I believe I can be Master Chief because....
Dare to be inspired.
Can someone please .gif the shit going on at around 1:45-1:50
Edit: Holy shit @ 3:51
With the wording in the splash screen being something like "We were overwhelmed by the response to the TU in Team Slayer," I don't really see a way that it doesn't go global at this point
I just got a pretty crazy sweep snipe. I mean, the craziest since Halo 2. Wasn't a head shot but still nuts. Check it out.
I just got a pretty crazy sweep snipe. I mean, the craziest since Halo 2. Wasn't a head shot but still nuts. Check it out.
Your damn twitter tricked me, I thought your stream was up.
Also, assassinated someone when they try to ninja you is awesome.
You suck so bad at Halo, that you have to start using mods now?
I thought you were better than this tashi.
Your damn twitter tricked me, I thought your stream was up.
Also, assassinated someone when they try to ninja you is awesome.
How about a reverse assassination resulting in a showstopper.
I have no idea what happens there lol.
They had planned to do 1 week of Vanilla at the top and 1 week of TU at the top before they even implemented the update. I don't think it's indicative of either side being ahead.Wouldn't putting the TU on top actually mean that Vanilla is getting voted for more often? The whole wording of "to make it fair as possible" implies to me that vanilla is getting voted for more maybe because it was the top option or something?
This is damn sexy. If only the figure looks so great, It will be an instant buy. sigh.Codpiece is back!
No, they're just giving equal time in the top slot to each gametype. Vanilla got it up 'til now, and the TU gets it the remainder of the voting period. That way they can tell whether people are just voting for the top option simply because it's at the top. Swapping them halfway through removes the choice-specialized primacy bias in the voting (or rather, makes it so the bias will be relatively evenly distributed between the two gametypes).Wouldn't putting the TU on top actually mean that Vanilla is getting voted for more often? The whole wording of "to make it fair as possible" implies to me that vanilla is getting voted for more maybe because it was the top option or something?
I very seriously doubt that.My guess is that was sarcasm.
Ah, well. Vanilla got voted for in the one game I just tried, it was my last of the night.
4 randos against your team of 3, good times.
I've never played a game in my life that wants you to hate it so much...
Yea it was clear your teammates didn't play much MLG either :/
Well, at least we had something in common.
Most Sanctuary games I've played in MLG usually end up with me getting spawn camped anyways.
Ya you either spawn rocks or courtyard. Sometimes flag, sometimes under turret and then you have splitting. All very predictable. Once a player gets into your snipe hut, it's a big deal.Well, at least we had something in common.
Most Sanctuary games I've played in MLG usually end up with me getting spawn camped anyways.
Dem incorrect sightlines that MLG refuses to fix!
Also, there was a reason that Sanc had dynamic slayer spawns in H2.
I guess it's fun if you're the one doing it, but yea, not something I vote for, because I'm never on that end.
The real question is what am I getting matched up against Tashi's team of 3 with 3 random people? I think one of them was a new account, so theoretically Tashi's trueskill in the MLG list should be astronomical compared to what he was pitted against.
Actually I think I was in a party of 4. I don't even know those kids, they just wanted to party up with me a few games before. But yea, anyway, I don't know what TrueSkill was thinking. Maybe its priority was to provide a lag free match over a competitive one? I'm guessing population had something to do with it. I shouldn't match against people who don't play MLG often like Ram and then Pros who are the best of the best. Makes no sense. It's clearly janky as fuck.I guess it's fun if you're the one doing it, but yea, not something I vote for, because I'm never on that end.
The real question is what am I getting matched up against Tashi's team of 3 with 3 random people? I think one of them was a new account, so theoretically Tashi's trueskill in the MLG list should be astronomical compared to what he was pitted against.
Also, GDC is on the 6th, and that embargo supposedly ends on the 5th, think we'll get a GDC coming out party for Halo 4?
I'm replaying ODST, and damn, I love it so much.
I love the sense of danger the hub world offers. You're not sure what's around the next corner, let alone if you're going in the right direction. That gets tedious after a while, but for some reason that doesn't really bother me. The atmosphere and exploration are worth it.
And easily the best opening of any Halo game, minus the shitty dialogue.
Edit: Yeah, the dialogue is the only major complaint I have about this game. Otherwise 99% flawless.
Edit 2 : No radar is awesome in campaign.
When presented with a choice that they don't understand, a large group of people will mash A on whatever the top option is. Anniversary Squad used to be above Anniversary Classic in the listing, and its population was much higher. They swapped them one week and the populations reversed. People are sheep. Also, the 'regular' playlists that are vanilla tend to be the iconic names that people know or that cater to a current trend in games - Team Slayer, Infection.
Its difficult to say how much influence the general, non-hardcore population should have on design. They've shown that they'll play whatever is put in front of them as long as it's Halo, but does that mean the developers should then try to make the game that the hardcore say they want?
Looking good, 343 bring back fun games to Action Sack!
Shotty Snipers and Speedpile can go fuck themselves...
Edit: what are these two structures on the far left?
I'm ready for the Halo4 ARG to start.
About that...This this this this. I'm still let down from the lack of ARG's from Reach and even ODST. You
owe me Bungie. Do the right thing.
It's definitely something we've been looking at, but as you've already guess it's slipped a little on the priority list for other MM concerns. If enough people ask for updates to FF, priorities can change. Not saying you should start a letting writing campaign, but definitely keep reminding us. Helps to keep us honest.
I think people believed it was In-Engine, but 343i denied it. There is a thread at GAF.I was wondering if this picture was made in-game/in-engine, or is just full CG ?
When is box art ever in-game?
I'm reminded of the elevator scene in Aliens.This can mean many things, but my hope is it does not mean we have the same kind of weight and inertia that has so hampered player movement in Reach. Not jumping to conclusions, just positing on the implications based on that wording. I hope it means something else.
Now this, on the other hand, is pure unf.
I wonder, under what circumstances would a Spartan toss his chest plate?
Nexy looking for a writer to follow Halo 4 development and the tournament scene for HaloCouncil. Thinking about doing it. I could definitely write about Halo 4 development. That would be easy.
edit: Messaged him about it. If I do get the role of Halo 4 development writer, who can I look to for proof reading my articles? lol
Huh, HaloFest? It was from the E3.Why are you assuming its box art? Frankie already said the Key Art is not public from Halo 4, that was a teaser image from HaloFest that got put on a box art for the sake of filling a blank space with something other than blackground with Halo 4 on it.