How dare someone request a feature that would improve the game for myself or others, especially one that was featured in a previous game!
now I'm lost...
How dare someone request a feature that would improve the game for myself or others, especially one that was featured in a previous game!
Will there be a skill-based ranking system? - xBrutaIity
We are tracking all player skill data and while it will not be exposed in the game UI at launch, we have some ideas about how to give players access to that information, in a useful way, in the not-so-distant future.
Cutting through the filler:
However, you took my point and construed it to being about my preference when in reality I was saying it would look childish to finally get your way at MLG and shit on folks who made it possible by chanting "we want ranks." It's a have your cake and eat it too way of thinking when there are probably more constructive ways to get your point across.
bs angel said:Sprint itself cannot be disabled
I'd be happy if they ranked MLG and one default playlist. At least I'd know which to avoid the cheaters in.
I can agree the playlists need tweaking more often and why they don't just have an official MLG representative update that playlist/setting specifically is beyond me.
However you have to admit that ranked online in matchmaking means very little at an individual level due to all the issues over all the games. I played in them all and for example in Halo 3 slayer/objective at level 50 I know how often the host cheating, booting, boosting, multi-accounts and all that took place. It was at epidemic proportions for months and still annoying years down the track too.
If you can solve the cheating issues then I'd be all for a return of ranked. Hell I'm not even for or against it but I understand why they took it out. It's meaningless.
After all the players who are for ranked were all basically 50's in Halo 3 so what difference is it really for them? They'll still be matched and most likely even recognised many of the teams and players they'll face anyhow. It's still win or lose or die trying so what's the real difference?
Within the first minute of gameplay you can tell the organised teams for the randoms and the power players from the noobs.
I like what the Arena gaming guys have been doing. I wouldn't mind if they became the "go-to" for competitive gaming.
How would that chant be considered "shitting" on 343? How is it disrespectful? What are the more constructive ways? Long, thought-out, well-argued forum posts? Those have never worked, and they never will.
Visual rank fails when shit happens. Do you look at Rangers and think they must be a shit team because of what division they are in? Because that's what you do when you see a 20 in Team Slayer who is actually a 50 on his main, right?
Now I know leagues aren't what Halo 3 or 2 had but the effect was the same. Look at the actual skill of the team. When they essentially had their rank reset, perhaps by starting a new account to boost, did their skill change? Nope. Yet there they are playing scrubs at the lowest division in the league.
When visual ranks were in Halo a lot of shit happened. Shit that, in 343's vision, will not be as prevalent in 4 and I can't fault them for trying to reduce it. It could still fail horribly but at least it won't be the same as the flawed systems in 3 and 2 (in 343's mind).
Please, do take this the wrong way when I say it, but if I have to explain myself in more detail then you aren't worth my time.
I can't imagine how anyone who came into Halo 3 multiplayer 12 months in managed to get passed a level 20; the amount of boosters and second accounters was ridiculous and I would think basically anyone just starting out would get stomped over and over and then never touch ranked again.
I can understand why people hated ranks. What I will say, is that people never had to play ranked matches if they didn't want to, they had social; the point being, surely it is a bigger deal for people who want ranks to have them than it is for people who don't want ranks to not have them.
I feel like I'll never have the same feeling in multiplayer that I did on Halo 3 ever again, because games like Call Of Duty have made it all about personal goals as opposed to team oriented ones; games where every player has a different set of goals: getting headshots with a certain weapon, getting grenade kills, maintaining their k/d ratio or just playing for fun. All of these different goals for each player is what made Reach multiplayer a snore, because due to there being no unifying goal, the end result of the match didn't matter, each person would get satisfaction from different specific moments throughout the game rather than the endgame result; the crux being that this has killed competitive team gameplay.
The bottom line is that ranks would make a portion of the community very happy and wouldn't have to have any effect on those that don't want them, as social gametypes would still be available and more to the point, likely more populated anyway.
I don't begrudge casual players for just wanting to have fun, but I do begrudge the fact that those of us that enjoy ranked, competitive play are villified because of a minority that take the argument to extreme places and a casual community that argue its unimportance while not realising they never HAD to play it.
How would that chant be considered "shitting" on 343? How is it disrespectful? What are the more constructive ways? Long, thought-out, well-argued forum posts? Those have never worked, and they never will.
People want something to strive for with ranks, that's the whole purpose. That's why we have grades in schooling systems. I probably wouldn't have invested so much time into Halo 2/3 without a ranking system. I don't belive the issue of ranks is even dwindles down to the competitive community either, but a large portion across the board.
Granted, yes I could get together with 7 of my buddies and start some customs too if I'm really wishing to get that "close skill gameplay", but after a day of work/class people like to hop on and play a few hours without that headache.
With the whole cheating issue, why not this game? CoD right now is a bigger franchise (behind Minecraft, I can't believe I typed that) with online numbers and it's introducing it. It's going to be a issue there no doubt so how are they combating it? and how could 343 and other game company utilize a ban system via Xbox Live.
