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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


Flashless at the Golden Globes
(They did say in original statements you quoted that vegetation can be affected, but i think what they have is a swap system where surfaces can change their overgrowth to show either natural life or devastation of warfare. That's what it seemed to be that they were saying where players have impact over Pandora with their actions. I wouldn't assume it's dynamic though, and given that there's little vegetation interactivity shown so far, i would guess it's not happening while gameplay is happening. But dont know for sure yet. )
Nah, they specifically stated that the animals can run through bamboo trees.

they will just go straight through the bamboo and other vegetation and just completely destroy it.


Nah, they specifically stated that the animals can run through bamboo trees.
Yeah, but dinosaur can destroy trees (preset destructibles) in Horizon too.

The way I read the quote you posted, he's talking about a variety of game systems at once. NPC behavior, destruction, accumulated environment change. Different systems at work in the flow of the game.

Maybe he really did mean that all of this works dynamically and in realtime, maybe? But then we've seen in the extended gameplay demo that these effects are not acting the way that would facilitate such mechanics. (However, big creatures may have different rulesets, or certain areas may be rigged for more activity, sort of like Horizon encounter spots.) We'll see, but so far, that's how I understand their systems would would make sense.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I didn't realize that the cinematic trailer for Avatar had gameplay footage. This looks stunning and very close to that original reveal.


You can see them blur out the draw distance with fog/haze but its pushed way back in the distance compared to horizon which does it far close to the player.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
I've come to terms, but I will never forgive this thread for disrespecting and discounting what TLOU Pt.1 contributed to current gen. Such a travesty.

This game has the best facial animations ever in a game. Like I don't think anything else is even its class. Not just the way the models look, but how they actually animate. The eyes are insane. And its the only game where you can look at a characters lips and know what they're saying via lip sync. The facial animations are unreal. For that reason alone its next gen.

Also, the ambient lighting and hit reactions are both best in class.
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I've come to terms, but I will never forgive this thread for disrespecting and discounting what TLOU Pt.1 contributed to current gen. Such a travesty.

Naughty Dog are the absolute animation gods, nothing comes close IMO. Especially since they have all these details in character animation while keeping responsive and fluid controls. (Hello Rockstar)

I haven't played TLOU1 Pt.1 but even TLOU2 on PS4 is still ahead of everyone else in that regard.

This is also why I don't consider games like Plague Tale Requiem in these discussions. On a screenshot yes, but as soon as movement is involved everything falls apart.

The new Star Wars game which is being handled as a contender for graphics king doesn't get anywhere close to ND animation either.


After watching the gameplay overview or whatever it's called on YouTube,I actually don't think Avatar looks better than hfw at all.It still looks incredible obviously,especially the cutscenes,but the gameplay looks much better on hfw imo.Also the game has definitely been downgraded from the trailer 2 years ago
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Quick reply, but you're thinking of LA noire - and nothing about that was simulated. The power wasn't there to simulate it - every single line of dialogue in that game was recorded as a 3d facial capture, allowing them to play back a recording of the 3d face performing those lines. Then they stuck these 3d playback masks onto the character models.

If that sounds like it's a fucking crazy solution that would come with a whole host of logistical nightmares and result in the game it's being used in to get delayed significantly, then the tech never used again because it's such a pain in the ass... You'd be right.
Yes, my bad it was LA Noire, correct. I remember everyone losing their mind over this tech back then as it was dubbed "revolutionary" and it kinda was, we didn't have any game that correctly emulated facial animations and expressions, so in essence it was revolutionary. What I didn't know that it was such a pain to do that it got abandoned. This was news to me. If it got abandoned then what do Rockstar use nowadays to capture facial animations and expressions?

What about character rendering? I don't care about facial movements as much as I care about character rendering and models. Surely that's easier to do? If a character is rendered almost realistically then I won't care as much about facial animations.

I mean, it's still a problem in some Hollywood CGI movies, so...

