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Grand Theft Auto V |OT2| <Title available for purchase>

Forgot it had to be at night, thanks. Found a new race icon.

78% and I want to get that 100%. All seems pretty fun except for the 2 collectathons. Not looking forward to those. They were lenient on the 100% requirements, except there :(

They were too lenient. Also you only need 25 out of 50. :p


Im a bit disappointed, I was labaled as a bad sport with only 11 hours left to go back to the regular servers. Then I get back on and it now says 1 day 10 hours. I havent blown up anyones car, kinda turning me off on this game...



Oh, question. Everyone says leave Lester missions alone for the end. But I am setting up a Heist with Mike and Trevor and Lester called and said I had to do his first (for Frank). Is that right?

One is mandatory. Leave the rest for post-end clean up and follow a stock market guide for each mission (including the first mandatory one).

There is a mandatory after LifeInvader?


When I get home in an hour, I have 2 measly Stunt Jumps to complete for 100%, then it's full-bore online! No desire to Platinum at the moment.


I had a few hours to kill yesterday so I decided to follow IGNs cheat map and get all the notes/spaceship parts. I think i covered everything bit im missing like 3 of each. so goddam pissed. dnno how to go about finding them. I assume all 50 are in fact on that map.


Unconfirmed Member
I must apologise to a few of the folk here who talked about the movement of this and Max Payne 3 and I said GTA V was better in movement terms (compared to MP3 on console). Utter fucking nonsense on my part. (apologies especially to you Net_Wrecker :p )

I seen Max Payne 3 on the cheap for PS3 a few days (£7 in Asda) and decided to pick it up despite already owning it on 360 and PC. Unlike when I played the 360 version I managed to get the controls just right and feeling good. Fuck me, I love the combat in MP3 so much. Max is a bit slow but the movement, turning, taking cover and shooting from the ground - it all feels so damn fantastic and the combat is an absolute joy in both movement and shooting. Whilst bullet time DOES give you an advantage I still found myself able to react quicker compared to GTA Vs shooting. PC is still my favourite way to play it but I had so much fun playing through the whole thing again on console. Something like my 6th time playing through it :p

Anyway in relation to GTA V I'm still really surprised they didn't just lift that whole system but I still don't think it's awful. Whilst the one thing that stood out in comparing the two was the character weight in GTA V and how heavier it is I feel with a few tweaks they could make V's much better. For a start when you have a weapon out you should be constantly in combat jog. I noticed how much better this was when playing a deathmatch last night, my character never seemed to leave combat jog and it was just more fun to play that way. As well as making the aiming reticule better and always on screen I think that would improve it tenfold. Still, maybe with GTA VI we'll get a perfect combination of both.


The problem isn't the actual shooting, it's how bad movement during combat still is, not to mention the dynamic crosshair (which should be permanent), and "tap to sprint" which shouldn't be a thing anymore. I never used auto aim, and it's still a clear step down from the best of shooters, of which Rockstar has one of the top contenders in terms of mechanics. Then you layer in the Euphoria weirdness, the laser accurate enemies, the health system that doesn't fit the game; it's just a bunch of things that make combat, at times, disappointing for me, especially missions dealing with tight spaces, or a lot of cover and enemies pouring in from different directions.

It being "just the right mix of GTAIV and MP3" means there's still GTAIV in the DNA, which means there's still "terrible" in the DNA. GTAIV should be gone. All traces of that game, from a mechanic standpoint, should've been nuked from orbit. They already learned how to fix all the issues.

Well these are tracks being recorded directly from the game, so maybe that person just hasn't done it yet.


The ability to soft press the R Trigger to bring up the reticle from the hip fire/run & gun position eliminates a lot of these issues as far as I can tell. The camera shifts so slightly when you do this that it functions much like a persistent crosshair. There's also an intended delay when between releasing the trigger and exiting hip fire mode which allows you to sprint and roll without much difficulty.
When combat triggers you shouldn't have to do the half press of R2, it should just stay up and then 30 seconds after leaving combat it should go off unless you holster your weapon.

So I haven't been able to play since the night before the online launched, but saw a few people in here saying their single-player saves got fucked up after downloading the online update. Is that a widespread thing? Wondering if I can safely download this or if I should just hold off for now.

After 10 hours I would stop playing.

I see this a lot on GAF, people playing games that bore them. Life is too short brother. Move on to something else.

The save corruption shouldn't happen now that they disabled auto saving while switching to online.

