This isn't SOE's first rodeo. I have a lot of faith in them turning this into an exceptional game.
Why is this game so popular? It looks like another day z/war z i missing something here???
So im guessing if you wanna make a quick buck just make a cheap awful warz copy and your good??? right?? Because it doesn't look like people are ever going to learn...
Why is this game so popular? It looks like another day z/war z i missing something here???
So im guessing if you wanna make a quick buck just make a cheap awful warz copy and your good??? right?? Because it doesn't look like people are ever going to learn...
Why is this game so popular? It looks like another day z/war z i missing something here???
So im guessing if you wanna make a quick buck just make a cheap awful warz copy and your good??? right?? Because it doesn't look like people are ever going to learn...
Why is this game so popular? It looks like another day z/war z i missing something here???
So im guessing if you wanna make a quick buck just make a cheap awful warz copy and your good??? right?? Because it doesn't look like people are ever going to learn...
Another update about airdrops from arclegger.
I love the way the devs are handling this.
*edit beat
So, are Gaffers staying on Solace?
Why is this game so popular? It looks like another day z/war z i missing something here???
So im guessing if you wanna make a quick buck just make a cheap awful warz copy and your good??? right?? Because it doesn't look like people are ever going to learn...
my hour count keeps going and i've yet to get on a server lol.
pointless tweet but heh.
Can you not loot players?
Can you not loot players?
You can, they drop a loot bag.
I've gotta say I expected more from SOE, even for early access. It's almost impossible to even get into a server because the queue is screwed up, the game constantly closes itself, and if I can even get into a server, I can only play for a minute or two without getting DC'd. And when that happens, I have to ctrl+alt+delete out because the log out button doesn't do anything.
I've gotta say I expected more from SOE, even for early access. It's almost impossible to even get into a server because the queue is screwed up, the game constantly closes itself, and if I can even get into a server, I can only play for a minute or two without getting DC'd. And when that happens, I have to ctrl+alt+delete out because the log out button doesn't do anything.
Glad SOE is fixing the air drops so quickly- games only been out for a day... the whole thing was way overblown. They have always been an open/friendly dev with Planetside 2. Im not saying Planetside 2 is perfect, but as far as devs talking to the community there probably is no other doing a better job of it than SOE.
Have you ever been a part of an MMO launch?
pointless tweet but heh.
Have you ever been a part of an MMO launch? airdrop was dropping an impotent package right in the middle of the map. The package it drops is now potent, and it drops it somewhere randomly on the map.
The package also has higher value loot than can be found in the other loot spots, and you don’t have to pay for it.
Remember when it was once a joke to say that someone had paid to alpha/beta test a game?
Now people are more than happy to do so.
It just boggles my damn mind...
WarZ was a cheap knockoff of DayZ.
This is obviously a DayZ clone but with an engine that DayZ will likely never match (until maybe they get their "new rebuilt" engine done). DayZ is janky as fuck.
Remember when it was once a joke to say that someone had paid to alpha/beta test a game?
Now people are more than happy to do so.
It just boggles my damn mind...
Silly when you realize the they had for plans to make blueprints sellable on the steam market and had the same insane level of backlash because of it.
The thing is you don't have to and there are plenty of warnings from the devs themselves while doing so. I'm glad the option exist because I was that guy back in the day that signed up for every single closed beta i could and never got in. Now I can choose to support the game and get a spot.
really like the competition between all these games they all want to be king
yeah the engine is still janky as fuck on ARMA 3. its not going to get better unless they build one entirely from the ground up but that's not happening anytime soon.
Solace though it's down at the moment. I won't choose a back up yet because which one goes down and stay up is pretty random. When things get better sorted I'm sure we will be able to jump on. For now it's basically play on whatever you can.So...does GAF have a specific server they hang around?
So...does GAF have a specific server they hang around?
But you aren't paying2win. So it's not pay2win, pay2win with a twist, or anything like that. It's pay2getacrate.I said pay2win with a twist for a reason. You might end up paying for someone else to get the ingame advantage. Either way money is being exchanged for guns though. And honestly i haven't been ingame long enough to see one of these air drops go down, so i want to see how afew of them play out and how easily other people can get to and steal someones drop.