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Guild Wars 2 |OT5| We've got fun and games

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Bad decison to call it Taunt.

I think you're right.

Taunts problem in WoW was that it turned you into a guy who had to keep up aggro/threat, and just spam taunt every time it went off cooldown. That was really the problem. GW2 doesnt have threat mechanics like that, so Taunt is just going to be a pretty cool control ability. I am not worried about that at all.

What I am worried about though, is CC in PvP. I like that GW2 has relatively little CC. Or at least that a lot of CC is breakable. Unbreakable CC just annoys the shit out of me. I don't mind things like slow or chilled, because you're just hindered, you still play. But if I have to sit there and be turned into a sheep for 8-10 seconds with no way of breaking out of it - It makes it not very fun. And when I played WoW, the PvP had a lot of, and I mean a lot of CC. I heard they reduced that some years ago though.

I hope the new CC can be broken. I mean it really should. I like the way, almost every class can equip themselves with a lot of escape cards. I often do that. I always have Shake it off on me, aka "The Taylor Swift Shout", but also that if you dont have any escape cards, then you will suffer control effects.

And that is good. That is great about GW2 pvp that we still have to think about what sort of things we take with us. Utility skills matter.

Which is something I am wondering about;

1) You can't equip two weapons like Engineer and Ele can't, but the active Legend you equip decides the heal, utility and elite skills.

So no interchanging swapping? You can't have the Janis Dwarf Legend active, and then take the heal spell from one of the other legends?
Because doesn't that take away from the customization? We knew we wouldnt be able to swap weapon skills, but I am surprised if you can't individual deck out the right skill bar?


It's official, jumping puzzles are the worst >_< My left thumb hurts like hell from all the excessive jumping and I'm still nowhere near neither the diving goggles nor the achievement and chest for completing this shit (you gotta do it twice yeah? Not So Secret jp)... This jumping mechanic is worse than Little Big Planet, maybe my keyboard is a bit old but pressing space doesn't do anything half the time and judging jumping distances is a pain in the ass :lol


Sounds like a keyboard issue to me.

Regarding the Revanent details, I was working on a big post but had to leave and get Mrs. Retor before I could finish... thoughts on that coming soonish, I know you guys are waiting with bated breath.
- Revenant's design was influenced mechanically and narratively around GW1 concepts.

- New legends are unlocked via skill points.

- Healing skill cool-downs aren't carried over when switching legends.

- Jalis utility skill --> call rune from sky, damaging & weakening enemies along the way, knocking them back when it hits the ground.

- Jalis elite skill --> Rite of the Great Dwarf: turn player and party members into stone, boosting power and defense.

- Revenants are anti-heroes, using whatever legends are necessary, no matter if the legends are "good" or "evil". (I.e., revenants are Batman.)

- Mallyx utility skill --> Unyielding Anguish: jump to target spot, knocking back enemies.

- Legend and weapon skills consume energy.

- Each legend should have at least one upkeep skill.

- No weapon-swapping for revenants.

- Revenant preview on Twitch 2/20/2015 (Friday) @ 12 p.m. PST.

Some extra info from Polygon article.



It's official, jumping puzzles are the worst >_< My left thumb hurts like hell from all the excessive jumping
Uhh like what. When you jump do you make the thumbs down sign with your left hand and then ram it into the keyboard? Or is your keyboard made of rocks.

Edit: that's how I'm jumping from now on btw


Still, this ain't no Super Mario, that's for sure :/ Infuriating experience all around.

Have you done any JPs besides Not So Secret? It's not a great place to get the hang of it if not. I don't recall being annoyed by the jumping there, whatever feel for it I'd developed on other JPs kept working.
Still, this ain't no Super Mario, that's for sure :/ Infuriating experience all around.

If you're having timing issues, I'd recommend getting a tonic that lets you jump, like Charr Toy Soldier, or Ghost. Then, lower ALL your graphical settings (except resolution), so you get the best (60+ fps ideally) framerate possible. Then try it again.

If you have a mouse with two thumb buttons, try putting jump on a thumb button there (I have dodge and jump on my right thumb).

(Also, don't play Super Mario Bros again today - you might discover there is way more lag between pressing jump, and Mario moving up, than you remember. I hit that recently, was a surprise.)


I saw taunt as a reverse fear, and something the game needs. More ways to move bunkers off points, and more ways to discourage stacking in pve. Looks like a few of the new skills hurt more with bad positioning. I'm all for it. I want positioning to matter much more in every mode.

