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Halo 5 Forge |OT| Plan, Build, Share


About that name. it didn't occur to me the other day but there was a very popular Reach game which was like a combination of Grifball and Hockey called Smashball.

It was built prior to the Hockey variant so it required a VERY complex scoring system.


About that name. it didn't occur to me the other day but there was a very popular Reach game which was like a combination of Grifball and Hockey called Smashball.

It was built prior to the Hockey variant so it required a VERY complex scoring system.

damn I remember that name now that you said it

I was very familar with the scoring, open up the spoilers in my Revball OP and see, I even reference that guy and link to smashball, lol


history repeats itself.

Ill name it something different maybe

Wish I could come play more, but it's 1am and I have to get some sleep. Super happy I got to test and perfect this. Thanks to all the Gaffers that came to play.

Super Dropshot - https://youtu.be/71lHGo_Niu0

looks fun sik! Ill give it a dl and try


Forgot to post this, but I came across a guy that does some crazy stuff. He added me through an other friend and showed me some stuff. Here is a Mario themed map:

It has all sorts of Mario stuff, like: Bob-ombs, Piranha plants, Pipes that are teleportes, Koopa's, etc. etc.

Currently, he is also working on a Japanese temple thing, that also looks pretty good. I'm really impressed with his stuff.

Somebody needs to check out his File Share. GT: Caustic Kirby


.. yippie

"Decent Halo 3 Rats Nest by nillapuddin626"

"Best so far"

the internet is a hilarious place
Is there anywhere that has all remakes by everyone? I'll be the judge on which one I think is best, just as I'd hope you would judge is the best out of the bunch. I looked at the Turf that he picked and you linked the other day, and distances were way off.


Forgot to post this, but I came across a guy that does some crazy stuff. He added me through an other friend and showed me some stuff. Here is a Mario themed map:

It has all sorts of Mario stuff, like: Bob-ombs, Piranha plants, Pipes that are teleportes, Koopa's, etc. etc.

Currently, he is also working on a Japanese temple thing, that also looks pretty good. I'm really impressed with his stuff.

Somebody needs to check out his File Share. GT: Caustic Kirby
Holy. Shit.


This doesn't show every version of each map, but it usually lists the most impressive version.

unfortunately thats not true. this guy seemingly just picked every newest one that pops up and delists the previous ones. That list is a joke.

Is there anywhere that has all remakes by everyone? I'll be the judge on which one I think is best, just as I'd hope you would judge is the best out of the bunch. I looked at the Turf that he picked and you linked the other day, and distances were way off.

Ive been in this game along time, Ive never had a problem admitting if I believe someone has created a better map than I have, as of the time being. My versions are superior to the rest Ive seen, with the exception of my Turf, I think there is an argument that DarkPrince909's version is a toss up with my own. They are nearly identical geometrically, but his aesthetic is alot different.


Oh, I thought it was an open doc and other people were editing it. That's a shame. Somehow I missed it was comment only.

nope, all you need to do is look at this video


see that map, and the fact that in his opinion its a 10/10.

I understand that everyone has an opinion, but this guy has no idea what hes talking about and its to the detriment of everyone.



"rats nest"


welp, I made a poorly worded comment and now that guy and I are internet fighting.

Its my fault, I wont edit it, it is what it is.

Im an adult, I shouldn't have said anything, but I did. Sigh.
welp, I made a poorly worded comment and now that guy and I are internet fighting.

Its my fault, I wont edit it, it is what it is.

Im an adult, I shouldn't have said anything, but I did. Sigh.

It happens, that darn internet removing all context of discussion making it super easy to misread someone haha.


the battlefield


I always knew Turf would destroy me



It happens, that darn internet removing all context of discussion making it super easy to misread someone haha.

not so much of lack of context, as that I said he "didnt have the pedigree to solely decide which is best for everyone"
so yeah, I did it to myself. Im not innocent. For whatever reason I just let that slip

fwiw: I had a long message typed up, explaining how Ive been in his position, what we did that worked, what didnt, offering advice and my personal help. But figured some kid wouldnt want the help of my crusty ass. Who knows.


And now you know why the Cartographers tended to be quiet because map discussions can start shitfires

it also thickens the skin

well I mean you know I've been in this along time, even when we had our public group for Remakes in Reach, we had a private group/Blueprint that we actually talked about them during testing.

Most importantly, I am not even campaigning for my own maps, but that overall this guy needs to rethink what hes doing. For everyones sake.

Ugh, gunna just close the laptop, wake me when someone can appropriately represent the community and everyone can find maps that make them happy.


I personally don't like the new era of video-ers that have only surface-level involvement in communities but use said communities to generate content for their video channels.

Like, I still have no idea why certain names in a certain other game community are people I should care about. I have no idea where they came from, and their entire breadth of engagement is 2 minutes of blather, 2 seconds of review, then another minute of "LIKEANDSUBSCRIBE".

so for Forge I'm most likely to care more about Forgers posting than videoers video ctrl c ctrl ving


Which is why I like the idea Sik had. Because I respect his forging ability, I feel like I could run around a map and converse with him about it. Explain the process, talk about piece usage etc, etc. He would know what I mean and could ask real questions.

