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Halo 5 Forge |OT| Plan, Build, Share


look at this old docx I found in my OneDrive, circa 2012, how cute, back when we thought Halo 4 would bring us such joy and continued growth as a community... if only we knew...


Other than Deadlock's 17964 you have WAY more downloads than me.

Dont talk to soon, Deadlock at 18021 now! Burning up the charts!

Still disappointing, I mean, I could kinda tell how many DL I was getting based off of new friend requests, but I was hoping for a bigger number. I just want to make fun maps for everyone to enjoy : (

The Descent into Decent.

Guess I oughta update links on my FH posts, not that anyone will check em, but still.
Well, I now know exactly how irrelevant I've become


I used to be happy with tens of thousands of dl's : (

My co-forge with Mega has most dl's, and in second place 'Double Turf'

An unfinished Longshore has nearly as much as ones I finished and promoted in first month
That reminds me. Anyone know how forgehub is doing? Use to be the biggest forge community back in the day.


So what maps do people want played? I know Sik has a couple maps, nilla has quite a few remakes, Wahrer has that one layered map(nightingale, I think). Who else has something that will work on 4v4?

EDIT: Raide, what are the names of the maps for each size?
So what maps do people want played? I know Sik has a couple maps, nilla has quite a few remakes, Wahrer has that one layered map(nightingale, I think). Who else has something that will work on 4v4?

EDIT: Raide, what are the names of the maps for each size?

Aw, you remembered it!

Nightingale's kind of a mess right now though, I wouldn't worry about trying to test it.


look at this old docx I found in my OneDrive, circa 2012, how cute, back when we thought Halo 4 would bring us such joy and continued growth as a community... if only we knew...

You're making me all nostalgic now, nilla. I went into Fonze's bnet thread so I can cringe at my virtual adolescence.

Whatever happened to that blog you had going for awhile?


You're making me all nostalgic now, nilla. I went into Fonze's bnet thread so I can cringe at my virtual adolescence.

Whatever happened to that blog you had going for awhile?

Yeah I fell into that Fonze thread and our others awhile back, hilarious stuff

Remember when this was going


(so many ads now, jeeze)

and yeah I had a site going that was similar in concept to the wikia but had alot more features, but I think I just ran it off my school server in a sub folder for my classes and once I was done as a student there they closed my ftp server lol

Im diggin deep but I cant find the files for that old forge site, but Ill resurrect it for old times sake when I find it, I did find the redesign I did for HBO though lol


I need some obstacle courses. Found a coupple good ones, but was hoping people could recommend even more. What do I search for on Halo Waypoint?


Thanks for the matches, everyone. I'm gonna have to look into the spawn system some more. I have initial spawns down for both teams, but it just goes ahead and spawns people willy nilly around the map.


Crossposting from Halo 5 OT



Halo 5’s Forge is an immensely powerful overhaul of the Forge tool from previous iterations. The API is also an incredibly powerful tool, although only players who are also developers know how to use it properly. Having said that these are powerful tools, I want to talk about how to make them better. I’m not going into details on each one better individually, but instead focusing on how to make them better together. In this article I will address two issues, set an end goal for each, and detail different options to both end goals.

A common complaint of people is that Forge maps don’t have a custom picture. They just use the default image for their canvas. So the solution to this is to give custom maps a custom image. Now how does 343 Industries get from the problem to the solution? I have a few options that I’d like to go into: in-game objects, in-game action, and file linking.

The first option is using an in-game object, or specifically a static camera. Static cameras are in Forge already, although most Forgers tend to look over them. They only come up in matches when the player’s death cam can no longer follow the killer. The static cam can also appear when players are disintegrated, as for some reason the game doesn’t detect a biped so the camera just despawns. This special static cam would have a different label, such as Map Image. What it would do is whenever the file is saved, part of the saving process would use whatever the camera sees as the map’s custom image. It is worth noting though, if a player or a monitor were in frame, it would more than likely include them. It also changes how players recognize a map. If a map were to change the location of the static cam, it would change the picture globally. This could be viewed as a positive effect also, as it is more representative of the current map.