The energy bar is really interesting. It would be nice if the mechanic was opened up to other classes in the future. But could just be their unique thing.

I'd imagine with all the hype flying around the class seems a little too good. But given the coming specializations every class will probably see a fair boost of new stuff.


  • The article says that energy is a "unique resource system," but I wouldn't be shocked if other professions pick up energy and upkeep skills as part of their specialization package.

  • Everything about the Revenant sounds excellent. It's interesting that that they mentioned Hammer and Mace as weapons, and the HoT trailer showed Revenants using staff. It could be that they're taking a cleric-like approach to their weapons. Rytlock uses a sword in both the concept art and the HoT trailer, but that could just be character-specific (he used a pistol despite being a warrior, for example).

  • Another profession with an energy mechanic (the other being Thieves' Initiative, of course), but this one sounds like it will be more about a careful balance between regeneration and expenditure / upkeep. It's a more involved mechanic than I think we're used to seeing, so hopefully that increased difficulty will whittle down on the "Everyone and their grandma is playing a Revenant" effect... not that it matters since every profession can fill every role, so at least we're not facing the "five Death Knights walk into a dungeon..." joke that WotLK was.

  • Hammer as a ranged weapon is cool, but I worry the "Melee weapon used in a strange way" twist is going to get old as time goes on. It was insanely cool with Mesmer greatsword, and this sounds like it'll be pretty sweet too (I expect a lot of blond Norn Revenants running around with names like "x x x Mighty Thor x x x" soon), but I worry it's becoming an overplayed angle. Still, it's a lot more interesting approach than most MMOs, so at least there's that.

  • I would expect to see more direction-targeted (aka Skillshot) skills overall. Cascading attacks, moveable fields, chaining attacks, and more will likely be appearing for the other professions as well.

  • All three of the new status effects sound like they will drastically shake things up. Resistance is going to be interesting as "Condition suppression", not removing them but still negating their effects. It's nice that all of the profession mechanics that rely on their target to be affected by conditions aren't suddenly broken, and I could see them going through and weeding out full-on condition removal in places and substituting it for Resistance to give condi builds a shot in the arm.

  • Slow seems kind of redundant with Chilled and Crippled, so unless they merge / eliminate one, there will be 3 flavors of 'move slower' now. One of the things I really liked about GW2 is that they consolidated boons and conditions instead of the huge pile of redundant buffs most MMOs have (heh, I think there's a game somewhere under that UI). I'll want to see it in action and compare it to the effects of Chilled.

  • Taunt. I have a feeling just the implication that there's a snap aggro ability (spoiler: it sounds like a reverse fear / knockback or the world's slowest pull) is going to be met with cries of "fuck the trinity!" and "you sed no tanking!". Which are both sentiments I can honestly get behind, but in this case it's just not true. We'll have to see how it plays out, but anyone who reads this and thinks "OMG, GW2 has Trinity now" is over reacting. I'll be sure to stay off Reddit for a few days until cooler heads prevail... maybe make that a few weeks.

    On that note though, it does mean there's a new form of control in town which is cool, and using the familiar terminology (even if mechanically it is only slightly similar) will be a nice way to shut up the people who get all "OMG, GW2 combat is too chaotic, I can't process more than one thing at a time while watching youtube videos, reading tumblr and stuffing doritos into my gaping, unshaven orc maw!"

  • It'll be interesting to see how Taunt plays with the new Unshakeable gauge/mechanic we've seen on POI. I'm hoping the way it works is that each control ability drains a set amount of the bar, which would constantly regenerate. If the bar is ever drained completely, the enemy becomes Defiant and ignores control abilities until the bar fills all the way back up. In that way, smart groups would carefully apply control abilities so that the bar is never fully depleted. People who just spam abilities because that's all they're used to / have the mental capacity for would have to learn how to play correctly or get used to getting kicked from groups.
Looking forward to play a Revnant now though, I'm glad I've had a name reserved since launch that kind of fits their theme too.


Back in the day, I said they would bring trinity to GW2 with Game of Thorns and I was meet with disbelief. Now look where we are.


Let's be clear here. The Taunt will likely be a 5-7 sec effect in PvE, once its over mob will then focus on someone else based on XYZ threat tables. Like Retro said it's a reverse fear or slow pull, it's meant to take pressure off of an ally much like stuff like knockbacks/pulls/fears already do. You won't be able to chain it and keep a mob only on you forever. My guess is abilities with Taunt will have at least a 20s CD.


