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Graphics Whores: Why are fire effects in games so lame?


I'm a fair way through Doom 3 (the pinnacle of FPS graphics at this point?) and I've noticed that the one thing that the graphics engine doesn't do particularly well is fire. It stood out majorly in comparison to the stunning environs.

This got me thinking... when was the last time I saw a game with decent fire effects? Has there even been one? Has there ever been one that simulated fire well rather than rotate a 2d animation? Are fire effects more difficult to simulate than water effects? (which, it seems, for all intents and purposes has been 'mastered' this gen with genuinely stunning results) It certainly seems that way. Or maybe devs feel its not a visual aspect that deserves much attention. This strikes me as odd since 'firing' weapons and subsequent pyrotechnic eye candy remain one of the main draws of most games.

Serious environmental damage, combustable material and the firepower to make it all go up would be an awesome way to simulate tactile connection to your environment - especially one such as Doom where environmental interaction is limited. So why the lack of 'decent' fire effects in games? And what honourable mentions can you guys make?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fire is so random that is just seems difficult to create...

Most games just use fire "sprites" combined with particle smoke (and maybe even heat wave effects), but that obviously isn't going to cut it. Water can almost be tiled and still look good, but fire is a very different beast...

That said, I always thought Brave Fire Fighters did a good job of rendering fire effects. I'll have to think of a few more examples...
matrix reloaded has like fucking awesome fire. Procedural too. Didn't save the movie though.

Its lame because MS hasn't thrown in enough money for RnD.


I dunno, but I even thought that the fire in Return of the King was kind of lame. The movie, not the game.

I guess it's just a hard effect to pull of convincingly.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The best in-game fire that I've seen so far in the released game, has to be that first scene in Onimusha 3. RE4 fire looks even better than that, I think. Fire from the MGS3 trailer looks very impressive too.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Marconelly said:
The best in-game fire that I've seen so far in the released game, has to be that first scene in Onimusha 3. RE4 fire looks even better than that, I think. Fire from the MGS3 trailer looks very impressive too.

Yeah, all three of those games have excellent fire effects...

I had almost forgotten about MGS3's fire effects.




SantaCruZer said:
RTCW has nice fire.

What I was thinking. I remember playing it w hen it first came out on PC... i didn't like the game at the time but I did go apeshit over the kickass flamethrower graphics.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
MGS3's fire looks ok, but the problem is that nothing is on fire. There's just random flames everywhere. Sorta kills the illusion.


i remember being impressed with killzone's fire effects, but i only remember it from those animated gifs. it might look worse at full resolution.


Fire is difficult to define when your only tools are polygons and texture maps. Even complex CG fire that is based on particles and volume shaders is difficult to deal with.
GDJustin said:
MGS3's fire looks ok, but the problem is that nothing is on fire. There's just random flames everywhere. Sorta kills the illusion.

That's why you've got to see it in motion, that's where it looks extremely believable. It also has really impressive explosions as shown with the scene where Snake blows up an enemy base in the first trailer.
I want decent volumetric EXPLOSION effects, rather than a translucent bitmap animation plus particles. I want Bad Boys-style butt-kicking bass-heavy explosions that look like the target just got ripped apart in a violent sunburst of light and heat. I want chunks of shit EVERYWHERE, and thick smoke. I want to know that whatever just got hit DONE BLOW'D UP REAL GOOD.
Men of Valor's OXM demo actually has some incredibly impressive fire animation. When the napalm is called down, it looks like I'd expect a napalm strike to look. The vegetation also rocks mightily. Might actually pick it up because of the 'language' changes made to it recently. Goobers can sit with me a lot better, though the intent is the same...


Drinky Crow said:
I want decent volumetric EXPLOSION effects, rather than a translucent bitmap animation plus particles. I want Bad Boys-style butt-kicking bass-heavy explosions that look like the target just got ripped apart in a violent sunburst of light and heat. I want chunks of shit EVERYWHERE, and thick smoke. I want to know that whatever just got hit DONE BLOW'D UP REAL GOOD.

I couldn't agree more. Developers are largely using the same techniques as they did ten years ago(or more) to generate explosion effects. There's rarely any feeling of heat or intensity or force. Some games still use explosion effects that are actually smaller than the object that's exploding, so you can actually see it pop off under the flames. Lame.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fire looks nice...but where is the smoke?

Well, to be fair, those are from the original trailer. If you watch the E3 2004 trailer, you can see that the fire has come a LONG way from those shots. Not only is it far more "explosive", but there is tons of smoke and overbright effects in place. Watch the part with the flame thrower in the trenches or when the copters explode...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
God's Hand said:
RE4's fire is simply unbeatable.

I dunno, I think the trench fire in MGS3's recent trailer really does look better...

There is much more of it and it spreads so realistically...

RE4's is EXTREMELY good, though.


Console Market Analyst
The flamethrower scene in the latest Snake Eater trailer is tops. It's like something out of Backdraft, the way the fire spreads, twirls, steams, smokes. It looks alive.

As for explosions, I'll tip my hat to RE4.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
-=::[Eagle-Vision]::=- said:
Yeah, that looks OK....if you haven't seen RE4's:




Woah, that explosion is incredible. Im betting that the rocket launcher in RE4 will be an extremely satisfying weapon.

dark10x said:
I dunno, I think the trench fire in MGS3's recent trailer really does look better...

Would that be the E3 2004 trailer? If so, I must download. Fire is very pretty.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Would that be the E3 2004 trailer? If so, I must download. Fire is very pretty.

Yep, the E3 04 trailer it is!

Happens quite a ways into the trailer, but the whole thing is worth seeing if you haven't already (I love the trailer!).

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I don't think much of MGS's effects. They seem really...thin, almost not there. For some reason I keep thinking of MGS's fire comapred to real fire like a ghost compared to a human.

Hope that makes sense to someone.
Mama Smurf said:
I don't think much of MGS's effects. They seem really...thin, almost not there. For some reason I keep thinking of MGS's fire comapred to real fire like a ghost compared to a human.

Hope that makes sense to someone.

Yeah, it looks cool, but not realistic.
I would argue that water has a long way to go, perhaps moreso than fire if RE4 is a benchmark. Yes, water has been mastered as a surface with nice reflection, refraction, undulation, and other effects, but volumetric fluid mechanics are just too processor-intesive for this generation of consoles. I haven't been keeping a close eye on HL2, but does it have any effects like this? I may be optimistic, but I'd love to see something like Pikmin 3 with full water interactivity--stuff like breaking down a dam to flood an area or rain that isn't just an overlay effect.


I thought the fire (and the flamethrower) in Turok were done well too, but I think developers are just been lazy there's no reason why fire cant look more realistic and there's no reason why it cant burn stuff perhaps they should use something called "Fractal based dynamic keyframe blending" & "Fractal based dynamic subtraction modelling" (YES! I'm making up stuff :D )


Journeywalker said:
I would argue that water has a long way to go, perhaps moreso than fire if RE4 is a benchmark. Yes, water has been mastered as a surface with nice reflection, refraction, undulation, and other effects, but volumetric fluid mechanics are just too processor-intesive for this generation of consoles. I haven't been keeping a close eye on HL2, but does it have any effects like this? I may be optimistic, but I'd love to see something like Pikmin 3 with full water interactivity--stuff like breaking down a dam to flood an area or rain that isn't just an overlay effect.

The generation after the next generation MAY be able to do that. But definitely not before then.
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