Wait... According to the achievement hunting map there's hidden packages in the game?
lol...I have over 50 hours played and had no idea. I knew about the letters and spaceship parts but is there anything associated with the packages?
They're not the same as the old ones. I think there's only about 12, and they're money. Between 12 and 25k that I've found.
Is there a way to get thepermanently post-game?James Bond car
Finally got into the Trevor part of the game....yes, I'm slow with these games. Is it wrong that I'm having the most fun with this character vs the others?
Finally got into the Trevor part of the game....yes, I'm slow with these games. Is it wrong that I'm having the most fun with this character vs the others?
Minor vehicle spoiler I guess...
So I was watching a stream over the week-end and the guys were driving some kind pimped up ATV that looked like a miniature truck or something. Is that something you get through the Custom shop or it's something else?
Ron gives Trevor a hot rod ATV after you beat the game
I can't believe collecting allnets you50 spaceship partsThat is a huge letdown for the effort involved.a crappy moonbuggy.
Yeah, can't believe people thought damage was toned down.
Setting a waypoint is awful in this game. I'm really tired of getting near where I want to go and then all of a sudden being redirected down some highway or street that doesn't lead there at all. Quite frankly, the whole map system in this game should've been completely overhauled.
That's a beautiful ride!
[Intro To Trevor HATE]Having him destroy Johnny K like that after fucking his girl made me so angry! We protected that man- tried to hold the pieces of The Lost together- then we're chasing 'em down, killing Terry and Clay! I wonder what happened to Angus... Trevor showed no mercy- that gang was definitely on the outs, but it was such an unexpected cameo/quick death!
Ohhhhhh right forgot about that. I got the message from Ron saying he left me a present but forgot to check back at the house.... Cool.
Other question... How do the stunt jump work exactly? Everytime I jump on one I always fail it but I have no idea why? Except for the times I really miss the landing of course but sometimes it looks totally fine and I still fail it.
I honestly think that one of the themes of the game is that hard work does not always net rewards, because it happens far too often to be coincidence. And it's funny.
I was thinking that perhaps they were being nice not locking away some god tier item behind something so tedious, but at least give me something worthwhile.
Ron gives Trevor a hot rod ATV after you beat the game
I really wish there was a jetpack in the game...not because it's cool (well that too..) but because it makes getting all the collectible so much easier.
Man they really need to patch this cop system. You can't even dive out of a plane without getting a star in this game, although by the time you parachute down it's usually gone. It's still kind of ridiculous though.
I got zero money for collecting the letters but you don't hear me complaining about that.See, with that kind of attitude, I'm glad you didn't get anything niceit's all about the journey. I learned that getting the pigeons in GTAIV.
I honestly think that one of the themes of the game is that hard work does not always net rewards, because it happens far too often to be coincidence. And it's funny.
Regarding the ending decision... I chose C but...
I chose deathwish because I ain't about betraying my bros.... however, if you choose to kill Michael/Trevor do you actually do it? As in will that character die and you won't be able to play them in the end game?
Finally got into the Trevor part of the game....yes, I'm slow with these games. Is it wrong that I'm having the most fun with this character vs the others?
I chose deathwish because I ain't about betraying my bros.... however, if you choose to kill Michael/Trevor do you actually do it? As in will that character die and you won't be able to play them in the end game?
I don't really have a problem with it. I just go hide behind something for 30 seconds. Or just leave the area. I guess it is the result of the crowd AI now having the ability to call 911 straight from their cell phones.
I honestly think that one of the themes of the game is that hard work does not always net rewards, because it happens far too often to be coincidence. And it's funny.
Trevor yes, although I think you can save Michael at the last minute
Can anyone give me some direction on how to get thefor thehelicopterheist? Does it have to be the specific one marked on the map? (in theMerriweatherArmy Base?
I actually chose the other option, but am watching my roommate try and do this and it seems crazy.
I seem to recall somebody posting a video interview with the three main cast members. Anybody have a link please?
Man, GTA needs to stay where it is. Not everything needs to take itself seriously. There are so few games that even try to be funny and comedic.
When I first got Trevor I was trying to get into one of the t-shirt stores and this woman, who I was several feet away from, starting screaming saying she'll call the cops. I was unarmed and doing nothing. She called the cops as I was entering the store, I could no longer use the store, and the cops swarmed at my location like crazy.
I mean I know Trevor is crazy, but come on.
OK thanks for the tip.You did. There's several cranes in that area and this one's kind of hugging a building. It's a really goddamn long climb too, like 5 minutes real time almost. While you're up there make sure you climb the extra tiny ladder at the top to get to a platform that has a collectible up there (paper I think). Would suck to have to climb that again after parachuting.
There really hasn't been a great talk radio station in a GTA since Vice City. I like a few of the shows in 5 but they're too short and there's not enough of them so it feels like they all cycle through each other really fast. I think I've heard chakra attack about 30 times already.
Holy crap.