Quick and dirty translation (courtesy of Google Translate):
Read why the Germans insist on the VAT increase on the islands
In German companies owned hotels on the Turkish coast of Asia Minor. The vast majority of hotels on the Turkish coast opposite the Greek islands controlled by German TUI interests and others. This largely explains their persistence in not covered islands to special arrangements for VAT. An increase in VAT would raise prices and would motivate the groups of tourists in the opposite Turkish coast and hotels located there.
The defense minister Panos Blazing who made the disclosure on Monday commented on «Germany is pushing for the interests of entrepreneurs. That urge to destroy the Greek islands because the vast majority of hotel chains in Asia Minor coast opposite the Greek islands, is of German interests. They want to break tourism in the Greek Islands to serve their interests. Unfortunately there are Greeks from the club of those who believe in Germany serving from Greece German interests. Among those Mr. Theodorakis ".
But the interests of Germany has not only captured the theme of tourism, but continue for OTE.
After further sale of shares and voting rights of the Greek government, the July 11, 2011, the share of Deutsche Telekom in OTE is 40%. With the German obsession privatizations including the remaining 10% owned by the Greek government, everything suggests that want complete control and OTE
Meanwhile on Tuesday morning Defence Minister stressed the two conditions without which no solution is discussed. These are that "There will be no disarmament of the country, impoverishment of the armed forces, and will be fully respected on the special VAT scheme for the islands."
He added that "I do not accept any ultimatum. Without these two conditions are not discussing any solution. "
(Photo archive eurokinissi)