Let's be clear here. The Taunt will likely be a 5-7 sec effect in PvE, once its over mob will then focus on someone else based on XYZ threat tables. Like Retro said it's a reverse fear or slow pull, it's meant to take pressure off of an ally much like stuff like knockbacks/pulls/fears already do. You won't be able to chain it and keep a mob only on you forever.

I think even 5-7 seconds would be too much, I was thinking more like 5 seconds tops, even in PVE. In PVP I'd be shocked if it ever goes over 3 seconds. That's the maximum amount of fear you can apply baseline (Necros can kick that up to 4.5 with Master of Terror

I'm with Vigilant Walrus, I think total loss of control should be a big no-no for games. Thanks to stunbreak abilities, it's not so bad in GW2 as it was other games (Stunlock rogues in WoW, for example), but any mechanic where you can only sit helplessly and watch yourself die is not okay in my book. So I hope, at the very least, Taunt comes with some kind of counterbalance. For example, since you're forced to run at and auto-attack your target, your auto attack damage should be increased while under the effect of Taunt. After all, someone did piss you off enough to ignore everything else.


Looking forward to taunting enemies off walls in WvW. All those obnoxious rangers who stand right on the edge and just barrage? Gonna be fun when they run senselesslysinto the waiting arms of the enemy below.


Looking forward to taunting enemies off walls in WvW. All those obnoxious rangers who stand right on the edge and just barrage? Gonna be fun when they run senselesslysinto the waiting arms of the enemy below.

oh man that sounds awesome
I had to put off getting him for months (I bought materials for Sunrise/Twilight instead), so I'm super happy to finally have the best mini.




oh man that sounds awesome

The reason I think it will work better than skills like, say, Scorpion Wire, is that it's a condition that results in action, rather than a physical manipulation of another player that can get snagged on the geometry or hung up in line of sight / lag issues. Slap taunt on em and, at least in theory, the game should make them run off the wall at you. Of course, most WvW walls have a little ledge you can't run over, so... we'll see.
Looking forward to taunting enemies off walls in WvW. All those obnoxious rangers who stand right on the edge and just barrage? Gonna be fun when they run senselesslysinto the waiting arms of the enemy below.
You can kind of already do this with pulls. Engis, Mesmers and Necros. Not sure if guardian can chain and pull from the ground some one that's high up.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Slow isn't like Cripple or Chilled, it's like reverse Quickness! Mesmers should have a specialization or whatever to be able to use Time Warp defensively to cause it (to enemies) instead. Chilled doesn't slow actual skill use at all; it extends skill cooldowns (Cripple obviously doesn't affect skills in the first place).
It's so weird thinking that we have all this Revernant class info, and they still haven't even talked about Revernant specialization! It's probably none of these weapons!



Sword main-hand
Axe Main-hand

Sword off hand

That means, there should be around 5-6 Legends if they want to make the equal amount of heal-utility-elite skills as the other classes have.

Could greatsword be the specialization? Polearms would really have been cool!


Hammer as a ranged weapon lol. The info for the Revenant was pretty exciting. Definitely looking forward to this class, and maybe look into wvw options, through that probably going to be a pain at first with everyone wanting to try it lol.


Slow isn't like Cripple or Chilled, it's like reverse Quickness! Mesmers should have a specialization or whatever to be able to use Time Warp defensively to cause it (to enemies) instead. Chilled doesn't slow actual skill use at all; it extends skill cooldowns (Cripple obviously doesn't affect skills in the first place).

Yeah, I don't expect Slow to affect your movement speed, just the rate at which your actions are performed. The only thing I am not sure about are actions that cause movement, like Warrior's GS Beyblade thing; I'm pretty sure haste currently does affect the speed at which those travel.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, I don't expect Slow to affect your movement speed, just the rate at which your actions are performed. The only thing I am not sure about are actions that cause movement, like Warrior's GS Beyblade thing; I'm pretty sure haste currently does affect the speed at which those travel.
it does. it's like being in "slow motion" or "fast motion" anytime you activate a skill. Time Warp should just be updated to do it, seriously.


Wonder if skills like Defiant Stance will be updated with the new statuses. And are these 3 all the new statuses?

Resistance seems like a good way to keep condis from being too powerful in PvP and WvW when they buff them up for PvE.


Wonder if skills like Defiant Stance will be updated with the new boons. And are these 3 all the new statuses?

Resistance seems like a good way to keep condis from being too powerful in PvP and WvW when they buff them up for PvE.

Probably not because I assume its high cooldown is tied to the fact it can't be stripped, and changing that would bring balance issues which just screams "don't fix what isn't broken.

