Already tried, nothing happens.
That's rather disappointing.
Mind posting a link to the gif here?
Already tried, nothing happens.
I miss the big OTs.
I'm not going to quit because my teammates quit. Time to put the team on my shoulders.
I like how they just say EvilAwakens, and thats the whole ARG because H4 has no features.
Guys, are you going to upgrade to Windows 8? I'm counting down the days until Friday...
Yea if you're not in a ranked game this is a complete dick-move. You are being the opposite of honorable by making a whole other team wait around for you to lose because your team sucked.
better forge lighting
lol - he did! You quoted the message in which he did!That's rather disappointing.
Mind posting a link to the gif here?
Reach's quit ban is as consistent as the booting system. You'll quit or betray once and get nailed by it or you'll quit betray 20 times and get nothing. I don't want the game to punish me for doing the right thing and quitting just because it's feeling touchy. And I'll rush the opponents to end it faster or if they suck, take it as a challenge. I understand your point ExWife, but the consistency of Reach's ban system outweighs both the negatives and positives of just simply quitting. If it were Halo 3, it would be a different story.Let's put it this way: quit-ban? 15 minutes. Just you and that's only IF you get one. 1v4 shit doesn't happen that often. You staying in the game and still losing? 15 minutes. You plus the other team who would prefer to just get it over with so everyone can just get on with another game already. You're making a conscious choice to waste other people's time who had no part in your predicament. Congratulations.
lol - he did! You quoted the message in which he did!
(It's also in last week's bulletin.)
Guys, are you going to upgrade to Windows 8? I'm counting down the days until Friday...
The one before that.
Never in a million years.
This symbol is in the bottom right of the email. What does it mean?
"Xbox 360"
They're not very subtle, are they?
EDIT: If anyone wants to see it, hopefully this link works
I like how they just say EvilAwakens, and thats the whole ARG because H4 has no features.
You can almost touch it!
Speaking of Peril from the Halo 2 OST -- the London Philharmonic Orchestra (they did LotR among other stuff) has made another vg cover album.
Never Forget/Peril is the free taster track.
It's nice.
Redeem yourselves
Reach's quit ban is as consistent as the booting system. You'll quit or betray once and get nailed by it or you'll quit betray 20 times and get nothing. I don't want the game to punish me for doing the right thing and quitting just because it's feeling touchy. And I'll rush the opponents to end it faster or if they suck, take it as a challenge. I understand your point ExWife, but the consistency of Reach's ban system outweighs both the negatives and positives of just simply quitting. If it were Halo 3, it would be a different story.
On the plus side, you won't have to wear your purity rings anymore.
Never had a single quit ban in my life and I've quit/lagged out/been booted plenty of times. Same with everyone I play with regularly. The only people that get those on anything close to a regular basis (in my experience) are friends who would quit firefight matches trying to get certain maps for challenges (not kidding).
The problem is, people don't "rush the opponents." In almost every case, they hide or just go AFK. Total dick move everytime. In every case, including your description, you're wasting the time of people that (presumably) did nothing to you, because there's a *chance* you might have to wait 15 minutes before the next match.
At least you didn't use the "BUT THEN I DON'T GET MY cR!!!!" argument, I suppose.
Because ARGs are about the features of games, right?
It could be if it didnt suck.
"OK class, computers store everything using 1's and 0's. I'm only telling you this because datatype sizes are measured in bits/bytes and you'll use datatypes in our lesson in a few weeks but otherwise we won't teach you any truly useful things you can do with that information until a couple courses later. Now technically, this is Orientation to Computer Science, so most of what we do will be theory and, at an absolute most, pseudo-code. When we finally get down to actually programming, we'll spend about 5 lessons talking about syntax for whatever language I decide you need to know first (likely Java) before you ever type anything. Then, we'll spend an entire class building a simple hello world program and discussing why you have to type 'System.out.println' because some dipshit still doesn't get Java's syntax and Object system."
That about cover it?
If you're allowed to discuss any of it (assuming no FOUO/Classification issues), can I ask what they had you programming in the AF without a degree/cert (assumption since you're now in school for it)? As a civilian in my squadron, Bachelor's with an engineering degree is almost a must just to get hired.
Why are so many people in that gaming side thread saying Spartan Ops is free DLC? Aren't we paying for it when we buy Halo 4? Just because we get the missions later doesn't mean they are free.
I've done my fair share of quitting in Reach (all dem Rocket race and elite sayer games) and you get a probationary warning prior to a ban. You know then if you quit again, you sit out for ten minutes.
I dunno. I can see you calling it "free" in the sense that its a tremendous value-add over what people usually get from a $60 title, and over previous Halo games (essentially another lighter-story, heavier co-op play campaign.)
Well considering that they removed FF for SO, it's more like value-replacement rather than value-added.
I think that depends on who you're talking to. I didn't really play Firefight even though I enjoyed it occasionally but Spartan Ops is certainly value added to me.
I think that depends on who you're talking to. I didn't really play Firefight even though I enjoyed it occasionally but Spartan Ops is certainly value added to me.
Yea if you're not in a ranked game this is a complete dick-move. You are being the opposite of honorable by making a whole other team wait around for you to lose because your team sucked.