After racking up a nice collection of random insta-deaths from things like that, seemingly mild fender benders, dogs that I didn't know were inside the vehicle of some random motorist I decided to jack, I got into the habit of abusing quicksave *constantly*. I refuse to lose that $5K.

5K is the hard cap though, my characters usually are broke/cash poor as almost all of their money is in HAL and Pisswasser.


Anyone still having issues online? My new character didn't do the first race and now got dropped in free mode. I think the character is bugged and I can't see any missions :/


Just spent like 10 minutes trying to get a Gold medal on Handgun Challenge 3 at the shooting range with the default pistol before realizing I could switch handguns, I thought each handgun had it's own challenges haha.

Received an update from Rockstar regarding the Singleplayer 'freezing' after completing 'Surveying the Score'

I realize the issue is with Singleplayer, Storymode. I sent you troubleshooting steps for singleplayer. The issue in singleplayer is related to the GTA Online update. Please complete the troubleshooting steps I sent you.
If you are still having issues we have been receiving reports that progress stops after certain missions because this issue is allowing the mission to be completed too early. Opening a previous save before completing the mission and completing the necessary missions before it can also solve the problem. Web sites like IGN, GTAForums, and YouTube offer guides and walk-throughs that can help you discern which missions need to be completed before Surveying the Score. Here are a few fixes that other players found:
"I fixed the problem by going to a save point BEFORE the "Surveying the score" mission and not completing it before Caida Libre or the Deep Inside missions. This allowed for the Minor Turbulence yellow start point to appear at Michael's house and there was no blue M there, only a green one for Franklin."
"Did you already do "Surveying The Score?" There is a bug where that mission and "Hang Time" pop up about 10 missions earlier than they are supposed to. Doing Surveying the Score early can skip the story ahead of time and make things disappear."
If you wouldn't mind, could you please the following detailed information so I can escalate this to the appropriate department and make sure that this issue is looked into and fixed.
Single or Multiplayer:
- If Single Player, what difficulty level?
- If Multiplayer, be specific to what each player did in order to reproduce the bug.
Steps to Reproduce:
1 - Launch Game
2 - From Main Menu
3 -
4 -
5 -
Detailed Description of the Issue:
If possible, please provide video and/or screenshots. Once we have this information, we'll be able to take a look into the issue and get back with you.
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Please let us know if you are still having issues after installing the recent update and/or completing these troubleshooting steps.

Credit to Rockstar for replying and being aware of the issue, but man that's one hell of a bug to allow to slip through the Q&A process. Allowing a mission point to trigger early and skip content!


Holy fuck... just completed the 3rd triathlon. If I would have failed that horrible thing, i don't know what I would have done.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
The problem isn't the actual shooting, it's how bad movement during combat still is, not to mention the dynamic crosshair (which should be permanent), and "tap to sprint" which shouldn't be a thing anymore. I never used auto aim, and it's still a clear step down from the best of shooters, of which Rockstar has one of the top contenders in terms of mechanics.

I really like how the cover system's distance has been buffed, the ability to swap to nearby cover has been added, and that hip-fire has been brought in from Max Payne. For me, apart from the occasional qwerks in Euphoria (present in every R* game since GTA IV, but less so here), it makes it a pleasure to move around a fight. Whereas MP3 has a John Woo balletic quality, GTA V goes for that 'down-n-dirty' Heat/Urban Combat style. I enjoy the fire fight's rhythm and welcome the difference, personally.

Then you layer in the Euphoria weirdness, the laser accurate enemies, the health system that doesn't fit the game; it's just a bunch of things that make combat, at times, disappointing for me, especially missions dealing with tight spaces, or a lot of cover and enemies pouring in from different directions.

The health system is much more convenient than previous entries and definitely has a place here. Even if enemies didn't damage you as hard as they do, I hated having to scour a map for a vest or health pack every time I wanted to do anything. The half regen thingy gives me enough breathing room to carry on a fight even if I'm on my last legs whilst not being OP like, say, Conviction.

It being "just the right mix of GTAIV and MP3" means there's still GTAIV in the DNA, which means there's still "terrible" in the DNA. GTAIV should be gone. All traces of that game, from a mechanic standpoint, should've been nuked from orbit. They already learned how to fix all the issues.