The second option is an in-game action. When players are creating their map, they will open up map options to change environment settings. These are things like lighting, fog, and weather effects. This particular option would be to enter map options and then press a button to capture what the monitor is looking at. Generally speaking, this would remove the problem of a player or monitor being inadvertently in frame, but the negative is that it wouldn’t update with every iteration of the map. Like before, this is both a positive and a negative.

The last option is file linking. This would have been the option of choice on the Xbox 360, as screenshots and maps on the game engine level, instead of screenshots now being on the OS level. If Halo were to return to game engine level screenshots, this would again be the best method. What it does is ties a screenshot taken in Theater to a map. These files would be linked together through Waypoint. Players could delete stuff from their hard drive, as long as both were uploaded to Waypoint.


Now how does this link into the API? The API supports both Maps and Map Variants. Maps are defined as base maps, while variants are defined as any version different from the base map. An example of a Map Variant to a Map is Guillotine to Alpine. Currently, the API halfway supports map variants. If a map is in matchmaking, it is supported. If it’s a user map that’s not in matchmaking, too bad so sad. Taking a look into the Map and Map Variant API call results give some interesting results. The Map call will return “ImageUrl” which should (and is) the image for the base map. The Map Variant call will return “mapImageUrl” which should bring back an image of the map. Instead it returns the base map image. The image below shows that the API links the Map Variant image to the same location that the Map image, while also showing that the MapID on the Variant is the same as the ID of the map itself. It can be concluded from here that at some point in the future, 343 Industries plans to expand Map Variants to have an image different from the base map image.

The next thing I want to focus on is the new Events API endpoint. The Events API endpoint was added on April 4, 2016. What this does is give a detailed rundown of each event that happens in game. This can be one of many events such as a player’s death, a weapon pickup, a player spawning in, and more. What I would like to see added is on weapon pickups and player spawns. For death events, the API returns the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the killer and the victim. I would like to see these X, Y, and Z coordinates added to the weapon pickups and spawns. What this does is gives detailed data about what weapons and spawns players are getting on a map. This is particularly important for Forgers, so they can see what spawns might be weighted highly or what weapons aren’t getting used.

So for example, in a custom match on my map, I can load up the Events endpoint and go through all events that happened in game. If I see a spawn event, it has more than just “Player”, “Event name” (which in this case is “PlayerSpawn”), and “TimeSinceStart”. I would also get EventWorldLocation, which would have X, Y, and Z positions for that event. Then I could go into Forge and see what spawn point that was.


An alternative to this to give each spawn point and weapon a different id attribute. It’s not confirmed, but it is suspected that when a player duplicates an object, there’s a hidden id attribute that is also duplicated. This also applies to spawn points, and is my personal suspicion as to why some spawn points are heavily favored over others. How I think it works is that the system determines that spawn-point id=5 is a good place to spawn, but the game sees 2 points where the spawn-point id==5, and it goes with the one of the entries. That’s just pure speculation on my end, but regardless I think the game should have an option to show all spawn ids. This way, on the events call, the game could give a spawn id for the PlayerSpawn event. This would apply to weapons and weapon pads also. The player could then go into Forge and see what spawn points are where, based on the ids visible in-game.

With the goal of providing more event details to map makers, this would give developers the ability to make tools for Forgers. The next goal is make these tools as good as tools that 343 Industries use. This provides benefits for everyone, as Forgers could get better data and make better maps out of the process.


Maps REALLY need their own screenshots. It was a known issue all the way back in Reach that players tend to be confused or not know what forge maps to vote for because they all have the same picture. The original CCs brought it up and it was confirmed to be a known thing.

IIRC, the original plan for Reach was that you'd be able to take a Screenshot and then attach it to a map in some way as the map picture, but they couldn't get it into the game in time. They also wanted to let people name the map areas that show on the HUD but that didn't make ship either.


Maps REALLY need their own screenshots. It was a known issue all the way back in Reach that players tend to be confused or not know what forge maps to vote for because they all have the same picture. The original CCs brought it up and it was confirmed to be a known thing.

IIRC, the original plan for Reach was that you'd be able to take a Screenshot and then attach it to a map in some way as the map picture, but they couldn't get it into the game in time. They also wanted to let people name the map areas that show on the HUD but that didn't make ship either.

That is in Halo 5's Forge, thankfully.


