So... I see it's gone full circle now:The last 18% of this install is going to be excruciating.

So... I see it's gone full circle now:The last 18% of this install is going to be excruciating.
So... I see it's gone full circle now:
How do you unlock him? I never found him in the PS3 version but I definitely don't want to miss him this time.Just played for about awhile last night. Did the first heist all in first person and it was so damn cool. I forgot to recruitbefore the heist but I'll get them for the next one. I'm having a lot of fun though, love this game.Packie
How do you unlock him? I never found him in the PS3 version but I definitely don't want to miss him this time.
Near Franklin's neighborhood there will be a blue pharmacy called "Dollar Pills". There should be an event with aHow do you unlock him? I never found him in the PS3 version but I definitely don't want to miss him this time.
Where abouts on the map does this event happen, how far in the game do I need to be for this to trigger and what character do I need to be?He's in a random event iirc where he asks you to drive him and his crew somewhere after they fucked up a heist of their own.
It would be censorship. I usually don't buy any censored games, so it's a big deal for me.
All games are censored. Deal with it. To complain that you cant see titties outside is a bit childish. I guess you will have to wait for the PC version where you probably can download a mod that makes everyone an exhibitionist sex addict willing to fuck everywhere you please as soon as you ask...
was reading through an old IGN article "100 little things that will blow your mind". rockstar is God.
68) If you try to pick up a prostitute when a cop car is nearby, the woman wont approach you - they just try to look inconspicuous instead.
67) At night if you crash a car into a house, its interior lights will spring on, as if you woke up the residents.
74) If you drive at night with your headlights off, oncoming cars will flash theirs, to alert you.
95) If a pedestrian is crossing the street and the light turns yellow theyll jog the rest of the way across.
93) If youre talking on the phone while driving you cant adjust your headlights, because your hand is occupied.
If you are driving a cop car when you go to those 'Fake cry for help/ambush' events... even with your sirens off68) If you try to pick up a prostitute when a cop car is nearby, the woman wont approach you - they just try to look inconspicuous instead.
was reading through an old IGN article "100 little things that will blow your mind". rockstar is God.
68) If you try to pick up a prostitute when a cop car is nearby, the woman wont approach you - they just try to look inconspicuous instead.
67) At night if you crash a car into a house, its interior lights will spring on, as if you woke up the residents.
74) If you drive at night with your headlights off, oncoming cars will flash theirs, to alert you.
95) If a pedestrian is crossing the street and the light turns yellow theyll jog the rest of the way across.
93) If youre talking on the phone while driving you cant adjust your headlights, because your hand is occupied.
I can never seem to find decent sized lobbies on GTA Online, sometimes for free roam I get over 10 people but for the jobs I'm lucky if I get more than 4, normally I get nothing. I think Rockstar need to fix the matchmaking for this game.
I posted a rough list a bunch of pages back in the early AM that others may find interesting of similar stuff but a bit more story related...was reading through an old IGN article "100 little things that will blow your mind". rockstar is God.
68) If you try to pick up a prostitute when a cop car is nearby, the woman won’t approach you - they just try to look inconspicuous instead.
67) At night if you crash a car into a house, its interior lights will spring on, as if you woke up the residents.
74) If you drive at night with your headlights off, oncoming cars will flash theirs, to alert you.
95) If a pedestrian is crossing the street and the light turns yellow they’ll jog the rest of the way across.
93) If you’re talking on the phone while driving you can’t adjust your headlights, because your hand is occupied.
This reminds me of a sort of PSA... PRO TIP for everyone: remember to often switch characters, hangout or make phone calls, etc.
Some times these things just add flavour but there can also be unique story relevant stuff.
Franklin has a unique scene with Tanisha when you switch to him in the afternoon.
Michael and Trevor have some good talks about how Michael feels about him being back and how he acted 10 years ago when they hangout. It's actually great context and it helps build Michael's character and POV.And the fact I think you can tell he's lying.
Hangout can sometimes provide context comments, like Michael will sarcastically comment on Trevor's vehicle choice if it's weird such as a cop car. If Trevor accidentally kills Michael, as Michael, he'll text you after you spawn and apologize. Vice versa and Michael will text and say he looked so peaceful laying on the ground and he hopes that the hospital people didn't touch him funny... and Trevor will say, when he spawns at the hospital "what? no hospital pick-up, Mikey?"... if T accidentally kills M as T, M will text him saying "ha! not so fast!"
There's so funny stuff if you try to find M or T during certain parts of the game where they aren't supposed to be able to talk/meet/etc.... These things won't happen for very if T shows up at M's house when they're arguing, or M confronts T on the street and tries to attack him haha.
