We're scooter buddies!
Eyefind is your friend. They have their own web site.
GTA: Pokemon Edition.So after many failed attempts I finally manage to find the jet in the milatary base. I get in and take off. It's tense. They're still firing missiles at me and shit. As I'm flying away from the base a missile hits me but I don't go down. Phew I'm thinking. I get out of their line of sight and fly around for a while to lose my wanted level(seriously fuck off with how long that takes Rockstar). So I'm thinking hellz to the yeah once I lose it. Just fly it back to my hangar, save the game and I've got a military jet. Awesome. So I come up to the runway and ever so gently land it. Then the fucking thing breaks down. IT BREAKS DOWN WHEN I LAND THE FUCKING THING! It won't fly. It doesn't even let me enter it anymore. All that for nothing. I'm not a happy bunny.
Is anyone else having problems with Rockstar Social Club tracking their non-mission progress?
These are all screens from my game, but the only one that stayed up to date for the 100% was missions, everything else stagnated at one date and won't update to reflect me completing them...
Also on a separate note, does anyone have a link to a post/guide explaining EXACTLY how to manipulate the Lester missions to get the maximum profit for all three characters? Just finished the game last night and want to do those now.
So after many failed attempts I finally manage to find the jet in the milatary base. I get in and take off. It's tense. They're still firing missiles at me and shit. As I'm flying away from the base a missile hits me but I don't go down. Phew I'm thinking. I get out of their line of sight and fly around for a while to lose my wanted level(seriously fuck off with how long that takes Rockstar). So I'm thinking hellz to the yeah once I lose it. Just fly it back to my hangar, save the game and I've got a military jet. Awesome. So I come up to the runway and ever so gently land it. Then the fucking thing breaks down. IT BREAKS DOWN WHEN I LAND THE FUCKING THING! It won't fly. It doesn't even let me enter it anymore. All that for nothing. I'm not a happy bunny.
I don't think that the percent is updating correctly either, unless 4 missions take up 23 percent....The only thing that seems to update for me is the overall percent completed. The rest(money, missions, top speed, etc) haven't updated in FOREVER.
Some really amazing stuff in that 100 list from IGN
72) You can hide in bushes to escape from police.
I've tried this, didn't work.
I borrowed the copy of my room mate and it seems to work. I'm going to get a new copy tomorrow...
I am almost nearing the end of the game. I still have a few strangers and activities left. I've heard. Does completing the game locks out anything? Can someone tell me without spoiling the missions/ending?there are three endings
Just make a save point after the last heist. Spoilerish if you're really really worried about it:I borrowed the copy of my room mate and it seems to work. I'm going to get a new copy tomorrow...
I am almost nearing the end of the game. I still have a few strangers and activities left. I've heard. Does completing the game locks out anything? Can someone tell me without spoiling the missions/ending?there are three endings
I've tried this, didn't work.
Just make a save point after the last heist. Spoilerish if you're really really worried about it:Two of the options lock stuff out. It's advised you pick the last option. You can replay the other choices and view the other endings with the Replay Mission feature in the pause menu.
I've tried this, didn't work.
I've tried this, didn't work.
I've tried this, didn't work.
I've tried this, didn't work.
I've tried this, didn't work.
Some really amazing stuff in that 100 list from IGN
I only picked 1 ending, but afterwards I was able to replay all 3.
Question about the private Taxi Fare trophy (spoilers)
I got the taxi private fare call and all of a sudden, I got hit by a car and got a text message it was inappropriate for me to do the job. If that's the case, will I still get the call or am I extremely screwed for that trophy?
from reddit:
Spending time with the family..
Its already October 1st. I need my GTA Online naaooow
Its already October 1st. I need my GTA Online naaooow
The TV is awesome in this game.
If you haven't taken a free hour or so, please just do so. The singing contest show left me in stitches.
I finally finished the story. Talk about an ending/last mission that felt rushed, it could have easily been several well planned and intense missions but I guess they had to make room for the ~20 junk missions in the game where you do almost nothing. I also felt like the heists were extremely underwhelming except for the first one oddly enough. The planning for them was doing tedious and simple activities that also counted as story missions when you finished them. As far as mission quality goes I think I have to rate this lower than San Andreas since there weren't as many memorable missions and too much filler in between the good ones. There's still too many go here and shoot 40 guys missions with nothing in those to spice it up but it is an improvement over GTA 4 still. Rockstar's slowly getting the quality of their missions back up to where it was in 2004.
I really enjoyed the game overall and it's refreshing to finally play a game that lives up to its hype and isn't a complete disappointment. I hope they make heist DLC packs down the road that are more diverse and have you doing crazier things then you do in the main game, preferably in some of the many areas of the map that we didn't get to go to.
It'll pop back up eventually as Franklin.