Both the Edge and Eurogamer review for Halo 4 talked about how the competitive multiplayer had been infected by elements from other shooters like COD, and thus have lost a bit of what made it special.
What does this mean? I don't like Call of Duty multiplayer, because dying is meaningless. its a never ending rag tag of fire bullets, use streaks and get kills while dying and then surviving.
In the old Halo games at least it was different, and it felt different from other games thanks to its pacing, its gravity and it was really strange how much health people had. Is this what Halo 4 has lost?
or are they refering to scoring, perks and load outs and that sort of stuff? I dont mind those things a bit.
I've just realized that I am sick of objective based games. I long for a FPS experience that is FFA or Team FFA, and just sort of... hypnotizes you. the simple, yet complex slayer.
but having not played a lot since Halo 2/3.. I mean.. even the jet packs give me a headache. what sort of thing can you expect? How far are we from a simple, game of FFA?
Is it no-scope instant sniping, of death streaks and convoluted rules and scoring systems? Im tired of Battlefield, Call of Duty, Tribes.. im tired of all these games with cluttered huds and tons of objectives. I just want the old school, kill-or-be-killed. Like we used to have in the old Quake games.
Free for All died from many shooters a long time ago. everyone doing all these sort of crazy modes.