Is there any difference between quick saving and saving in your safehouse?
The single player stock market isn't affected by other players?
Will there be stocks in GTAO?
saving in the safehouse only has the "advantage" of moving the time forward besides normal saving
Bit annoyed with the first heist.Anyone tried any other options and got different results?Went with the smart option and Lester goes, "Oh you won't be doing much shooting so you can skimp on it" I do that and go for the cheaper one, and he goes and crashes his bike!
Correct. Only your actions in your game affect your version of the stock market that isn't the BAWSAQ. Can't remember what it's called.
And I believe so.
When I first boot up the game, is that the save file from autosave? So if I have a more recent manual save, I have to manually load that?
How do you get that suit?
Saw random event.
Saw empty car.
Walked to it.
Got electrocuted or something and right before I fainted, some guy tells me "this won't take long" or something.
I then woke up on train rails with only my underpants on right before a train was gonna hit me.
Didn't it also have some pretty insane rubber banding going on?
WAT.. seriously?
WAT.. seriously?
Oh, but BAWSAQ is linked to social club and online?
Yes. So much yes.
And even better, much more interactivity and less cutscenes. Stuff from the trailers that I thought would be cutscenes, you actually play. A lot more mission choice to choose what you do. The pacing blows IV away; by like the second or third mission, you're already having shootouts and car chases
Yeah i've heard the same story on reddit.
WAT.. seriously?
Sometimes I play this game, and think to myself "Gosh, I don't want this to end". Then I remember that GTA Online will be this, forever, with you guys.
God damn, I can't wait.
curious if GTAO will hold my interest. most of the fun i'm having is doing story quests and the cutscenes and dialogue while driving around in missions.
btw whos the lady in all the promo art and on the game disc (bikini gal with an iFruit)?
curious if GTAO will hold my interest. most of the fun i'm having is doing story quests and the cutscenes and dialogue while driving around in missions.
btw whos the lady in all the promo art and on the game disc (bikini gal with an iFruit)?
WAT.. seriously?
You could have taken the risk, gotten off of your bike, and recovered the cash from your crash biker heist mate.
A lot of this is kind of stuff in heists isn't dynamic, but pre-determined. But it all makes sense if you think about it. A crappy gunman isn't the guy you should trust most with carrying your cash. My brother, for instance, decided to go with a worst hacker, get the best gunman, and raid the shop as quickly as possible. He made off with about $4 Million.
You could have taken the risk, gotten off of your bike, and recovered the cash from your crash biker heist mate.
A lot of this is kind of stuff in heists isn't dynamic, but pre-determined. But it all makes sense if you think about it. A crappy gunman isn't the guy you should trust most with carrying your cash. My brother, for instance, decided to go with a worst hacker, get the best gunman, and raid the shop as quickly as possible. He made off with about $4 Million.
Bit annoyed with the first heist.Anyone tried any other options and got different results?Went with the smart option and Lester goes, "Oh you won't be doing much shooting so you can skimp on it" I do that and go for the cheaper one, and he goes and crashes his bike!
It loads your latest save, I just tried it tonight. Even if it's a manual vs autosave.Good question, I'm wondering that too.
If you watch it, please report back. Interested in how they slant it. Just a normal news story or do they try to demonize it or connect to mass shootings, etc?Oh no I think CNN is about to talk about this game and its record sales. This should begoodpainful.
I don't like rap at all anymore but these songs man. I just can't resist putting them on when I see them.