Human faces are as hard as it gets, because we are conditioned to feel we know faces. Cartoonish faces like Pixar movies work fine because they can exaggerate motion, but a human face needs to look and move exactly like we've known faces to look all our lives. There's literally a brain function for recognizing faces.

And the more resolution and effects used to make a digital face more closely approximate a human face, the more we go, "Ugh, that doesn't look right..." The lips don't curl or the jaw doesn't flex or the eyes look dead or the phenomes of syllables don't match the tongue or the subsurface scattering of light on skin isn't perfect, whatever.

It's super hard, because we can see what we expect to see just by looking into a mirror.
Oh man, reading your post depressed me a little as it showed we are still a ways away from achieving realistic facial movement. Seems like it is way harder that I thought.

Also the link you posted was a great read. Interesting stuff.


After watching the gameplay overview or whatever it's called on YouTube,I actually don't think Avatar looks better than hfw at all.It still looks incredible obviously,especially the cutscenes,but the gameplay looks much better on hfw imo.Also the game has definitely been downgraded from the trailer 2 years ago
Boy, have we been having some bad takes on this forum lately. I thought HFW was hella underrated and very hated on GAF, people were killing it with their reviews and mocking it. But now, the opposite is happening, it is seriously being overrated and overhyped by people to the point where I am starting to hate the game even though I am a big fan of it.

No way does HFW look better than Avatar, people are either too faithful to Sony (I am a staunch Sony fan myself btw) or too blind or both. You watch Avatar you instantly feel there is something next gen about it, the same cannot be said about HFW. As gorgeous as HFW is, when I see it I immediately recognize it as a a cross gen game, there is this cross-gen feeling about it.


Boy, have we been having some bad takes on this forum lately. I thought HFW was hella underrated and very hated on GAF, people were killing it with their reviews and mocking it. But now, the opposite is happening, it is seriously being overrated and overhyped by people to the point where I am starting to hate the game even though I am a big fan of it.

No way does HFW look better than Avatar, people are either too faithful to Sony (I am a staunch Sony fan myself btw) or too blind or both. You watch Avatar you instantly feel there is something next gen about it, the same cannot be said about HFW. As gorgeous as HFW is, when I see it I immediately recognize it as a a cross gen game, there is this cross-gen feeling about it.
I actually said it blew hfw away when I watched the trailer the other day,but after seeing the gameplay video I just don't think it looks as good imo.


I actually said it blew hfw away when I watched the trailer the other day,but after seeing the gameplay video I just don't think it looks as good imo.
I gotta watch that video

Edit: you talking about the overview trailer? Yeah that’s the one I saw. It still looks incredible to me and better than HFW honestly
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
After watching the gameplay overview or whatever it's called on YouTube,I actually don't think Avatar looks better than hfw at all.It still looks incredible obviously,especially the cutscenes,but the gameplay looks much better on hfw imo.Also the game has definitely been downgraded from the trailer 2 years ago
Go play horizon. The upgrade will become immediately clear.
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I actually said it blew hfw away when I watched the trailer the other day,but after seeing the gameplay video I just don't think it looks as good imo.
The environments/scale are clearly next-gen and above HFW but every gameplay section with shooting that I've seen looks so painfully average that I'm reserving final judgment until the game releases


No i am just pointing out that its physics based which means the destruction you want will be there organically because the game has system/physics built in. None of the games ive played this gen have you throw a grenade in the room and have it shatter tables, chairs, windows, etc. yes, bodies are thrown off because devs pre-code those animations. What we are seeing here is the physics based destruction they promised in interviews at E3 2021.
I see you havent played control then?


Play more games dude.

Shattering furniture with granades or moving bodies with granades is ps2 tier tech since we had havok and ragdoll, that bit about being pre.code animations is bullshit because you only have 2 options, bodies that glue on the terrain after death, and bodies that still react for external forces, and when the second thing happen, they always have proper ragdoll and interaction with the scenery, something that you don't see in infamous or tsushima because sucker punch are allergic to ragdoll.