Seriously, though. the lack of screenshots for map preview images is one of those things that's like "still?" after all this time. Far Cry's map editor on the original Xbox allowed you to take screenshots for the map preview image.
Yes, it's finally playable.
Yes, it's very colorful. Aesthetics aren't done yet.
Yes, all gametypes are supported, but all need work.

Consider this an alpha build. I'm taking the time between now and Memories of Reach to fine tune it.

Grab from my bookmarks (GT: JDHarbs)

...or through the file browser: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/..._JDHarbs_9522ad80-a992-4df0-b842-b69a8e511a72


<3 JD

Good work! I'm sure someone else has done this around here too, would be interesting to compare the two.


Playing through the BTB playlist I'm blown away by the quality of some of the newer forge maps. Fracture in particular impressed.

Yep. I'm hopeful for sustain we get a ramp-up on new maps getting added to all lists, because there's great ones out there, and even better great-playing ones that *look* awesome too.


Good work! I'm sure someone else has done this around here too, would be interesting to compare the two.
You're probably thinking of mine. I've been working on this thing for like 6 months now, posting updates on here occasionally.


Anyway, glad you like it so far. :)


Is there a tutorial anywhere for advanced spawning? I want to get a grasp of how I should place my zones and how they should be weighted.
Playing through the BTB playlist I'm blown away by the quality of some of the newer forge maps. Fracture in particular impressed.

Yet Antifreeze still exists.

Basin and Recurve aren't the worst maps, but they pale in comparison to the newer additions.

Is there a tutorial anywhere for advanced spawning? I want to get a grasp of how I should place my zones and how they should be weighted.

Look at Pegasus for examples on what not to do.


Yes, it's finally playable.
Yes, it's very colorful. Aesthetics aren't done yet.
Yes, all gametypes are supported, but all need work.

Consider this an alpha build. I'm taking the time between now and Memories of Reach to fine tune it.

Grab from my bookmarks (GT: JDHarbs)

...or through the file browser: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/..._JDHarbs_9522ad80-a992-4df0-b842-b69a8e511a72


<3 JD


Sorry I wasnt able to help much for the second half, Im sure you did an awesome job. Will def check this out soon as I can!


I totally spaced. Now that the online File Browser is up, I'm going to set aside the map repository and start by linking people's maps in the OP over the course of this week. Additionally this came out today and I'll link it in the OP, as well as sharing the contents in this post.

Our Multiplayer Team has provided us with a list of requirements that all Forged maps must meet in order to be considered for matchmaking. When creating your map, please use the following guidelines!

BASIC Map Requirements – Non game mode specific
  • 4 Red (Defender) Team Spawns / 4 Blue (Attacker) Team Spawns
  • Intro Camera Setup (Teams / Weapon Pads, Objectives)
  • Kill Volumes / Soft Kill Volumes / Collision (Invisible) Barriers
  • Spawn Quality
    - No Spawns facing walls / drop offs / geo snags / floating above ground
    - Symmetrical Map – Team spawns equidistant to weapon pads / neutral game objects
  • Named Locations
  • Neutral Respawns: ~65+ per map (Minus Breakout)
  • Dynamic elements (energy shields, fusion coils, shootable triggers, etc)
BREAKOUT Requirements
  • Running Start Setup
  • 8 Initial Team Spawns (Attacker/Defender)
  • Two rows of 4 on running start platform (or equivalent)
    - Row One spawn order ( to create offset) 1,0,1,0
    - Row Two spawn order ( to create offset) 0,1,0,1
  • Breakout Flag Setup (Breakout Include Labeling)
    - Neutral Center Flag
    - Capture Stands (Push to Capture)
    - Red Stand placed at Blue team Spawn
    - Blue Stand placed at Red team Spawn
CTF Requirements
  • CTF Flag Setup (Pull Capture) ( CTF Include labeling )
  • Attacker Base Flag Stand (CTF Include / Return Boundary)
  • Defender Base Flag Stand (CTF Include / Return Boundary)
  • CTF Spawn Zones (Should only be used for CTF and Assault only. DO NOT PLACE OTHER GAME MODE LABELS ON THESE)
    - Placement of two Spawn volumes which create a central overlap of the volumes.
    - Red Spawn volume to encompass BLUE side of map
    - Blue Spawn volume to encompass RED side of map
  • Intro Camera Setup to show flag placement
STRONGHOLDS Requirements
  • 3x Stronghold Placement ( Strongholds Include labeling )
  • Intro Camera setup showcasing Stronghold locations
FFA Requirements
  • 8 Initial Spawns (Spawn order 2 if on map with other playable game modes)
Weapon Pad Requirements
  • Tier 1 weapons be set to 20 second respawn times after “Abandoned/Disturbed” e.g. Battle Rifle, SMG, Bolt Shot, etc
  • Tier 2 weapons be set to 10 second respawn after “Death/Deletion” e.g. Scattershot, Hydra, Plasma Pistol
  • Tier 3 weapons classification and spawn times:
    - Explosive = 2 minute respawn time (Rocket Launcher, SPNKr Rocket Launcher, Rail Gun, Plasma Caster, Fuel Rod Cannon, Incineration Cannon)
    - Precision = 3 minute respawn time (Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Binary Rifle, SAW)
Haven't been on Halo 5 (other than Firefight) since the new year. Some of these Forge maps look excellent. What options do I have in game to play Forge content?

