So I've beat the story and am ~75% done. Can someone tell me whatis?? I've been looking around in-game and have no idea.KIFFLOM
You can race on motorcycles?
Taking the 801RR for a spin around San Andreas.
The Social Club website keep saying that I have stocks in Vapid, but in-game it doesn't show any. This bothers me more than it should.
Epsilon missions - anyone else have an issue with the robes not appearing in your closet?
My Franklin looks appropriately swagger now.
And yes, I purposedly drove my car into the pool so they could both be in the picture, even tho it kinda ruins both. That's how rich I am!
Oh god you must teach me how to make this R Kelly look.
The economy is so broken. The stock market might be my least favorite addition to the game when combined with the lackluster property ownership. Rockstar needs to go watch Scarface and play Vice City again because they must've forgot how to do and properly pace a "rags to empire" story.
Driving in this game drunk in real ilfe is awsome.
Glitch Flying again on my stream if anyone is interested.
Does anyone else find the game way too easy and the missions not that enjoyable?
I'm about half way through and I can't remember the last mission I failed. They all seem over designed too, for example the mission for the producer. Even the heists and big 3-hero missions so far have been so restrictive, for the FIB guyswhere you have to scare the guy by flying the chopper, it tells you to approach stealthily and then you just follow the path from one ladder to anotherparking the getaway car didnt matter at all, the masks/trucks were busywork and the mission basically played itself
No. Best set of story missions in the series for my money. By a long shot.Does anyone else find the game way too easy and the missions not that enjoyable?
also: the invincibility cheat has been found.
also: the invincibility cheat has been found
Yeeeeeees. Time to go on some rampages.
Without a doubt the greatest open world action game I have ever played.
and got this little treasure while playing
So somebody created a website to track the BAWSAQ in more detail.
also: the invincibility cheat has been found.
The economy is so broken. The stock market might be my least favorite addition to the game when combined with the lackluster property ownership. Rockstar needs to go watch Scarface and play Vice City again because they must've forgot how to do and properly pace a "rags to empire" story.
Yup. Hell of an ending to this generation from Rockstar.Without a doubt the greatest open world action game I have ever played.
Hmm weird. I'll try ordering it again I guess.Right when I bought them a second time, I got an email saying I received them. I was at Michael's house that time. The email says "wait 24 hours for delivery" but that sounds like BS.
I suspect certain hairstyles are unlockables. I've beaten the story. Check your local barber.
I just did the (75% mission spoilers)mission with Franklin and it made me realize there's a criminal lack of shooting missions where you get to tee off on baddies. The overzealous wanted system is a real fucking buzzkill.Fresh Meat
Good!You will be happy with some upcoming missions atleast.
Personally I think 5 had a good balance of it after IV felt like nothing but a gauntlet of that stuff.
well, it looks like my stats are glitched. my misc. and the strangers and freaks missions I've done won't add to the 100%. I'm at 80% too
my misc stopped at 7/16 and the freaks stat stopped at 17/20
I'm kind of digging the whole stock market thing. I mean if I got enough to purchase everything from just the heists I would've never tried the stock market. But now I'm among the rest who are investing millions and waiting to see if I can turn that into billions. I didn't wait until end game to do the Lester missions and easily earned tens of millions in the stock market in just one day.
I don't think the economy is broken as much as it isn't what many were expecting. I never had to purchase armor, ammo or much in the way of weapons during the game, and the checkpoints keep me from needing to spend 5k on medical bills in mission, so I thought it was the most forgiving of the GTAs in that respect.
I don't get the impression that they were even going for that. If they did that same rags to empire thing every single time, the series would get pretty stale. It would be like Final Fantasy, where you are always starting with a small local story and then end up saving the world by the end.
I like that this game is about psychotic crooks instead.