Unironically it is something that i see soo often that i can't even point out a specific game but i'm gonna go with something recent like control for destruction and any game where bodies don't glue on the terrain and react to external forces for corpse interactions, hell i recently discovered that enemies in diablo 4 don't actually glue on the terrain when they die like i thought, and if you use a tornado you can move their bodies and vegetation with that, and it's a fucking isometric game dude.

Have you watched the mad max footage i posted?
Even The Punisher...a 2004 "AA" ps2 game has way better physics that 99% of AAA games today.

Havok should have been mandatory ever since then.
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Yep it's a huge help to visuals by going with 30fps especially this gen with weaker than needed GPU's.

If your base game render costs 12ms then you only have 4ms for other effects when targeting 60fps. On the other hand you get 20ms instead of 4 for other effects with a 30fps target. That is a 4-5x leap in terms of visual boosts (depending on your base render cost). Ubisoft look to be doing an "Order 1886" and targeting 1080p like pixel numbers while also capping to a 30fps target which is why Star Wars Outlaws looks so impressive. Starfield is the same.

This is why I'm seriously considering switching to PC for the rest of this gen. You get all Xbox games, most PS5 games and at this stage I'm 99% expecting that all Nanite + Lumen UE5 AAA games will be 30fps on console with reduced Lumen quality for RTGI.
PC hardware is stupidly priced currently and most ports have egregious stutter. I'd give it another year or two and hopefully the situation will improve.


I pray that the complaints about NPC's continue for many more entries., I'd hate for the character design to lose it's anime aestehtic in favor of full realism.
I wouldnt worry about it. Japan loves that look. They wont stop. The most realistic they will go outside of Capcom will be Kingsglaive quality.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I see you havent played control then?
Control was last gen. I was talking about the last three years.

I actually mentioned control in another post.
I have played Mad Max. I love that game, but lets face it most AAA games dont do storms like that. I have played virtually every AAA game released this year, hogwarts, RE4, star wars, Horizon burning shores, zelda and now FF16's first two hours, and no one seems to want to do anything physics based. Yes control has full destruction where tables and chairs explode into pieces, but its an exception not the norm considering how none of those games released this year have any kind of comprehensive physics based destruction system.

I think we are all aware that some PS2 and PS3 era games had better physics, but I thought we were all on the same page about destruction and physics missing entirely from AAA games these past couple of gens. Zelda and Control are obviously exceptions. But 99.9% of the games dont feature any kind of physics based destruction. RE4 had me excited because someone posted gifs of breaking bookshelves, but that turned out to be canned physics because you could throw a grenade in a room and all these wooden chairs and tables would just sit there. TLOU Part 1 also has those similar bookshelf physics, but the rest of the game has very little destruction and no physics whatsoever. Horizon has just the palm trees that fall and only from dinobot collisions. You can throw all kinds of stuff at those trees, and nothing would happen.

All I want to do in video games is to go in a room, throw a grenade and have chairs, tables, windows, pots and pans, and other objects react realistically to it. Same thing when I go in a pretty foliage area. Lets throw a grenade and see what happens.

I honestly dont know what he's talking about. The faces look really bad in this game with Joshua being the only exception.
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I didn't realize that the cinematic trailer for Avatar had gameplay footage. This looks stunning and very close to that original reveal.


You can see them blur out the draw distance with fog/haze but its pushed way back in the distance compared to horizon which does it far close to the player.
Yes it looks more like its proper scale. Not like a vast majority of open worlds games up until now which you Forced Perspective FOV tricks to exaggerate distances.


I think we are all aware that some PS2 and PS3 era games had better physics, but I thought we were all on the same page about destruction and physics missing entirely from AAA games these past couple of gens.
We are on the same page. I just think we should reserve giving significant props to physics systems that arent next gen.

