I need teammates when the game releases!
...anyone wanna be friends?
Add me if you want, GT is Franklinaut. I'm a BK, though, so add me at your own risk.
I need teammates when the game releases!
...anyone wanna be friends?
Waypoint is going off, understandably. Lack of visible ranks is a shame.
You can't have small maps when sprint is default. Haven is considered a small map for sprint.
If you were to reclassify maps into the Halo 4 context:
Shoot me a FR when you get a chance: GT: Homeboyd903I need teammates when the game releases!
...anyone wanna be friends?
Desolation is "bigger" than turf![]()
Is the embargo up now or in 1 hour?
It's kind of hard to remember, the map was actively played for all of 3 months before Halo 3 came around![]()
oh math, your silly sometimes
I was promised a Monsterfracas Stream.
nilla, I expect ALL of those maps to remade day 1. Including Spire and Boneyard.
Pls & tnx
So is spelling. BOOM! Night everyone!
Things came up
Next stream will be soon. Maybe tomorrow, if not then this weekend. I plan on playing a ton of Halo this weekend, not just Reach or multiplayer.
1. There is a single playlist that kinda, sorta, mimics the core of what Halo was. In this playlist you do not have radar and you still get to choose your starting weapon. We have yet to see how spawning works in Slayer Pro, but this isn't a simple evolutionary step past the history of Halo; this is an attempt to shoehorn nostalgia (or "competition") into a product that has already moved on.
willow ve said:2*. The roll the dice mechanic is much more prevalent in a class based (loadout) scenario. For instance, in Reach, against a team of jetpackers or a team of armor lock users (before the TU) there is typically a single outcome. Either you switch your loadout to mirror theirs, or you lose. This will most likely become apparent in Halo 4 (just as it is prevalent in BF3 or COD). Granted there will be some players who consistently just pick what they prefer, what they have nostalgia for, or what they want 100% of the time. Then there will be a set of players who are forced to change their loadout/spawn setup after matches begin to effectively counter the opposition loadouts. The mere fact that there are loadouts in Halo is revolutionary for the franchise (not for gaming in general, just for Halo).
willow ve said:3. Agree to disagree. In my opinion any game that is an arena shooter is completely different than a class based loadout system. They are related in the same way that dogs and cats are both domesticated pets that live with people. Yes you can argue all day that dogs and cats are very similar and look at all of these same/similar characteristics, but at the end of the day you have arena shooter vs class based shooter. In my opinion one is more balanced and fair. One is also more "Halo."
willow ve said:* To me this is the beauty of what Halo used to be. Yes the first bits of battle and the last moments of a match often devolved into scripted scenarios. The middle was the sticky part that required teamwork, communication, and skill. In many ways this parallels the way that chess is competitively played. Once an opening is chosen by a player there is generally a very technical counter to that open. After the first 7-13 moves the match gets interesting and becomes skill based until very close to the end when one player clearly has victory in their sights and it quickly concludes.
With loadouts, global ordnance, kill streaks, instant respawn, and random spawning all over the map it feels like, to me, that midway through a match the rules have changed. It would be like playing chess and suddenly your rook or knight moves differently due to an unforeseen and entirely unpredictable metric that arbitrarily changes the board throughout the match. This doesn't mean that Halo 4 is a failure, or that we all won't play copious amounts of it over the next month (or year or years), but it does mean that Halo 4 has moved ever farther away from what used to differentiate Halo from the rest of the shooters.
So is spelling. BOOM! Night everyone!
I need more HaloGAF people on my friends list for H4. I didn't play much with people on Reach, mainly because I didn't like the game that much... and I'd like to turn that around now that there's a game I want to play!
GT: blamite prime
Yeah, you need to slightly re-classify maps going forward. Midship is a 4v4 map in Halo 2, but is a doubles map in Halo 4. If you were to reclassify maps into the Halo 4 context:
Macro - Doubles sized-ish
Chill Out / Cold Storage
Midship / Heretic
Wizard / Warlock
Lockout / Blackout
I'm bored.
Someone please tell me AC3 gets better, I want to play as an assassin, not some random Britain!
Someone please tell me AC3 gets better, I want to play as an assassin, not some random Britain!
just have to insert...
I was a habitual armor-lock user.
It never helped against a skilled opponent.
Thanks for reminding me we get no doubles playlist. -_-
No Doubles? Is that true or just conjecture? Man, I was hoping to reconnect with an old buddy of mine and all we ever played was Doubles; that kind of kills that expectation.
You should've done like me and quit the franchise after Brotherhood.
It is true.
Hehehe... viola... massive pre-production post for my H4 map that I've been working on for months now.
I played the first for like an hour, never touched the others. Only picked this one up because of the awesome setting!
First Place
Second Place
You should've done like me and quit the franchise after Brotherhood.
I never paid attention because I have tried to avoid spoilers (even from MP because of comments). No health, just shields in MP?
Someone please tell me AC3 gets better, I want to play as an assassin, not some random Britain!
The first thing that was immediately clear to Ross was how differently the two studios worked. In Bungie's case, the team presided over development of the Halo games but left the fiction and consumer products side of the business to another branch within Microsoft, which Ross says led to misunderstandings between Bungie and the Microsoft over the future of the franchise. Her solution was to bring everything under one roof. As a result, 343 now looks after the entire Halo franchise including software, consumer products, toys, apparel, and fiction.
I'm still "invested" in seeing what Bungie create with Destiny but after all I've seen from 343i I'm looking forward to Halo 4 more than I did Halo 3 or Reach. Well played 343i.And this is why I am happy 343 took over.