Nah, I liked the (as I said) grungy quality of the fire fights in GTA IV. I just didn't like wrestling with the controls. Now they've been massively revamped by mixing in the MP3 DNA, I'm a happy bunny.
I really like how the cover system's distance has been buffed, the ability to swap to nearby cover has been added, and that hip-fire has been brought in from Max Payne. For me, apart from the occasional qwerks in Euphoria (present in every R* game since GTA IV, but less so here), it makes it a pleasure to move around a fight. Whereas MP3 has a John Woo balletic quality, GTA V goes for that 'down-n-dirty' Heat/Urban Combat style. I enjoy the fire fight's rhythm and welcome the difference, personally.

The health system is much more convenient than previous entries and definitely has a place here. Even if enemies didn't damage you as hard as they do, I hated having to scour a map for a vest or health pack every time I wanted to do anything. The half regen thingy gives me enough breathing room to carry on a fight even if I'm on my last legs whilst not being OP like, say, Conviction.

Nah, I liked the (as I said) grungy quality of the fire fights in GTA IV. I just didn't like wrestling with the controls. Now they've been massively revamped by mixing in the MP3 DNA, I'm a happy bunny.

GTAIV is the worst feeling AAA game I played the entire generation. I didn't like how it felt on day 1, and I grew to dislike it more and more since. Any HINT of that game in GTAV irks me to no end. After Max Payne 3, the control mechanics and animations in that game should've been Old Yellered by Rockstar North never to be seen, felt, or heard from again. The fact that there are remnants of it in GTAV is enough to dock a point in a review IMO. It's unacceptable.

As for the distance on the cover system: I find it just makes cover more cumbersome. I'll often try to take cover on a pillar, or some thin object and be magnetized to a fence, or another wall, or some random desk, or whatever the environment is. You can barely cut off the cover animation, then it takes ages (relative to combat speed) to get off that piece of cover before you lose half of your life. It's still a janky feeling system IMO. And in regards to the health system: The characters are so weak, and the enemies so accurate that regen barely does anything. Same for vests. Without any strong visual feedback, you go from fully healed to near death in the span of 3 seconds and die without getting to react, partly because the enemies are so lethally accurate and partly because the mechanics aren't up to snuff. I'm not even kidding when I say Red Dead Redemption felt more coherent and comfortable in combat. On top of that you still take incredible amounts of damage from everything to the point that I wonder why they even upped the level of crazy if they were still going to make the player so fragile.

But man, you seem to have enjoyed aspects of GTAIV's combat, so we'll never agree on this. I'm obviously in the minority as all the 10/10s and 12 million+ sales show you.
You.. uh... you didn't like the combat in RDR...?

Again, pointing and shooting at dudes: Amazing. Even better than GTAV because the sound was top notch and the hit reactions were more dramatic. Moving around? One rung above GTAIV. Passable, barely. That game makes it work, though, wiith the Dead Eye mechanic, wider combat areas, fast close quarters executions, and a tougher main character. But at it's core, it's still not great. Good at times, mostly mediocre (aside from hit reactions and sound, like I mentioned)

Max Payne 3 is the first time a Rockstar shooter came together during gameplay IMO. I hope it's not the last.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Again, pointing and shooting at dudes: Amazing. Even better than GTAV because the sound was top notch and the hit reactions were more dramatic. Moving around? One rung above GTAIV. Passable, barely. That game makes it work, though, wiith the Dead Eye mechanic, wider combat areas, fast close quarters executions, and a tougher main character. But at it's core, it's still not great. Good at times, mostly mediocre (aside from hit reactions and sound, like I mentioned)

Max Payne 3 is the first time a Rockstar shooter came together IMO. I hope it's not the last.

Max Payne 3 is certainly their best shooter by far. I guess that's because it is strictly a shooter.

Yeah, I've never had a problem with RDR or GTA V. Judging from the general feeling on NeoGAF, I guess I have low standards XD


Yeah, I've never had a problem with RDR or GTA V. Judging from the general feeling on NeoGAF, I guess I have low standards XD
You're not alone. Combat feels good to me in both games, especially compared to other open-world games.

edit: I agree about characters being a bit too fragile, though, and body armor should be stronger. But I have no qualms about the game mechanically or control-wise.
Yeah, I've never had a problem with RDR or GTA V. Judging from the general feeling on NeoGAF, I guess I have low standards XD

I wouldn't say that at all. Most people seem to have no issue with either game's combat system, and GTAV has gotten hundreds and hundreds of "Game of the Generation" kind of reactions. It seems like MY standards are too high, but I'm not willing to lower them because if I can't be at peace with the controls, I can't fully enjoy the game. I'm picky, and I'll admit as much. I can't turn it off though, not for games that rely on their mechanics so heavily.