All I want to do in video games is to go in a room, throw a grenade and have chairs, tables, windows, pots and pans, and other objects react realistically to it. Same thing when I go in a pretty foliage area. Lets throw a grenade and see what happens.
100% with ya.


From those para-e3 conferences so far the Star Wars Outlaws is what definitely looks top notch to me.
Ofc its ubisoft trailer so might be target render, not actual gameplay, but if we assume its actual real gameplay instead of bulllshot trailer, it looks above anything else graphics wise, once again i wanna underline it- we talking real gameplay, aka u gotta controll ur character while looking at that footage, not in engine/ingame/cinematic/real time cutscenes coz i couldnt care less for those, like always, actual gameplay always is the most impressive thing.
Here the vid so ppl dont need to search for it again.
Eh, I gotta claw back major points I gave for FF16 visuals if that battle scene was indeed pre-rendered. There's no excuse for prerendering anything with the tech we have today imo.

Maaaaan… that was like the most impressive thing in it from what I saw on YT :/ so what’s left that’s impressive? I haven’t downloaded the demo cause I wanna go in the full game 100% fresh and blind.

Thoughts? SlimySnake SlimySnake


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Maaaaan… that was like the most impressive thing in it from what I saw on YT :/ so what’s left that’s impressive? I haven’t downloaded the demo cause I wanna go in the full game 100% fresh and blind.

Thoughts? SlimySnake SlimySnake
The demo is the first two hours. It's the full first two hours and your progress carries over so download it now and enjoy the game a week early.

And yeah, i figured they were realtime because of the way they transitioned from gameplay to cutscenes and then back. But honestly, its pretty nuts. Its probably the most next gen thing ive seen, but of course its just a cutscene and I would like them to put me in there in the middle of that battle at some point.
The demo is the first two hours. It's the full first two hours and your progress carries over so download it now and enjoy the game a week early.

And yeah, i figured they were realtime because of the way they transitioned from gameplay to cutscenes and then back. But honestly, its pretty nuts. Its probably the most next gen thing ive seen, but of course its just a cutscene and I would like them to put me in there in the middle of that battle at some point.
Well they were saying it actually wasn’t real time is what caught my eye. They claim the battle was pre rendered.


There's no excuse for prerendering anything with the tech we have today imo.

Your opinion is wrong, you can still extremely easily create a scene that's too hard to render in engine.
I mean this game is literally showcasing it, you want to maintain cutscene level of quality with a thousand or ten thousand characters? you need CG.

Also I think want there to be a scene where you aren't distracted by how far behind all realitime rendering is from modern CG is would also be a decent excuse.
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I think that burning shores is the maximum we can get from pre baked lighting game on the other hand RTGI , lumen or any other real time global illumination solution can drastically change the look of any game and that's the most important thing that next gen titles needs, to achieve impressive graphics..
Also way higher geometric density, offline CGI uses ALOTTT alot of geometry.
Naughty Dog are the absolute animation gods, nothing comes close IMO. Especially since they have all these details in character animation while keeping responsive and fluid controls. (Hello Rockstar)

I haven't played TLOU1 Pt.1 but even TLOU2 on PS4 is still ahead of everyone else in that regard.

This is also why I don't consider games like Plague Tale Requiem in these discussions. On a screenshot yes, but as soon as movement is involved everything falls apart.

The new Star Wars game which is being handled as a contender for graphics king doesn't get anywhere close to ND animation either.
Exactly this.
You know, the more I read threads like this the more I can't wait til people stop caring about graphic fidelity and get more focused on what's important - immersion worlds with AI and physics
Why are you here this is a graphic fidelity thread, visuals are important and we can have all of those things together. Let’s not derail my thread. Thx!
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What happened to Santa Monica? God Of War 2 is probably the most impressive game I've played on PS2, Gow 3 and ascension are at the top of PS3 along with The last of us, PSP games are at the top as well, while Gow 2018 and Ragnarok are good, they are not on the same technical level as other Sony games. I hope they build Kinetica 2.0 and again impress the world technically and graphically.
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