I want Tricia & Michele DLC
With troll tits.
Don't understand why Michael doesn't justcap Trevor whenever he lets his guard down and be done with it. So many opportunities. I mean just whip out a pistol and pop him when he's not looking or something, wtf lol. Ah well, guess it needs to be this way since it's a game.
Don't understand why Michael doesn't justcap Trevor whenever he lets his guard down and be done with it. So many opportunities. I mean just whip out a pistol and pop him when he's not looking or something, wtf lol. Ah well, guess it needs to be this way since it's a game.
Michael outfit question
So do you actually get the scuba effect when you wear the scuba outfit after the heist?
Also, is there any way to get flippers to go faster underwater?
Don't understand why Michael doesn't justcap Trevor whenever he lets his guard down and be done with it. So many opportunities. I mean just whip out a pistol and pop him when he's not looking or something, wtf lol. Ah well, guess it needs to be this way since it's a game. Just about to start the Union Depository (THE BIG ONE!) heist.
I haven't gotten to the end, so please don't spoil that.
I think you can only get the scuba gear while riding in certain boats. You can get the gear for sure while driving the dinghy you get for a stranger mission Michael gets, or the submarine you get access to when you buy a property.
Because he secretly enjoys it. Trevor personifies the chaos he loves in this type of life.
Oh...you mean the dinghy that I just beached cause I was going full speed while watching a movie on my second screen? lol....dammit
[Intro to Trevor spoiler], is also so depressing for me personally when I have to carry this shitty Mac around all the time..Reflect back on being stomped into oblivion
Michael outfit question
So do you actually get the scuba effect when you wear the scuba outfit after the heist?
Also, is there any way to get flippers to go faster underwater?
Edit:Ok you don't get the scuba "effect" with the suit
Doesn't anyone find Trevor just a bit too lame? I find all the characters pretty bad, but Trevor just comes across as such a try hard character.
I now have two Adder's stashed away in my garage. I'm a happy man.
I think someone on another board spoiled me the ending only when I got 4 missions to finish the story. Someone let me know if this is something significant please.
Something about Maywather hiding a huge submarine.
I think someone on another board spoiled me the ending only when I got 4 missions to finish the story. Someone let me know if this is something significant please.
Something about Maywather hiding a huge submarine.
They haven't so far, touch wood.You won't be happy when they vanish without a trace!
I think someone on another board spoiled me the ending only when I got 4 missions to finish the story. Someone let me know if this is something significant please.
Something about Maywather hiding a huge submarine.
I think someone on another board spoiled me the ending only when I got 4 missions to finish the story. Someone let me know if this is something significant please.
Something about Maywather hiding a huge submarine.
This is awesome. I'll share my own anecdote. It's what happened right before GTAV killed my PS3. (I salvaged the save and now await a new PS3 Slim this Wed.)So, I got into a cab and didn't skip the drive, because I was driving to a mission and I didn' t want to possibly miss anything if i happened to skip it. Anyway, I come back into my room and there is like a 10 car pile up in front of me and cops everywhere and people literally running out of their car on the highway onto incoming traffic and getting run over. And like 40+ cars piled up behind me. I then I tell the cab driver to hurry up just see what will happen and he starts slamming into the front of this car and then backing up at 100mph into the front of another. I was dying. Too good.
Don't worry
You have quite a ways to go still.
No ending spoilers, just an answer to the questionI don't think that such a thing is even in the game, but either way it has nothing to do with the ending.
You have 4 missions left? You already dealt with what they are talking about like 40 missions ago.
But I guess GTA doesn't really do subtlety or nuance though, huh.
I don't remember dealing with that at all. My memory is something else, and I turned 26 just two days ago
It's a pity, since the great effort from the actors and all those involved with the production isn't matched by the juvenile writing. At some point the series needs to move past the Family Guy humor . . . but there's no incentive when it sells so well, and is received so favorably.
It's a pity, since the great effort from the actors and all those involved with the production isn't matched by the juvenile writing. At some point the series needs to move past the Family Guy humor . . . but there's no incentive when it sells so well, and is received so favorably.
I have finished the game and I don't remember hearing this Epic music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAuQMzJaA-I
Anybody know on which mission this music plays?
Does anything actually come out of Hushamush.com(the dating site in the game)? Do you get to actually meet any of the people on it?
I think the way the satire is so blunt and no one in the game seems to notice is precisely the point. It's trying to say, "These problems are plain for all to see, but nobody in mainstream America seems to pick up on them."Has Houser even proved he can be a decent writer? Every game he's involved in has basically the same plot with the same characters and weak satire or overall writing style.
Like as much as I enjoy the talk show out in the country and how they pick on republicans they do it in such an obvious manner. They'll talk about how racist they are and how liberals use their fancy education and how we don't need none of that stuff! I'm sitting there thinking to myself can you really not do any better than that? Can't even make it a little more subtle than that?
I don't think so. You don't even get billed when paying the $500 fee to "join" the site.
There are a lot of sites with videos that don't work when you try to see them, saying they're down due to high demand or something. I'm not sure if that's by design or not because I have seen videos on some sites before but when I went back to them a day later they'd also say down to high demand.
I don't think so. You don't even get billed when paying the $500 fee to "join" the site.
There are a lot of sites with videos that don't work when you try to see them, saying they're down due to high demand or something. I'm not sure if that's by design or not because I have seen videos on some sites before but when I went back to them a day later they'd also say down to high demand.
I think the way the satire is so blunt and no one in the game seems to notice is precisely the point. It's trying to say, "These problems are plain for all to see, but nobody in mainstream America seems to pick up on them."
For example, the TV commercial paid for by an oil company, saying slow-moving windmills are a danger to the bird population and San Andreas should return to the "bird-friendly" alternative of smokestacks spewing noxious fumes. If real-life had truth in advertising, that's the kind of commercial we'd get from oil and gas. Even in real-life, this should be plainly evident by their actions, but the point is that even when we see it right before our very eyes, most Americans carry on as usual.
I guess, if that's what they're really going for anyway. It's just when I see those commercials in real life I can already see through the bullshit so having a game spell them out to me isn't doing much for me. That kind of satire worked a lot better for me in the GTA3-SA days when I was a lot dumber and more oblivious to what was going on around me as most 13-15 year olds are.
I wouldn't even call it satire. GTA is just an exaggeration of our world.
Anybody else besides me going for 1000 Achievement score/Platinum Trophy?
Do you need to Gold every mission to get 100%?