Which is funny because I'll go into a game like Beyond and lower my standards to the point that I'll end up enjoying that game while half of the forum hates it. #hypocrisy.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't say that at all. Most people seem to have no issue with either game's combat system, and GTAV has gotten hundreds and hundreds of "Game of the Generation" kind of reactions. It seems like MY standards are too high, but I'm not willing to lower them because if I can't be at peace with the controls, I can't fully enjoy the game. I'm picky, and I'll admit as much. I can't turn it off though, not for games that rely on their mechanics so heavily.

Which is funny because I'll go into a game like Beyond and lower my standards to the point that I'll end up enjoying that game while half of the forum hates it. #hypocrisy.

Nah, fair play, I see what you're saying. Controls are your link to the game world, so if they're getting in the way of that or you're constantly wrestling with them, it means you're concentrating on the controls rather than the game.

Put it like this: I'm the kind of person that liked the controls in Metal Gear Solid 1-3. XD

I wonder how much of those GOTG calls for GTA V are going to be tempered by the shitty Online launch...
Nah, fair play, I see what you're saying. Controls are your link to the game world, so if they're getting in the way of that or you're constantly wrestling with them, it means you're concentrating on the controls rather than the game.

Put it like this: I'm the kind of person that liked the controls in Metal Gear Solid 1-3. XD

I wonder how much of those GOTG calls for GTA V are going to be tempered by the shitty Online launch...

Oh dood, MGS 1-3. Oh man, you're crazy. I've beaten all 3 multiple times but man.....MAN. :lol

And lucky for me I never expected anything from GTAO. I knew from the jump that they were biting off more than they could chew on these consoles, at least in the early days. If the game felt like MP3 I'd be willing to suffer the brokenness for crazy run & gun strafing wars, but nah. I'll sit back and see what happens. I'm already juggling like 4 different games, and next-gen cometh. I'll let Rockstar sort that mess out.


Well...that's that then :)

The knife flights & stunt jumps were a bloody pain in the ass. I know many people here found them easy, but for some reason I just sucked at them

GTAIV is the worst feeling AAA game I played the entire generation. I didn't like how it felt on day 1, and I grew to dislike it more and more since. Any HINT of that game in GTAV irks me to no end. After Max Payne 3, the control mechanics and animations in that game should've been Old Yellered by Rockstar North never to be seen, felt, or heard from again. The fact that there are remnants of it in GTAV is enough to dock a point in a review IMO. It's unacceptable.

As for the distance on the cover system: I find it just makes cover more cumbersome. I'll often try to take cover on a pillar, or some thin object and be magnetized to a fence, or another wall, or some random desk, or whatever the environment is. You can barely cut off the cover animation, then it takes ages (relative to combat speed) to get off that piece of cover before you lose half of your life. It's still a janky feeling system IMO. And in regards to the health system: The characters are so weak, and the enemies so accurate that regen barely does anything. Same for vests. Without any strong visual feedback, you go from fully healed to near death in the span of 3 seconds and die without getting to react, partly because the enemies are so lethally accurate and partly because the mechanics aren't up to snuff. I'm not even kidding when I say Red Dead Redemption felt more coherent and comfortable in combat. On top of that you still take incredible amounts of damage from everything to the point that I wonder why they even upped the level of crazy if they were still going to make the player so fragile.

But man, you seem to have enjoyed aspects of GTAIV's combat, so we'll never agree on this. I'm obviously in the minority as all the 10/10s and 12 million+ sales show you.

So many times this. GTAV feels a step down from RDR when it comes to combat mechanics. Very disappointing.


Forgot it had to be at night, thanks. Found a new race icon.

78% and I want to get that 100%. All seems pretty fun except for the 2 collectathons. Not looking forward to those. They were lenient on the 100% requirements, except there :(

I had time to watch the whole Godfather trilogy over the weekend while collecting the ship parts and letter scraps lol

Lego Boss

The problem I'm having is that the single-player mode seems to be showing more glitches and pop-in since these online updates.

I'm glad (in a way) that it's not just me who's experiencing this. Game's SP performance has significantly declined since the 01/10.

Anyone know why that would be?


Anyone else love speeding down the highway or some barren road in Blaine County while blasting that Kelly Rowland song?

*And in that moment, Andrew sprouted a vagina*
how the hell do I get a garage?


Oops, sorry, thought this was the GTA Online thread!

In case you did mean GTA online:

Buy one. I think you have to be level 5 (which you'll get to very quickly if you just started).