Are there custom games searches yet, or is there a playlist with forge maps? Do you folks do community nights?
I totally spaced. Now that the online File Browser is up, I'm going to set aside the map repository and start by linking people's maps in the OP over the course of this week. Additionally this came out today and I'll link it in the OP, as well as sharing the contents in this post.

Duros (343) popped in via Forgehub and advised the Basic Map requirements are generally what they look for - more guidelines than set in stone rules so to speak. Even I raised my eyebrows at the 65 spawns requirement. I think my current WIP is rocking around 40, which I feel is more than enough.


Seems a bit weird that they'd not allow some creativity in weapon spawn times.

It seems like that.. but those are all pretty much the spawn times 90% of maps are gonna use anyway for those weapon types. The guidelines have always been "you should do it this way", but if someone can justify a rule break then it will usually be fine.


Duros (343) popped in via Forgehub and advised the Basic Map requirements are generally what they look for - more guidelines than set in stone rules so to speak. Even I raised my eyebrows at the 65 spawns requirement. I think my current WIP is rocking around 40, which I feel is more than enough.
Heh. That's where I saw the post initially. To me, the only dumb requirement is the dynamic element on each map. I think fusion coils are dumb unless they're used to make a powerful position less powerful. On intercession, I do that already just by having different incentives for less powerful positions.

It seems like that.. but those are all pretty much the spawn times 90% of maps are gonna use anyway for those weapon types. The guidelines have always been "you should do it this way", but if someone can justify a rule break then it will usually be fine.
I'm tempted to change it up for the carbines on my map. I noticed in FFA that carbines were the 3rd most used weapon behind the Magnum and BR.


Haven't been on Halo 5 (other than Firefight) since the new year. Some of these Forge maps look excellent. What options do I have in game to play Forge content?

Are there custom games searches yet, or is there a playlist with forge maps? Do you folks do community nights?

Grifball playlist has some aesthetically awesome maps, definitiely showing off H5's forge capabilities, and the BTB playlist has some great new community maps. That's it as far as the playlists go, there's now a browser based file browser too on Waypoint. As for custom game nights I'm not sure there's an officially designated one, Sik usually need people for testing on Friday nights tho :p


I figured I would post the map to Forge Hub later this week, but I made some changes to Intercession.

