Unconfirmed Member
What i have learned from having two MLG streams running at the same time is that its possible to be running two shitty streams simultaneously.

What i have learned from having two MLG streams running at the same time is that its possible to be running two shitty streams simultaneously.
But it hinders the players who sometimes want to play the same playlist competitively and sometimes socially. For example, if CTF was a playlist with ranks, I'd love to play it competitively, but I'd also like to play it with friends who don't necessarily want to play ranked. If I don't want to lose my rank in CTF, I won't be able to play it socially.
Relay again uuuuuuuugggghhhh
haha that was cool, just before the game ended too.
I keep trying to put Ghosts through the mancannons on Spire, but it never seems to work.
Depends on if they use pure trueskill or a modified one. Pure TS, your 'rank' will settle after a point and won't really move up or down without a big win or big loss. I'll also have a hunch that you won't be able to see it for the first 30 games or so. There was a reason Arena didn't show your division until you put in a minimum number of games.
Anyone want to swap my shopto exclusive assassin emblem for a few dew double xp codes?
Ah, Reach.thanks
we were playing 8 v .... 1 in BTB 1-Flag
people get so discouraged that we run full lobbies, half of the team quits out before the game even starts
played 14 matches last night, the only one where 75%+ of the other team didnt leave was another full team of 8 all perma muted who picked neut bomb on hemorrhage and played infinite slayer
: /
I have to admit, U4ixx and Bravo are great together. Couldn't tune in yesterday since I was traveling, but I'm loving them together on the MLG stream.
It reminds me of Foundation which really wasn't any good for anything aside from that dumb infection gametype. Biggest difference is that they added a load of lazy cover.Yeah it sucks but I guess it seems like the most classic Halo map(along with Haven). However the map looks extremely fun surprised it isn't in matchmaking.
I think H4 just got patched...
Edit: Yup, just got patched, new welcome screen.
I'm going solo on Legendary to get dat Mark VI. Those Prometheans are a bitch.Halo 4 is fantastic. Seemed a little bit too easy on Heroic co-op. I think it wasn't adjusted for co-op, might be wrong.
Now jumping into War Games. Don't know what to play. :/
But still, let's say I'm trying to get my 50 in CTF and I'm a 47. I have a standard team which I play CTF with to rank up but they aren't only. Other friends, who aren't that good and are not interested in ranks are online and they want to play CTF. If I want to play with them, there is a probable chance I'll lose my 47.
Ah, Reach.
Speaking of which, would you be up for playing within the next few hours? I could get on if you needed someone to play with.
Played so much 16 player CE in the day.
(I guess I was like 12 when Halo came out, so getting together with a bunch of guys to play with 4 Xbox's was what we did back then.)
I'm going solo on Legendary to get dat Mark VI. Those Prometheans are a bitch.
Sorry dude got life stuff, Halo 4 pre-launch will be the end of me, Im cramming as much as I can to get school shit done so I can fall off the map this week, it doesnt help that work keeps expecting me to do my job
I was dumb in high school and dated the same girl pretty much the entire time.I would have thought you were too busy banging chicks all day in HS to be carrying OG Xboxen down the street.
It reminds me of Foundation which really wasn't really good for anything aside from that dumb infection gametype. Biggest difference is that they added a load of lazy cover.
I was dumb in high school and dated the same girl pretty much the entire time.
Is that really what it takes? Man fuck that
I'm not sure why an 89 looks so much worse than a 90, I hate the way my mind works.
I was dumb in high school and dated the same girl pretty much the entire time.
I was even more dumb and didn't have a girlfriend until Senior year.
Check PMs.Want 15 matches?
so my friends and I had fun in reach for a bit last night
mostly this
Sorry dude got life stuff, Halo 4 pre-launch will be the end of me, Im cramming as much as I can to get school shit done so I can fall off the map this week, it doesnt help that work keeps expecting me to do my job
In in the UK so we don't get it.I have a hunch Halo 4 is more available at this point than Halo 4 Game Fuel.
I have a hunch Halo 4 is more available at this point than Halo 4 Game Fuel.
I'm in America and can't get either...In in the UK so we don't get it.
I was dumb in high school and dated the same girl pretty much the entire time.
Fascinating.I married the girl I dated in highschool. Don't regret it one bit, and that was back in 1999 married since 2003. She even stuck out the long ass deployments and countless training exercises.
Oh, I absolutely agree with this sentiment and I used to be a huge Nintendo fan, but I just didn't like the Wii and got tired of being disappointed. In my opinion, Nintendo hasn't released a single game that can compete with the quality of Halo 2, which was released 8 years ago, and is my least favorite Halo game. I pretty much stopped playing Nintendo games when I started playing Halo. I tried to play them, but they just couldn't hold my interest (MKDS was probably my most played Nintendo game in the last 8 years).Not bothered, Nintendo still produce the best games in the industry to this date. It is more than arguable that the best handheld and console games of this year are Nintendo games.
I also find it amusing that a huge Halo fan wouldn't like Nintendo. The reason I like Halo so much is that it feels like an FPS Nintendo would make.
Ha. ha. ha. Europe cries![]()
I'm glad I have even 3 matches with 2xp. So dumb that it is US only
I'm going solo on Legendary to get dat Mark VI. Those Prometheans are a bitch.
The best thing about this MLG stream is the intermission music.
I'm going solo on Legendary to get dat Mark VI. Those Prometheans are a bitch.
Yeah, so annoying.Also, REALLY hate this split screen crap.
That's mostly the pitfall of using a skillmatch system designed for FFA in Team Settings. Which is also why Reach originally sorted everyone in the game like an FFA leaderboard when submitted to the Trueskill.. it was technically the best way to give TS the information instead of "these 4 people were first, these 4 were second". If you did well, you were treated by TS as doing well, even if your team lost. So you didn't get dragged down TS-wise by dead weight teammates.
Who knows, they could go with that again, or just not allow it in Objective playlists where k/d can't be used as an accurate marker anymore.