(I still would like to do that with you sik, my apologies for the belatedness)

After I complained to that guy in private that he used my maps for content without asking me the first time, notice he publically asked for permission this time.

All he did was use my own gamedvr clip, but I'm actually glad, because that video shows the pathways, jumps and crannies that I want people to know about.


Forgot to post this, but I came across a guy that does some crazy stuff. He added me through an other friend and showed me some stuff. Here is a Mario themed map:

It has all sorts of Mario stuff, like: Bob-ombs, Piranha plants, Pipes that are teleportes, Koopa's, etc. etc.

Currently, he is also working on a Japanese temple thing, that also looks pretty good. I'm really impressed with his stuff.

Somebody needs to check out his File Share. GT: Caustic Kirby

This sounds really cool. Will have to check it out when I get home.
well I mean you know I've been in this along time, even when we had our public group for Remakes in Reach, we had a private group/Blueprint that we actually talked about them during testing.

Most importantly, I am not even campaigning for my own maps, but that overall this guy needs to rethink what hes doing. For everyones sake.

Ugh, gunna just close the laptop, wake me when someone can appropriately represent the community and everyone can find maps that make them happy.

I have big fond memories of the Blueprint days.


anybody mucking around right now?

Probably too late to ask, but in the mood for customs, plus Ive got like 7 maps in my back pocket that I dont get to play as much as Id like


edit: clocking out. hopefully game on sunday
anybody mucking around right now?

Probably too late to ask, but in the mood for customs, plus Ive got like 7 maps in my back pocket that I dont get to play as much as Id like


edit: clocking out. hopefully game on sunday

Hopefully I'll be on at some point today too


Morning Sunday GAF

Im going to try and be social today, if you want me for customs or dabble in some forging shoot me a message.

Im doing a few things around the house, but Im mostly stationary


Forgot to post this, but I came across a guy that does some crazy stuff. He added me through an other friend and showed me some stuff. Here is a Mario themed map:


It has all sorts of Mario stuff, like: Bob-ombs, Piranha plants, Pipes that are teleportes, Koopa's, etc. etc.

Currently, he is also working on a Japanese temple thing, that also looks pretty good. I'm really impressed with his stuff.

Somebody needs to check out his File Share. GT: Caustic Kirby

Anyone know if there's a youtube video showing this map off? Want to show it to a friend.
It was too easy before, but after the changes you made it might have become a bit too hard :p

Well NOW it's 100% more awesome. Nilla has just helped me put the finishing touches on a new court (the original was thrown together in an afternoon from one of Nokyards Grifball courts) but the new court is purpose built. 5 points for a thrown on target shot, and 10 for a walk in... Which can only really be groundpounded in.

Time to make sure the movement and combat is as fun as the concept.


Made some adjustments to my Basketball game and map

2/28 Map Update

- Some users reported that during laggy games they would get locked out of the arena (scripted closing invisible blockers) So I added in teleporters than spawn in after round start to bring players inside.

- Addressed an issue with the gametype that started a second round, even if the first round had a victor.

- Added a second thruster pack for the carrier, similar to Grifball.




Why is scripting so imprecise? I have a welded object that is supposed to rotate 90 degrees around its parent object. Sometimes it actually goes 90 degrees, other times it just does 85-ish, sometimes it goes 95ish. It's really frustrating because I want to make it a core feature of the map, but most of the time it refuses to work correctly.


Why is scripting so imprecise? I have a welded object that is supposed to rotate 90 degrees around its parent object. Sometimes it actually goes 90 degrees, other times it just does 85-ish, sometimes it goes 95ish. It's really frustrating because I want to make it a core feature of the map, but most of the time it refuses to work correctly.

it completely bogus, Longshore is in perguatory because until I can make the extendi-bridge work the way I want it to 100% of the time, I dont want to release it.

: /
it completely bogus, Longshore is in perguatory because until I can make the extendi-bridge work the way I want it to 100% of the time, I dont want to release it.

: /

One thing I dunno if you've considered is setting the final place of rest for the objects as spawn location and working backwards. So, for example, let's say your old setup had three sections to the bridge: A (the "start" of the bridge), B (extension 1, not spawned at match start) and C (extension 2, not spawned at match start). A normal setup might look like:

- no necesssary scripting

- on message received, spawn inside A and move forward X units

- on message received, spawn inside A and move forward 2X units

While straightforward, the nature of welding and whatnot obviously leaves it prone to bugging out. A more technical, but much more reliable / precise configuration could be:

Script Brain
- uses a timer to send messages at the match start, but only once

- to reduce z-fighting, despawns at match start and spawns on message received

- spawns in its "extended" position; initial script brain tells it to move inside A, or -X units forward
- on message received, returns to its original position / rotation

- spawns in its "extended" position; initial script brain tells it to move inside A, or -2X units forward
- on message received, returns to its original position / rotation
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