What is Varoufakis gonna offer tomorrow ?
Half Life 3 ?
Fucking hell...
That could do it.
Half-Life 3, sold exclusively via Greece.
Tax money from that should resolve the debt and then some.
Can someone explain to me what happens with hyper inflation and how does that compare to the 15+ years of austerity?
Some of this economics talk is totally going over my head.
1) Greece reverts to drachma.
2) Sets initial exchange at 1:1 with the euro.
3) Market says "nope" and prices it differently, say 10:1 with the euro.
4) Effective prices have just gone up 10x.
Imports are that much more expensive. Euro debt is that much more expensive. Local merchants raise prices because they don't want to sell something for much less than it is worth.
Some countries (like China) have the reserves to manipulate their own currency to keep it at a fixed exchange rate (China pegs to the US dollar).
Other countries have an "official" exchange rate when is lower than the market rate (valuing the native currency higher) and a "black market" exchange rate which is usually the true exchange rate.
Either way, it's not good if you're getting paid in the native currency.
Actually, the price increases in all of those graphs happen before the default - you can tell when the default is because inflation suddenly plummets to normal levels.
Which Greece has been insulated from since it was using the euro. If it leaves the euro and goes back to its own currency, the market correction will appear in full force.