Open your phone, go to the browser, go to the ... Dynasty8Realestate website or whatever it is. It's under money and services. On that site, you'll find a few dozen properties, garages, apartments, and so on. Pick a garage, click buy.

Some people said you get a free garage for joining the social club ... but ... I don't think that I did.

In case you didn't:

You get a 3 car garage by default, but I also think that you can guy them. Check the same website.

lil smoke

And it's barely any fun to kill people who are so unaware that you're about to wreck their day as well.


If you ask me from my experience with others, it seems that people have tons of fun ruining others' enjoyment online. The majority of random gamers online WANT to wreck your day.

lil smoke

After racking up a nice collection of random insta-deaths from things like that, seemingly mild fender benders, dogs that I didn't know were inside the vehicle of some random motorist I decided to jack, I got into the habit of abusing quicksave *constantly*. I refuse to lose that $5K.

Since then I have dumped all three characters money completely in the market. HAHA GAME. Hedge Funds.

Now I can walk around, steal and kill who AI want with no penalty but having to commute from a hospital.

Incidentally had a remarkable moment.

Trevor found a little hiding spot in Vepucci Beach, a little fenced slotted area where if you walk into it, there's only a 1 foot sliver of opening for a cop to see you.

Terror after terror, I clotheslined ladies, taunted and punched out men, scared the hell out of the boardwalk. I'd get my star and run to my place, 10 of 10 the cops would roll around, right past me, even with the 'view cones' lit on me. For a second there I thought I had discovered a serious crime grinding location in the game.

But I decided to up the anti, I started shooting folks. First time, got away with it, but the cops were actually on foot searching the boardwalk this time. They left the cars on middle of the walk. Next time, a little more, I sprayed 3 gatherers down, ran to my spot. THIS time, the cops come from the east, they split and search, someone finds me from a slight view above (I'm down a hill). After that it was on.

I was quite impressed by the little elevated effort and strategy by the cops there.


Well...that's that then :)

The knife flights & stunt jumps were a bloody pain in the ass. I know many people here found them easy, but for some reason I just sucked at them


I agree, knife flights and stunt jumps were the last thing I needed to do, almost threw the towel in.

If you needed any more than 8 knife flights or 25 jumps I would have never done it. so friggim frustrating, I'm glad the controllers are well built.


I agree, knife flights and stunt jumps were the last thing I needed to do, almost threw the towel in.

If you needed any more than 8 knife flights or 25 jumps I would have never done it. so friggim frustrating, I'm glad the controllers are well built.

I almost threw in the towel multiple times with those 2 remaining. I watched some YT vid of a guy doing all 50 of the knife flights...he made it look so easy. There were a couple there I would NEVER be able to do (notably one that is in an S shape...watch the vid and you'll see what I mean)

tbh...I thought 25 of the jumps was a little excessive, I was sick of doing them after about 12...but hey, it is their version of 100% completion...they have to make it kinda tricky.

I found the stump jumps alot easier with that $10k motorbike...the cars just flip over way too easily and can be a pain to land the jumps. The sanchez is ok as well, but it doesnt have enough speed for alot of the jumps.

All th rest of the jumps and knife flights can go to hell now, sure it isn't true 100% completion...but I'm done with it lol


I almost threw in the towel multiple times with those 2 remaining. I watched some YT vid of a guy doing all 50 of the knife flights...he made it look so easy. There were a couple there I would NEVER be able to do (notably one that is in an S shape...watch the vid and you'll see what I mean)

tbh...I thought 25 of the jumps was a little excessive, I was sick of doing them after about 12...but hey, it is their version of 100% completion...they have to make it kinda tricky.

I found the stump jumps alot easier with that $10k motorbike...the cars just flip over way too easily and can be a pain to land the jumps. The sanchez is ok as well, but it doesnt have enough speed for alot of the jumps.

All th rest of the jumps and knife flights can go to hell now, sure it isn't true 100% completion...but I'm done with it lol

Just out of curiosity, what is the point of playing a game out of frustration, just to get an arbitrary 100% marker? It doesn't unlock anything, as far as i know.


Just out of curiosity, what is the point of playing a game out of frustration, just to get an arbitrary 100% marker? It doesn't unlock anything, as far as i know.

Yes, its personal satisfaction I guess. If I left the game at 98.25% (or whatever it was) completion...it would be always nagging at me, but now I feel I can walk away and not turn back lol

There is also one strangers & freaks mission ("The Last One") which doesn't unlock unless you get 100%
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