Oh and BTW, you people who said this was anywhere close to MP3 combat are crazy. Ka-razy. I'm even more sure of that now. The gunplay heavy Michael missions are proof enough. There are 2 of them that could literally be ripped straight from MP3, except they don't play anywhere near as well. I maintain that this is one step above GTAIV, same level as RDR.
Basically this. Much better than RDR, but not at MP3's level.I think it's better than RDR but not as good as MP3
I cannot load the stupid story mode!!! It just loads for ever!!!Corrupted save game????
I'm not starting this game over!!!!!!!
edit:: Delete my save game, forced a reload of the autosave one which was two minutes later, and now I'm fine!
Did you download the update earlier today?
I think it's better than RDR but not as good as MP3
I think it's better than RDR but not as good as MP3
Has anyone had any luck with being able to switch characters in the sp after trying GTA online? I don't have a recent save to load other than the one I'm having trouble with. Has rockstar mentioned if this would be fixe or am I just shit out of luck? This is rediculous! How did this not get noticed in QA?
Sweet! So the garage bug is fixed? Time to go on a car-collecting spree then.
Anyone know how long one day in-game is in real world minutes
Think its 48mins
Holy shit. I'm trying to pass 10 days for the epsilon robe thing. I have to let 8 hours pass or save/sleep 40 times?!
Ha, I'm doing the same right now. Also left the PS3 running for nough time to pass to do a race,since I can't be arsed to hoof it back home and save to skip time
The flying controls: fuck
San Andreas is still the best gta was my exact thoughts after beating the game. Still a great game without question, but SA and VC are just on another level.
The Story: The ending in particular kinda just happens and as awesome as the cast is, it kinda peters out in terms of plot. I like the ending tho. The plot itself meanders a bit.
You have to be kidding me with this Epsilonmission. Rockstar is having a damn laugh.walking
You have to be kidding me with this Epsilonmission. Rockstar is having a damn laugh.walking
You should play VC again now to find out just how little content there is in that game. This game blows it away, maybe not with atmosphere and soundtrack, but in everything that matters for a video game.
I don't even know if I would say SA is better. For me the 2 most important aspects of open world games are its mission quality/diversity and the amount of interesting side content it has. SA has much better and more diverse missions than this game but the side content is pretty much equal since 5 brought almost everything from SA back. I'm not sure if I would trade all of the modern engine, graphical and mechanic improvements in 5 for better and more diverse missions. It's a tough call.
I haven't even started those Epsilon missions, this doesn't sound good. Is it worse than that 3rd triathlon ?
I don't see how it's better than RDR, really. Red Dead had better sound, shooting from a moving "vehicle" was more intuitive, it had better close quarters execution kills, it had better gun feedback (simulated recoil and more pronounced enemy reactions), better crosshairs, and it had a health system that fit the game more. Plus you could crouch, and switch shoulders while aiming.
You should play VC again now to find out just how little content there is in that game. This game blows it away, maybe not with atmosphere and soundtrack, but in everything that matters for a video game.
I don't even know if I would say SA is better. For me the 2 most important aspects of open world games are its mission quality/diversity and the amount of interesting side content it has. SA has much better and more diverse missions than this game but the side content is pretty much equal since 5 brought almost everything from SA back. I'm not sure if I would trade all of the modern engine, graphical and mechanic improvements in 5 for better and more diverse missions. It's a tough call.
Was at 4.8 miles.....randomly said I abandoned theand I never left the orange area. Holy shit.pilgrimage
To the first bolded...really?
To the second. I'm not even sure how it's a question in your mind. SA was great for it's time but controls like dog shit in comparison. The graphical upgrade goes a long way toward atmosphere which also wipes the floor with SA to me. SA was the pinnacle before this game. Couldn't go back now. I haven't once felt the frustration I used to in certain SA missions.
The cops having simpleton radar instead of just being omnipresent is a godsend alone, man.
At what point does the parachute get unlocked in Ammu-Nation?
Why the fuck does it take so long to load the damn game? I've been waiting for like 5 minutes. It feels like I'm waiting for it to install......................
edit: fuck this
ending spoilers
just watched the other two endings.... Those seem real out of character for Franklin honestly. He would never kill Trevor. Michael would but not franklin and the Michael option feels dumb too..like why would he listen to Weston anyway...yeah those are very bad endings.