they just disappear?
I've really enjoyed the driving physics in GTA V due to how much faster and more flexible vehicles have become. Yes, mastering the controls and physics in GTA IV was incredibly fun, but I'd rather go 90 MPH off a rocky slope and feel the thrill and fear of either blowing up on contact or nailing the landing.
If GTA V had GTA IV physics most of the open landscape wouldn't mean jack shit. GTA IV also was lacking with the feel of speed when driving. The console versions of GTA IV had the vaseline filter automatically on for high speed driving.
Thrill, risks, and outright fear >>>> Realistic and heavy handed physics.
No you need to buy them if you have the regular version. Only the special/collectors edition have them unlocked from the start.
I don't think you buy them, each character just has one that shows up on the map.