I'm hoping for 5am-ish tomorrow on XBL. Wake up earlier before work and create my character. Mess around for a few then head to work. (that's ideal. I doubt that will happen. servers will be hammered.)
I'm hoping for 5am-ish tomorrow on XBL. Wake up earlier before work and create my character. Mess around for a few then head to work. (that's ideal. I doubt that will happen. servers will be hammered.)
If there's one good thing this game did it's that it finally helped me understand that old South Park episode where everyone thinks a goat is Stevie Nicks. Never got that until I heard her song on the rock station in this game.
Why so long? I enjoy some of her stuff but the goat thing is something her vocals sometimes reminded me off before that SP episode, might have to do with my being around goats a lot back when I was a kid. That song really does hammer the point home though.
There really hasn't been a great talk radio station in a GTA since Vice City. I like a few of the shows in 5 but they're too short and there's not enough of them so it feels like they all cycle through each other really fast. I think I've heard chakra attack about 30 times already.
Yeah, mostly disappointed with the talk radio, especially WCTR. I didn't like Chakra Attack the first time I heard it, I absolutely hate it now. It's not funny or interesting and probably doesn't help that I've never been a fan of JB Smoove. When I see it on I avoid the station. BCTR is a bit better but both stations got old really fast, I dunno if it's the lack of over all content on them or just that they're not that funny that made it so, maybe both.
I've encountered a glitch that is preventing me from progressing in the game.
In the FIB mission where you need to get the nerve gas from the facility, I get to the point where you need to kill all of the military near the exit. I kill them all, and then Dave and Steve go out of cover and just stand there. The objective still says to kill all the military, but there are no more, and my AI guys just stand there and won't move. I try running out but nothing happens. There is nothing I can do to advance the mission. I tried restarting and it does it again.
I've encountered a glitch that is preventing me from progressing in the game.
In the FIB mission where you need to get the nerve gas from the facility, I get to the point where you need to kill all of the military near the exit. I kill them all, and then Dave and Steve go out of cover and just stand there. The objective still says to kill all the military, but there are no more, and my AI guys just stand there and won't move. I try running out but nothing happens. There is nothing I can do to advance the mission. I tried restarting and it does it again.
Really want to go to this, but I would have no way to get home. I hear that the Flying Lotus afterparty at LPR has an open bar. He probably won't come on until like 1AM though.
Who would use an invincibility cheat on a mission? But it's great for the after game when you're bored, sometimes you just want to play Rambo without consequences. Or use the Skyfall cheat with it and make GTA V the best Saints Row IV. It's lame that they limit whatever fun could be taken with the cheat.
Who would use an invincibility cheat on a mission? But it's great for the after game when you're bored, sometimes you just want to play Rambo without consequences. Or use the Skyfall cheat with it and make GTA V the best Saints Row IV. It's lame that they limit whatever fun could be taken with the cheat.
radioactive waste if you have the sub.
No sub? swim underwater NW of Paleto Bay for a $12K briefcase of cash near the underwater plane wreckage, switch characters to refresh teh case.
There's a case with $25k west-ish, northwest of the pier with the ferris whale too.
radioactive waste if you have the sub.
No sub? swim underwater NW of Paleto Bay for a $12K briefcase of cash near the underwater plane wreckage, switch characters to refresh teh case.
There's a case with $25k west-ish, northwest of the pier with the ferris whale too.
So I walked up to this group of people doing yoga in Mirror Park during the morning hours thinking it might be cool to join in or something. Naturally this level of immersion isn't built into the game, and the group ended up taking offense to my standing around and started a fist fight. I murdered them all.
Can I ask in what world does a cellphone take a photo like the phones in this game? Scanlines and vignetting don't show on any cellphone I've ever shot with. I can get a nicer image shooting off-screen with my real phone.
Thats nothing. Climb to the tip top of Mt. Chiliad and check out the weird diagram inside of that small utility building or whatever it is. Someone on here posted a video of two dudes probing into some weird theory involving the
placement and the three little boxes on the diagram with drawings in them. One of those drawings surely looks like someone with a jetpack on.
I wouldn't be surprised if its hidden somewhere in the world, but hidden under really strict guidelines. (100% in game and on Social Club, certain time of day, weather permitting, clothing worn, etc.)
Already well aware of the UFO appearance that requires this, though.
I took a cab to the destination and the dialogue started going off but the car was invisible. Here's the result:
I can drive around like this and it has collisions, it's just invisible for some reason
How does that social club stuff work? Do I need that and can I only sign up via PC and then have to link my PS3 afterwards or will that be done ingame somehow?