This is great. Can't wait to play this game.
Some bad news: coop netcode is still awful. I wasn’t lucky enough to be chosen as host, so I was instead bestowed with a full second of input lag.
Welp, single player Spartan Ops it is, then :/
Did anyone truly expect anything else? If the co-op netcode had seen a radical improvement over its previous iterations 343 would have been shouting it from the rooftops early on. There was no reason or indication to believe that it would be significantly improved.
Oh! I noticed another thing, not sure if it was mentioned: You can no longer switch votes during the voting process. You are locked in once you pick a map.
That's good. Hopefully they go the whole hog and hide other players votes too; without the ability to change your vote, you lose the ability to switch to the 'lesser of two evils' if you see your choice will not win. This will instill an overly cautious voting style where players will wait until the last second to cast their vote.
Good writeup, I certainly didn't feel it was overly negative, it was a very optimistic and bright piece with the inevitable caveats thrown in. It's also difficult to rave positively about the Campaign when you can't refer to its story or gameplay segments.
The only point among the ire that really, really concerns me is the description of JIP and more specifically its horror story of the team of eight flattening an endless stream of randoms in MM.
Let me be clear: being pitted against communicative teams of 8 when I'm playing alone or with one other has completely ruined more games of Halo for me than any cheating/boosting/standbying in ranked playlist games EVER did. I reached the upper echelons of most of Halo 3's ranked playlists and was standby-ed no more than a handfull of times, if that and I played thousands of ranked games.
This notion from 343 (and Bungie before them) that 1-50 skill ranks damaged games of Halo whilst simultaneously presiding over a system that routinely matches you and cobbled together players against pre-formed teams of eight (often of a significantly higher skill sum total), in which you are there only to be the one-way pleasure receptacle of all power weapons and vehicles on the map until you quit or hide in an obscure corner and go away from their videogame for ten minutes... it is a pretty shameful hypocrisy but one that is so easily remedied too.
343 likes to talk the talk on more stringent skill matching and 'improved matchmaking' in Halo 4 but will they actually walk the walk? The trimming down of the playlist count means higher playlist populations. Higher playlist populations mean party-size matching is as entirely possible as it is necessary.
Basically I never, ever want to come up against a full party when I'm playing with anything less, and the low playlist count means 343 has no excuse to not implement party-size matching. Do not let this shit mar Halo MM yet again.