And tell me more about these condi buffs Colin


Probably not because I assume its high cooldown is tied to the fact it can't be stripped, and changing that would bring balance issues which just screams "don't fix what isn't broken.

And tell me more about these condi buffs Colin

All I can tell you is nothing off the table.
The update made me want to get a good looking hammer for Ritualist

I think I'll stick with the Tempest Hammer, which I already unlocked


[*]Taunt. I have a feeling just the implication that there's a snap aggro ability (spoiler: it sounds like a reverse fear / knockback or the world's slowest pull) is going to be met with cries of "fuck the trinity!" and "you sed no tanking!". Which are both sentiments I can honestly get behind, but in this case it's just not true. We'll have to see how it plays out, but anyone who reads this and thinks "OMG, GW2 has Trinity now" is over reacting. I'll be sure to stay off Reddit for a few days until cooler heads prevail... maybe make that a few weeks.

On that note though, it does mean there's a new form of control in town which is cool, and using the familiar terminology (even if mechanically it is only slightly similar) will be a nice way to shut up the people who get all "OMG, GW2 combat is too chaotic, I can't process more than one thing at a time while watching youtube videos, reading tumblr and stuffing doritos into my gaping, unshaven orc maw!"

I also highly doubt that 'Taunt' will be Revenant exclusive, or any other new conditions they talked about for that matter.
I also highly doubt that 'Taunt' will be Revenant exclusive, or any other new conditions they talked about for that matter.

If the new Mesmer weapon really is a shield, I will bet 20 gold right now that one of the new Mesmer abilities is summoning a clone/phantasm that taunts.


So many responses :D

Uhh like what. When you jump do you make the thumbs down sign with your left hand and then ram it into the keyboard? Or is your keyboard made of rocks.

Edit: that's how I'm jumping from now on btw
Hahaha not quite xD It's just that I did three jumping puzzles back to back for around 2 hours straight.

I was going to offer helping you do the JP but then I remembered you are in the EU :(
I know :( Thanks!

Have you done any JPs besides Not So Secret? It's not a great place to get the hang of it if not. I don't recall being annoyed by the jumping there, whatever feel for it I'd developed on other JPs kept working.
Yes, I did chaos crystal cavern just before that one last night and the one in Fireheart Rise as well. I've also done maybe 3 to 5 other easier ones. I probably got all fired up and stressed out from the falling :)

If you're having timing issues, I'd recommend getting a tonic that lets you jump, like Charr Toy Soldier, or Ghost. Then, lower ALL your graphical settings (except resolution), so you get the best (60+ fps ideally) framerate possible. Then try it again.

If you have a mouse with two thumb buttons, try putting jump on a thumb button there (I have dodge and jump on my right thumb).

(Also, don't play Super Mario Bros again today - you might discover there is way more lag between pressing jump, and Mario moving up, than you remember. I hit that recently, was a surprise.)
That's a neat idea actually, will try that! I should move dodge to the mouse anyway as well.
Minmu there is probably enough gold in our transfer fund to help you and your girl friend transfer to SBI if you are interested.
MACE: Searing Fissure – You’ll slam down, creating pulsing area of burning fire. Essentially, it’s like an actual crack in the earth that burns a ton of enemies in front of you, and leaves a burning condition on them as well.

MACE: Echoing Erruption – With this the player jumps into the air, slamming into the ground, and creates a shockwave that cascades out from the landing point into waves with each wave doing damage. Like Searing Fissure and other Mace skills, this is about lining enemies up and blasting them with finishers.

HAMMER: Drop the Hammer – This one is a ground targeted AOE knockdown. You target a large area, swing your hammer, and then a giant Mist hammer comes swirling out of the nether knocks everyone in that area down. It’s only got a 15 second cooldown for now, but a higher Energy cost… still, imagine this in WvW?

AXE: Frigid Blitz – This allows the player to hurl an ice axe through the air, chilling everyone (slowing them), and when it reaches the actual highlighted target you teleport to him and do a melee spinning attack that ends up behind the enemy, chilling him too. A key thing Jon noted is that you can use one Axe skill mentioned in the blog to pull together a clump of enemies, and then use this to go through them all and wind up at the rear-most one.
Revs skills sound really cool. Reminds me of when we were learning about GW2 professions. HYPE!


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh, NPC outfit huh? Lame :(

So Revenant has a mix of both cooldown and Thief's "initiative"-esque requirement huh. I guess the tradeoff is that the skills are very powerful/more impactful.

Also I'm glad I'm part of community threads. Main forum is shitty already due to TO fanboyism.
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