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Grand Theft Auto V |OT2| <Title available for purchase>

question regarding the massive ending spoilers

it's actually possible to completely murder either michael or trevor and have them forever unavailable? I thought that would be a sort of failed attempt or something, why would anyone take that option? Doesn't it essentially fuck your save over if you've got missing missions?

Regarding your final two questions (ending spoilers):

It was mentioned earlier (I cannot rememver the user who mentioned it, sorry) that it could have been interpretted as "Kill Michael", "Kill Trevor", or "Kill Franklin" (as in, with the deathwish Franklin dies in the process and the others live) but that honestly had not occured to me, as I assume is the case for you, and it's only in retrospect that I can see why one could believe that when making the decision so I would imagine that that is why one would pick one of the other two options.
I love how you can skip sections you have trouble with. THis makes frustrating or boring missions bareable. I find myself skipping the gunplay missions quite a bit because I'm not good at them.


I am replaying the game, mainly for the other heist options. I can check what option I picked earlier on the social club page to be extra sure too. The choice segment always caught me by surprise and still do.

The first hours was like a new experience again but things got pretty much back to business once
joined in.

Jedeye Sniv

Got my 100% after 77 hours, the last few bits were a slog. Finished up with golf though and that was more fun than I expected, it was surprisingly well rounded.

I was feeling momentarily bummed that I had finished everything until I realized that I still have all the golds to get on the is ions. Aw yeah, this game never ends!


Ran into my first bad bug in the single player. Finished the Caida Libre mission (
the one where Michael and Trevor end up getting exiled from the city and you're forced to play as Franklin for a while
) and afterwards did one of the Devin missions. The game placed 2 story mission markers by Michael's house (one in blue, one in green), but when I get there I can't actually trigger the mission. After reloading the save, restarting the game, I had to come to the conclusion that my save was just botched.

Thankfully I had a quick save not too far back (only had to redo about an hour's worth of content), but man would it have sucked if my last quick save wasn't so recent. Kinda surprised the game isn't smart enough to at least keep your last 2-3 autosaves to minimize the amount of lost progress in case stuff like this happens.


oh dom...
i like that guy lol, went out spectacularly
also any brother-brother here actually
ran through the desert for real? i just used a rubberband and tape on my controller lmao


Goddamn, my custom ride disappeared. I don't understand it, I checked it into my garage, walked out and walked back in and it was still there. I lost it when I crashed into the water forcing me to exit the vehicle otherwise I would drown. But shouldn't it be waiting for me at the impound lot or does drowning your car make you lose it permanently? What about exploding it?



I spent over 650,000 on a Cheetah car to pull up for a Strangers mission, completing it and then my car disappears. Not in Vinewood Garage or the Impound Lot. Or the place it was parked.

What the fuck?

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Just got this game yesterday after putting it off for so long. The first four or so missions in V are 100x better than the entirety of IV.


Gold Member
Just got this game yesterday after putting it off for so long. The first four or so missions in V are 100x better than the entirety of IV.

It only gets better, my friend. Enjoy! And stay away from these parts because there's spoilers about.
Had something happen to me for th first time... Engines stalled out in one of the propeller planes up around Mt. CHiliad... Had to land the plane without engines. It was awesome. had my capture device on:



I spent over 650,000 on a Cheetah car to pull up for a Strangers mission, completing it and then my car disappears. Not in Vinewood Garage or the Impound Lot. Or the place it was parked.

What the fuck?

Check the custom 3 car garage that each character has. If it was Franklin's, his special garage is near downtown Los Santos, in a factory-looking-like building. It's on your map. I had thought I lost one of my special cars only to find it parked there.


Not sure if it makes a noticeable impact, but the game arguably *should* load a little faster if it's loading from flash memory versus the HDD. Won't be much of a different, but still optimal probably.

It does nothing. In fact it could even slow things down since the 4GB internal flash in the 360 is the slowest piece of shit you can imagine. Keep the save on the HDD.


just finished the last mission. pretty neat but to be honest I was expecting more from the ending.
in any case I still have a lot of stuff to do.


The Monkey Business mission was a ton of fun, probably would've been my favorite mission of the game up this point, if not for the part
where you had to land the nerve gas container onto the trunk
. Man that was frustrating. I'm coming to really dislike the aircraft/helicopter controls in the game, especially the missions forcing you to do something with them that requires a lot of precision. Granted, I think the helicopter handles a lot better than it did in IV, but that's not really saying much either.

Jedeye Sniv

Goddamn, my custom ride disappeared. I don't understand it, I checked it into my garage, walked out and walked back in and it was still there. I lost it when I crashed into the water forcing me to exit the vehicle otherwise I would drown. But shouldn't it be waiting for me at the impound lot or does drowning your car make you lose it permanently? What about exploding it?