Full Change List:
  • Added an area outside the map for the Neutral/Spectator intro animation. Areas inside the playable area were proving to be difficult to work with(players floating or going through walls).
  • Rocket Launcher changed to Damage Boost. This was done for two reasons: 1)the rockets had a crazy effective kill rate, and 2)I wanted to remove a tier 3 weapon and place a Tier 2/Power Up in its place. The choice for a Damage Boost was based on the lack of Damage Boosts currently. This could change if I find it to be too effective with certain weapon pairings(looking at Carbine and Sniper Rifles). Also added colors at center mid directing players to the different colored bases.
  • Changed floor color from Eggshell to Grey 50%. This was done to help differentiate between the ground and the bases.
  • Changed the thickness of the catwalk pieces. This was done to prevent shooting from the side bases to the spawn locations([Green->Red] and [Yellow->Blue] specifically). I'll be looking into spawn shooting from bottom side bases to spawn([Yellow->Red] and [Green->Blue] specifically). This occurred twice in the 4 matches that we played, but each time it was a near instant death. Additionally, clambering up through the "islands" is more consistent.
  • Fixed cameras for CTF, Strongholds, and FFA.
  • Disabled mancannons in CTF and Assault gamemodes. Flags that were captured and went through the center were captured in 10, 14, and 43 seconds. The last one was because the other flag was away. This change is to force flag runners to take a different route.
  • Redid the half walls surrounding each DMR for aesthetic reasons. Fits with the curved aesthetic.
  • Changed colors on the splinter grenade boxes to show what color base the player is looking at instead of the one they are at.
  • Added invisible blockers to the edges of the top of the map. If a player were to somehow get past the death barrier, they would also have to get past the invisible walls to break out of the map.




Things I'd like to do in the future with this map.
  • Optimize the floor. The last image shows it is a giant mishmash of pieces.
  • Fix the inconsistencies with the grenade blocks. Sometimes they start z-fighting in customs, but not Forge and it bugs the heck out of me.
  • Potentially test a different set of Strong holds locations. The current ones aren't the most fun, but they work.
  • Set up Neutral Flag and Assault cameras.
  • Change the name.
  • Create a video covering all the variations this map has gone through from Halo 4 to now.

Link to Intercession Bravo on Waypoint:


Junior Member
I figured I would post the map to Forge Hub later this week, but I made some changes to Intercession.

Full Change List:
  • Added an area outside the map for the Neutral/Spectator intro animation. Areas inside the playable area were proving to be difficult to work with(players floating or going through walls).
  • Rocket Launcher changed to Damage Boost. This was done for two reasons: 1)the rockets had a crazy effective kill rate, and 2)I wanted to remove a tier 3 weapon and place a Tier 2/Power Up in its place. The choice for a Damage Boost was based on the lack of Damage Boosts currently. This could change if I find it to be too effective with certain weapon pairings(looking at Carbine and Sniper Rifles). Also added colors at center mid directing players to the different colored bases.
  • Changed floor color from Eggshell to Grey 50%. This was done to help differentiate between the ground and the bases.
  • Changed the thickness of the catwalk pieces. This was done to prevent shooting from the side bases to the spawn locations([Green->Red] and [Yellow->Blue] specifically). I'll be looking into spawn shooting from bottom side bases to spawn([Yellow->Red] and [Green->Blue] specifically). This occurred twice in the 4 matches that we played, but each time it was a near instant death. Additionally, clambering up through the "islands" is more consistent.
  • Fixed cameras for CTF, Strongholds, and FFA.
  • Disabled mancannons in CTF and Assault gamemodes. Flags that were captured and went through the center were captured in 10, 14, and 43 seconds. The last one was because the other flag was away. This change is to force flag runners to take a different route.
  • Redid the half walls surrounding each DMR for aesthetic reasons. Fits with the curved aesthetic.
  • Changed colors on the splinter grenade boxes to show what color base the player is looking at instead of the one they are at.
  • Added invisible blockers to the edges of the top of the map. If a player were to somehow get past the death barrier, they would also have to get past the invisible walls to break out of the map.




Things I'd like to do in the future with this map.
  • Optimize the floor. The last image shows it is a giant mishmash of pieces.
  • Fix the inconsistencies with the grenade blocks. Sometimes they start z-fighting in customs, but not Forge and it bugs the heck out of me.
  • Potentially test a different set of Strong holds locations. The current ones aren't the most fun, but they work.
  • Set up Neutral Flag and Assault cameras.
  • Change the name.
  • Create a video covering all the variations this map has gone through from Halo 4 to now.

Link to Intercession Bravo on Waypoint:

Looks really good &#128077;
Massively annoying bug.

So a map I've been working on for months suddenly has one section of the floor that makes you invulnerable to grenades.


I've deleted everything and rebuilt, used different pieces, everything I can think of. Nothing works. Happens in both Forge and Customs.

Anyone experienced this?

ALSO - Map Testing tonight @ around 1930BST
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