Lol at sportsnation right now. Team Gronk's gonna win... Cruz sucks... Along with those bastard giants...
So I'm watching Sportsnation with all this Halo 4 nonsense. Neither Gronk or Cruz have no idea what they're doing.
Enfinit spewing craziness
watching Kovic/T2 getting 3k per match on average
SR-1 is 750 points. I can easily see you getting to like level 3 on your first good game
Sr-18 to 19 is only 9K
thats a very lenient requirement for someone "that far" into the progression
From the Bravo vid you can see when custom loadout shit is
Primary Weapon: Default
Secondary Weapon:
- Assault Rifle:
- Battle Rifle: 1 SP - Level 2
- DMR: 1 SP - Level 2
- Storm Rifle: 2 SP - Level 5
- Carbine: 2 SP - Level 5
- Suppressor: 2 SP - Level 22
- Lightrifle: 2 SP - Level 22
Grenade Type:
- Magnum:
- Plasma Pistol: 2 SP - Level 8
- Boltshot: 2 SP - Level 18
Armor Ability: Level 3
- Frag Grenade:
- Plasma Grenade: 2 SP - Level 8
- Pulse Grenade: 2 SP - Level 18
Tactical Package: Level 7
- None
- Promethean Vision: 2 SP
- Thruster Pack: 2 SP
- Hologram: 3 SP
- Jetpack: 3 SP
- Hardlight Shield: 3 SP
- Active Camo: 3 SP
- Autosentry: 3 SP
- Regen Field: 3 SP - Level 16
Support Upgrade: Level 12
- None
- Mobility: 1 SP
- Shielding: 1 SP
- Resupply: 1 SP
- AA Efficiency: 1 SP
- Grenadier: 1 SP
- Firepower: 1 SP
- Fast Track: *
- Requisition: *
- Wheelman: *
- None
- Ammo: 1 SP
- Dexterity: 1 SP
- Sensor: 1 SP
- Awareness: 1 SP
- Explosive: 1 SP
- Ordnance Priority: 1 SP
- Stability: *
- Gunner: *
- Drop Recon: *
- Nemesis: *
- Stealth: *
* Unlocked via Specializations
I dont know the level at which the mods are individually unlocked, Ive seen it a ton but never felt like recording that info, I think Deflat has some of that down in his spreadsheet
Hey Halo 2 Campaign fans.
CVG's statement in regards to Halo 4's Campaign. I nearly shed a tear.
I know they use it as a negative, but to me, that is a HUGE postive. Halo 2 fo lyfe!
Trying to make two Halo threads go on at once has never worked out too well, and I stand by what I said in that the discussion about Halo 4 – the topic for the vast majority of the discussion in the coming months – remains too unfocused, at least in the short term. There will be some people who make posts about Halo 4 here but not in the Halo 4 OT, some people will post the same thing in both threads, like Deadly and sltpoison – leaving me to try and figure out what's the best place to post a response – and so on.There should be no problem with both. Many other franchises have a thread for the franchise and one for each new game. In this one people talk about everything Halo. The other people talk just about Halo 4. So both can co-exist easily.
Oh for fucks sake. I sure am looking forward to jumping into matches with just an Assault Rifle...
So, deep breath... Halo 4 is to Halo 3 what Halo 2 was to Halo 1.
If they mean storytelling then I also am happy with that statement. Halo 2 campaign had some awesome gameplay moments but it is not nearly as replayable as Halo 1 or 3.. too many drawn out sections that aren't too special.
They just got on that flyin' space machine and they kept shooting us and running us over.
In the words of Gronk:
If you didn't get me 20 points a game in fantasy, I'd lose a little respect for you, Gronk.
Another live stream if you're interested. Currently in matchmaking.
Oh lord I hope not, in any aspect.
I know him...Another live stream if you're interested. Currently in matchmaking.
This thread is more fun. Feels like Halo.
I know him...![]()
Frankie posted just recently today saying you could go online with a legit copy now. GO for it!
Edit: Beaten
Halo 2 campaign had some awesome gameplay moments but it is not nearly as replayable as Halo 1 or 3.. too many drawn out sections that aren't too special.
Oversexualised is I guess what they're trying to say?
Is there any way to "import" a friends list from one gamertag to another or do I have to do it manually one by one.
You gotta do it one by one, friends are mutual thing, not one-sided.
Why would you need to do this?
Because I have a bunch of HaloGAF people on my old gamertag but none on my new. Except Yeti.
Two profiles... why? Lemme guess, making a new GT is cheaper than changing the old one?
Suddenly I am a-okay with Cortana's appearance. Baby Got Back makes everything better.Can you really disagree?
Because I lost access to the email associated with my old gamertag and customer support is incredibly stubborn about giving me access to it again despite giving them the evidence they asked for. I've already forgotten the support ticket number/passcode to it since I've given up on it so I decided to make a new gamertag. Did this so when the next Xbox rolls around or whatever, I'd be able to move my gamertag to it without losing anymore DLC/arcade games.
I know him...![]()
Fucker always gets shit early. I got Reach early so I can't complain.. but damn. JellyyyyyyyyyHE GOT THE GAME EARLY!!! lol... can't wait to hear his impressions of it. So pumped.I still think he should change his GT to that.
Lol, "here's the evidence you need", "sorry, can't do anything"?
I remember my brother had some issues with his hotmail account/GT but that ended up being solved quickly...
Oh for fucks sake. I sure am looking forward to jumping into matches with just an Assault Rifle...
wouldn't want to overwhelm players with choice lol
calm down, children.He's [Frankie] also said, repeatedly, that playlists will have loadouts that aren't just AR/Pistol.
I don't know if I agree that this is how I happened.Weird way to say it, but I get what they are saying.. 343 really went out of their way to make a sexy Cortana when she already looked good before. This isn't just a "more detail=more naked" thing, she is super curvy now.
I originally was going to ask you to explain, but I'll wait until after I've played it and thought about it myself.the Halo 4 story is more similar to Halo 3 than Halo 2 in terms of scope and depth
Dunno if this was posted earlier, but interesting read:
I dunno why they don't follow a three-strikes policy or similar for XBL idiots. Get blocked for increasing durations, then suspend their accounts and rack up the money saved.
Hey Halo 2 Campaign fans.
CVG's statement in regards to Halo 4's Campaign. I nearly shed a tear.
I know they use it as a negative, but to me, that is a HUGE postive. Halo 2 fo lyfe!