Did you call the insurance company? Drowning cars is like blowing them up, they don't come back until you call the insurance company.

edit: wait, I think that's only in online. You're fucked mate :(
Just beat the game and it's the first time I've ever played a GTA all the way through the story. I really dug the characters and looked forward to what happened with them. The only issue I have is that the majority of the map seemed to be far too under utilized. Anybody else get that feeling as well? Maybe I just missed a large portion of the side missions.

E92 M3

Just beat the game and it's the first time I've ever played a GTA all the way through the story. I really dug the characters and looked forward to what happened with them. The only issue I have is that the majority of the map seemed to be far too under utilized. Anybody else get that feeling as well? Maybe I just missed a large portion of the side missions.

Nope - I am still discovering new parts of the map. R* made a huge world with tons of detail - it's overwhelming sometimes.


So, I had a lot of fun with Golf and Hunting, two activities I was putting off for fear of boredom.

Also (hunting related)
sending pictures of dead animals to random contacts never gets old! :D
Restarted the game. Got to about the same place as before and I'm completely stuck again.

I just gained control of Michael, and I have no idea what to do next. Other than drive around killing people and escaping the cops, what am I supposed to do? I hit up the ?'s on the map, it was just that stupid jogging woman again, I can't win against her because Michael runs out of energy exactly before the last checkpoint, they must've timed it that way.
Where do I get quests from, is there a central point to get different quests from, do they follow linearly on from the last quest (if they do, I don't have any active) or do they just randomly appear on the map?

I'm clearly missing something that is completely obvious to everyone else, because I don't understand how to progress, nothing in the games UI tells me what to do next from what I can see. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯
Restarted the game. Got to about the same place as before and I'm completely stuck again.

I just gained control of Michael, and I have no idea what to do next. Other than drive around killing people and escaping the cops, what am I supposed to do? I hit up the ?'s on the map, it was just that stupid jogging woman again, I can't win against her because Michael runs out of energy exactly before the last checkpoint, they must've timed it that way.
Where do I get quests from, is there a central point to get different quests from, do they follow linearly on from the last quest (if they do, I don't have any active) or do they just randomly appear on the map?

I'm clearly missing something that is completely obvious to everyone else, because I don't understand how to progress, nothing in the games UI tells me what to do next from what I can see. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯

What section of the game are you in? There are times when you have to do missions with a specific character to "unlock" missions for another character. If you just gained control of Michael, you may need to switch back to Franklin to progress further.

You can switch characters by holding "Down" on the DPAD and then using the analog stick to highlight over Franklin, which then switches you to him.
What section of the game are you in? There are times when you have to do missions with a specific character to "unlock" missions for another character. If you just gained control of Michael, you may need to switch back to Franklin to progress further.

You can switch characters by holding "Down" on the DPAD and then using the analog stick to highlight over Franklin, which then switches you to him.
Thanks, I know how to switch characters, is there anything at all that tells you that this is what you have to do in order to progress?

It seems pointless giving you access to Michael if the game intends to you immediately switch back to Franklyn in order to progress further.

I just seem to be having a brainfart overall understanding what the system is here. The map and missions screen kind of make it seem like there is some sort of Elder Scrolls quest list, when in fact I can't find anything like that at all. I guess I just completely misunderstood the menu system.


Restarted the game. Got to about the same place as before and I'm completely stuck again.

I just gained control of Michael, and I have no idea what to do next. Other than drive around killing people and escaping the cops, what am I supposed to do? I hit up the ?'s on the map, it was just that stupid jogging woman again, I can't win against her because Michael runs out of energy exactly before the last checkpoint, they must've timed it that way.
Where do I get quests from, is there a central point to get different quests from, do they follow linearly on from the last quest (if they do, I don't have any active) or do they just randomly appear on the map?

I'm clearly missing something that is completely obvious to everyone else, because I don't understand how to progress, nothing in the games UI tells me what to do next from what I can see. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯
You don't have to do any of the "?" except for maybe one in the beginning, Tonya I think.
I think I got it now, I was just having a huge mental block with the UI, it looked to me like it was one thing, when it's completely another. Getting along much better now, progressing as normal.

I frickin' love radio Chakra Attack, a lot of the ads and talk are funny, but that guy on Chakra Attack is hilarious! Just looked up who plays the DJ because I recognised his voice just couldn't put a face to it.

lil smoke

Just beat the game and it's the first time I've ever played a GTA all the way through the story. I really dug the characters and looked forward to what happened with them. The only issue I have is that the majority of the map seemed to be far too under utilized. Anybody else get that feeling as well? Maybe I just missed a large portion of the side missions.
There are areas that probably could have been more utilized imo as well. If only we could have even had more individual safehouses in those under used areas, just to pull them in a bit. Its a big world for sightseeing, but its like everything is closed and pointless.

