Waiting for this launch is killing me.
Can't wait to see Tashi lrnhowtorailgun

HOLY SHIT - You can drop the flag? - I swear someone dropped the flag and switched back to the sniper while running the flag. Was that real life?
Waiting for this launch is killing me.
Can't wait to see Tashi lrnhowtorailgun
I wish there was some more variation.So what's HaloGAF's opinion on the new MLG settings?
So what's HaloGAF's opinion on the new MLG settings?
Man, I'm really impressed how much fun this is to watch.
So what's HaloGAF's opinion on the new MLG settings?
HOLY SHIT - You can drop the flag?
Man, I'm really impressed how much fun this is to watch.
So what's HaloGAF's opinion on the new MLG settings?
HOLY SHIT - You can drop the flag? - I swear someone dropped the flag and switched back to the sniper while running the flag. Was that real life?
needs 100% less jetpackSo what's HaloGAF's opinion on the new MLG settings?
HOLY SHIT - You can drop the flag? - I swear someone dropped the flag and switched back to the sniper while running the flag. Was that real life?
That's actually perfect, drop by at midnight, pick up the game, a whole free day to play it.
Same here. I just hope this feeling lasts. Cue 80's power ballad.Man, I'm really impressed how much fun this is to watch.
There's no way, 343 has been so insistent about forcing you to hold it, they wouldn't just enable flag dropping in that manner.HOLY SHIT - You can drop the flag? - I swear someone dropped the flag and switched back to the sniper while running the flag. Was that real life?
Same here. I just hope this feeling lasts. Cue 80's power ballad.
I'll see your REO Speedwagon and raise you one REO Speedballs. Any more details on that HaloGAF 2v2? I've been avoiding the Halo threads around here to protect my quasi-spoiler-free eyes.
Close enough. Bonus points for Boston.
I just don't get the hate for Regicide. It's practically the same thing as FFA, weighted against the leader. Which is how FFAs should play, but people are too stupid to recognize checking the leader is in everyone's interest.
I'll see your REO Speedwagon and raise you one REO Speedballs. Any more details on that HaloGAF 2v2? I've been avoiding the Halo threads around here to protect my quasi-spoiler-free eyes.
Close enough. Bonus points for Boston.
So let me get this straight, you are honestly telling me that removing yourself from the game to a phone or laptop, in which you are then forced to navigate to either a website or app, and then manually search every players name in the lobby one by one is actually EASIER than simply selecting a players name within the lobby and having instant access to all their stats? What fucking world am I living on right now?
You're really dumb.
You can compare every player in a lobby before a match in blops. You have to not only have a phone or laptop to do this in halo, but you have to also spend 10 minutes getting the data. Its not longer useful when you're either already playing or after the match.
Still MLG stuff on? Got back from some drinks, could use some Halo.
REO Seedwagon.
REO Speedbaggin
REO Teabaggin
REO Bilbobaggins
Done watching for the night, this stream has been great. Definitely going to watch more tomorrow.
Also, just wanna say that u4ix and Bravo did a great job on the commentary.
We're gonna need some more power ballads in here.
EDIT: Did that guy steal Alienshogun's avatar?
We're gonna need some more power ballads in here.
We're gonna need some more power ballads in here.
EDIT: Did that guy steal Alienshogun's avatar?
Def did, Alienshotgun is the only person in the world to lift weights.
Who is Alienshotgun?Def did, Alienshotgun is the only person in the world to lift weights.
Who is Alienshotgun?
Anyone know if stats going to be reset for launch?
Sorry for the late reply I had college work to attend to, but sorry did I say anything about the lobby? In a lobby yes checking a service record is faster, however the waypoint way is tremendously better for searching during a game, particularly now that Halo 4 has a join in progress system, as for searching a gamertag, how slow do you type? In the time it takes me to respawn in reach I have a players gamertag found and their stats right in front of me to take a look at while the timer runs out. Stop being close minded and set towards the COD system, its a good system yes, but it has its disadvantages much like the waypoint system, e.g in COD if there is even the slightest problem with the game servers, that data is inaccessible, I've had it happen a couple of dozen times where all my stats appear as zero for sometimes hours on end.
Seriously? 10 minutes, how fucking slow do you type???? Even on a touch screen phone it takes me about 15 seconds to type a gamertag, maybe 20 if its one of those stupidly long xX133tpr0sn1p3sXx ones and on the pc it takes all of 2 seconds, second of all if its not your typing speed, then upgrade your internet connection, if it takes 10 minutes to load a page of stats I'm surprised you can even play online.
Infinity Slayer on MLG. Is this Kyle's worst nightmare?
Infinity Slayer on MLG. Is this Kyle's worst nightmare?
It's nice/fun to watch on the opening weekend, but, further down the road I don't see MLG using IS anymore. It's too random.