I think the things that bothers me after playing for a few days is how close this game is to being the best Halo game. It's right there, like hey you want to come in for some drinks kinda close. Just minor things like ranks/campaign theater/classic custom game settings/clans/etc. The multiplayer is solid, fluid, maps are good. Single player is incredible, and Spartan Ops is the gift that keeps on giving weekly with great missions.
Either way I'll play Halo 4 for years to come, it just sucks that something that meant a lot to me is gone.
They have their own settings which are pretty much MLG settings on different map variants. It's a pretty welcome change of pace.I look at Arena Gaming but did not find their settings. Do they play default Halo or MLG or their own settings?
Hey we'll answer your skilled based rank system question as vague as possible-343i
So I guess 343 really wants infinity slayer to be the direction Halo 4 moves in... I hope its balanced...
Theater Mode in Campaign did not make the cut for launch for various reasons of scheduling, rendering issues and some significant engine changes. However, we are treating Title Updates very differently for Halo 4 and rather than simply using them as opportunities for simple big fixes, we are thinking of them as a way to sustain and grow features and options
ugh, another riled-up junior rant incited by the Visible Ranking Demagogues!
"We are tracking all player skill data and while it will not be exposed in the game UI at launch, we have some ideas about how to give players access to that information, in a useful way, in the not-so-distant future."
Good. I hate how console games have always been treated as being feature locked after being shipped, glad H4 is breaking that expectation.
Sorry for having an opinion man, I didn't think it came across as too much of a rant, but fair enough. Surely the whole elitist 'junior' line could've been skipped though.
From the bulletin, I'm sure they're just talking about Waypoint and such, but this will help to defuse the issue. Hopefully it does a better job than BPR which basically didn't mean anything.
Sorry for having an opinion man, I didn't think it came across as too much of a rant, but fair enough. Surely the whole elitist 'junior' line could've been skipped though.
it was a joke
it's very clear that jokes are taken VERY seriously here and people will hold grudges against you for a long time.
look at kyle, for example!
it's very clear that jokes are taken VERY seriously here and people will hold grudges against you for a long time.
look at kyle, for example (of someone people hate for what is clearly a sense of humor).
no ur a doltit's very clear that jokes are taken VERY seriously here and people will hold grudges against you for a long time.
look at kyle, for example (of someone people hate for what is clearly a sense of humor).
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>>We are tracking all player skill data and while it will not be exposed in the game UI at launch, we have some ideas about how to give players access to that information, in a useful way, in the not-so-distant future.
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Thank you for waiting, here is your translation. For more updates please subscribe to HaloGAF Radio on iTunes. Hehehehe
>>We already have stats that we use for ranks in matchmaking
>>They will not be seen Day 1
>>We're working on it, please be patient
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Confusion comes from subjective tone in the written word differing to the spoken word. I know when I came to HaloGAF I had to reassess the tone of many members.
I still get caught out misinterpreting the written tone here more than other forums, maybe you're just a cynical or maniacal bunch.
I think with people like myself, kyle, juices, over, and the more cynical members (regardless of how they feel about the game and more about tone) playing with us is a different story completely. I would say close to 100% of people enjoy playing and conversing with all of us on XBL and can better understand our writing style after learning how we speak online.
I can't imagine how anyone who came into Halo 3 multiplayer 12 months in managed to get passed a level 20; the amount of boosters and second accounters was ridiculous and I would think basically anyone just starting out would get stomped over and over and then never touch ranked again.
I am afraid clans and being able to view ranks might come at a cost, I am thinking it might be like call of duty elite where you have to pay money for it every month..
I REALLY REALLY hope I am wrong and being way too negative...
I am afraid clans and being able to view ranks might come at a cost, I am thinking it might be like call of duty elite where you have to pay money for it every month..
I REALLY REALLY hope I am wrong and being way too negative...
Just read it too. Cautiously optimistic.Just read the bulletin. I am super interested in there TU plans post launch now. Sounds like it could be exciting. It reads like things aren't set in stone yet, but also implied they've got shit coming. I'm excited.![]()
Just read it too. Cautiously optimistic.
It's so damn easy to say "more exciting things to come". :_|
Just read it too. Cautiously optimistic.
It's so damn easy to say "more exciting things to come". :_|
I get that, I really do. I just don't want to raise my hopes for title updates until we get promises.True, but based on how over cautious with giving info they have been, then switching to hinting at large things coming in the "not so distant future" really implies that shit is indeed coming, its just not finalized.
I guess to hit the launch date they had to cut stuff to give higher focus to other things, and that's why they kept waiting to talk about some things because they weren't sure of their status, but now they still want to try to push those things out still? Great damn idea IMO. Now just deliver please and next time find a way to communicate that somehow.
Underscores are classier than spaces.Why are all your faces always crying?
Tashi asked if the buttons had code behind them? lol
It is a lot of fun and you will always get a big grin if the Infinity let you drop your favorite weapon as a personal ordnance.It's a lot better than I thought it would be. As of now I rather hop on IS TS than TS Pro.
Wait. 343i will do a Revenge Of The Sith machinima?! NOOOO.