Nope - I am still discovering new parts of the map. R* made a huge world with tons of detail - it's overwhelming sometimes.

If you're in to just discovering, yeah there's a lot. I kinda wanted to interact with it a bit more. Even with cab driving, you go to the same places. They could have let you pick up bus riders and give you a bus route to these places. There could have been reasons to use the subway. I should be able to enter the businesses I own.

I can go on and on with the potential left out there. Its great to have a lot of content to look at, I think they dropped the ball on incorporating it, or it seems a lot of it was only meant for online, for which I'm not interested in.


oh dom...
i like that guy lol, went out spectacularly
also any brother-brother here actually
ran through the desert for real? i just used a rubberband and tape on my controller lmao
I drove to the airfield several feet from where you start the mission (not Trevor's air field/hangar), got out the car and ran back and forth from one end of the field to the next, then to the adjacent air field; rinse and repeat. It took about a good 20-25 minutes with the volume on mute since Michael would always say the phrase every mile which was annoying.
There are areas that probably could have been more utilized imo as well. If only we could have even had more individual safehouses in those under used areas, just to pull them in a bit. Its a big world for sightseeing, but its like everything is closed and pointless.

If you're in to just discovering, yeah there's a lot. I kinda wanted to interact with it a bit more. Even with cab driving, you go to the same places. They could have let you pick up bus riders and give you a bus route to these places. There could have been reasons to use the subway. I should be able to enter the businesses I own.

I can go on and on with the potential left out there. Its great to have a lot of content to look at, I think they dropped the ball on incorporating it, or it seems a lot of it was only meant for online, for which I'm not interested in.

Definitely agree. I swear, I thought the prison was going to get used to
bust out the other dude from the Prologue robbery
but it never happened. As a whole, the game feels underwhelming in terms of the amount of places you can enter and interact with unless it's on a mission.

Initially when I played the game and explored it, I was excited but once I realized how many places had the potential to be used and interacted with, it disappointed me. In that sense, I suppose that's why GTA IV has the slight edge in terms of being able to take the subway as well as the interior cab camera. Heck, I'm even disappointed with the one night club that you get to go to (the strip club). Even
North Yankton looked way more interesting
as it made me wish that area could be fully explored.
I seem to be stuck at 68 out 69 missions complete despite finishing the main story and all the Lester missions. Anything obvious that leaps out to check for?

None of the characters have a mission number showing in the character switch wheel and there are no mission icons on the map. I know people say call Tonya but I thought she was considered under the Strangers & Freaks mission pool. Poking around on line it seems others have had the same problem but I'm not seeing any solutions.

Any ideas?


I seem to be stuck at 68 out 69 missions complete despite finishing the main story and all the Lester missions. Anything obvious that leaps out to check for?

None of the characters have a mission number showing in the character switch wheel and there are no mission icons on the map. I know people say call Tonya but I thought she was considered under the Strangers & Freaks mission pool. Poking around on line it seems others have had the same problem but I'm not seeing any solutions.

Any ideas?
Check your progress on Rockstar Social Club. It'll show you your stats and all the missions that you're missing including Strangers and Leisure (racing, parachuting, etc.).


I seem to be stuck at 68 out 69 missions complete despite finishing the main story and all the Lester missions. Anything obvious that leaps out to check for?

None of the characters have a mission number showing in the character switch wheel and there are no mission icons on the map. I know people say call Tonya but I thought she was considered under the Strangers & Freaks mission pool. Poking around on line it seems others have had the same problem but I'm not seeing any solutions.

Any ideas?

Should be 69 now. Must be some weird glitch. Maybe you did the skip thing on some mission that was too hard. It came up for me a few times but never used it so I may be talking shit.
Just beat the game and it's the first time I've ever played a GTA all the way through the story. I really dug the characters and looked forward to what happened with them. The only issue I have is that the majority of the map seemed to be far too under utilized. Anybody else get that feeling as well? Maybe I just missed a large portion of the side missions.

Totally agree. Particularly the entire underwater ecosystem they developed.

Then I realized: DLC.

I seem to be stuck at 68 out 69 missions complete despite finishing the main story and all the Lester missions. Anything obvious that leaps out to check for?

None of the characters have a mission number showing in the character switch wheel and there are no mission icons on the map. I know people say call Tonya but I thought she was considered under the Strangers & Freaks mission pool. Poking around on line it seems others have had the same problem but I'm not seeing any solutions.

Any ideas?

Did you complete the mission with
Trevor's mom?
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