A lot of missions have multiple very different or very long conversations. During Marriage Counseling, the conversation M and F have is very long, like 2-3 minutes, and it's very easy to miss most of it if you drive at regular speed. After Hood Safari, there are actually 4 totally unique conversations depending onThose last two provide some useful story context.who you escape as and who you escape with: F & L talk about CJ and GTA SA; F and T talk about North Yankton but T and F talk about M being a bad influence.
Ron tells Trevor he's too sensitive if you call him between Mr Philips and before Crytal Maze, and Trevor agrees.
If you call Stretch as Franklin shortly after The Long Stretch, they argue.
If you switch to Trevor after Minor Turbulence, Predator, and I think Paleto Score Setup... there's 1 scene where Trevor talks about cooking meth in his meth lab (it never ever spawns again after this point).
There's a rare event where you can fight Simeon that only spawns between Surveying the Score and The Jewelry Store Heist.
Technically you can Hangout with all 3 characters if they're all available.. unique 3 person conversations, your 2 friends will shoot and kill people who are hostile to you. Makes for some awesome free roam shootouts and car chases.
These are just a few quick ones that I recalled quickly... Lots of stuff like this.... most of the time it's just cool (e.g. Scooter Brothers) or flavour (Lamar talking about being a native) but there are some pretty good.
Just remember to often Switch Characters, Hangout, check the Radio News and Web News, Bleeter, Lifeinvader... all this stuff updates contextually to the story. Try do everything after every mission.
p.s. random tip that is easy to miss but is cool: Trevor's brown leather jacket named Lonewolf at Suburban actually has a big Air Force wolf head on the back. It's the only jacket for Trevor that has a big graphic on the back.
another one I just remembered (I'm playing right now so just opened my laptop again quick before I forget haha)
It's about Michael and his personal finances. I think most people know he's not good at stock trading. Lester comments on it during... Friend Request, I think. Also, Amanda comments on it if you Accept her request during her first Side Event.
But Michael has one Switch Scene that spawns I think after Heist 1 but stop spawning later in the game around. He's in west LS near the plaza there, and there's 2 or 3 different 'lines' he will say about "always paying his debt" or "the stock market has been rough!".Reuniting the Family or especially after the ending when he becomes happy
Also, his Therapist events actually have different lines depending on when you do them. For example, if you do the 2nd event after Three's Company or I think especially after Heist 2, Michael talks more about the crazy events that happened in those scenes. But if you do the Therapist Event just after Dead Man Walking, he just talks about being a 'gun runner' and how he lose so much money to "scams, the stock market, the house", etc... Much of this scene is the same. The 'Accept or Deny Advice' reactions are the same. The comment about "Do you believe in evil" is the same. But there are a few lines that are unique depending on which mission you go see him after.
A lot of this stuff really helps build the characters. You get more insight into their concerns, past events, personal finances, their emotional state or if they sound flustered, lying, etc when talking, and in general their personal hobbies, activities, relationships. I think the stuff with Franklin and Stretch or Tanisha, the stuff about Michael explaining himself to Trevor during Hangouts, the stuff about personal finances for Michael, etc really help flesh them out more.
was reading through an old IGN article "100 little things that will blow your mind". rockstar is God.
There's a huge near-100 page thread on stuff like that at GTAF, too. If just beat the game for the 1st time, can probably find lots of new stuff reading that for just a few minutes.there was a thread about the little details when GTAV released on PS360.
It was full of crazy stuff, like new shoes making a squeaky sound for a few minutes etc.
Hey guys, is there a consensus on the best ways to get rp on gta v online? Thanks![]()
I don't think I can play FP mode all the way through. Even with the FOV all the way up, I feel like I'm getting motion sick.
Also, GTAO is not fun. At all. Joined, went to go buy an apartment, got ram off the road by the first person I saw. Respawned. They found me again, ran me over. And again. Aaaaaand again.
Completely forgot about passive mode. I'll give it a shot.Okay so join a new session. Its not been like that for me once. Also turn on passive mode.
Near Franklin's neighborhood there will be a blue pharmacy called "Dollar Pills". There should be an event with ataking place. Do not kill anyone,robbery.the robbers want you to help them getaway
I actually found this event on the PS3 version but I ended up killing this heist recruit. Never respawned for me after. They're actually one of the best heist recruits in the game and take a very small cut.
Edit: You should be able to get them as any character but I've seen them picked up as Franklin or Michael. Should be able to be done fairly soon into the game, definitely before the first heist it is available.
I don't think I can play FP mode all the way through. Even with the FOV all the way up, I feel like I'm getting motion sick.
Also, GTAO is not fun. At all. Joined, went to go buy an apartment, got ram off the road by the first person I saw. Respawned. They found me again, ran me over. And again. Aaaaaand again.
Are atms no longer showing on the map in online? Can't find them anywhere.