Where do I get that? Is it on the Waypoint site because I don't see it.
Where do I get that? Is it on the Waypoint site because I don't see it.
Me: Hey do you still have Halo 4 in stock?
Shop assistant: "How do you spell Halo?"
Ah interesting, who did you order with? I may hold out and see if it arrives then.
Splitscreen is pretty shit. No kill cams, no final kill cam, no post game SR unlock screen and the framerate oes to shit a lot on BTB games.
No kill cams, no final kill cam
Just finished.
That certainly was a game
Some of the comment on it are just... braindead.Metacritic user ratings got bombed. Halfway through the campaign and I'm enjoying it.
Good job 343
Okay. I played the first level and into the first encounter in the second mission. Before I post my thoughts I do want to reiterate the utterly fantastic main menu screen and the accompanying music. Gets you in the mood.
I really like the first cutscene with Halsey. At this point the implications from it are very interesting and definitely push me to keep playing. Replacing the Master Chief? Hm. The one nitpick I have was the use of MC's armor for Halo 4 for events clearly made to show past events. Where's the Mjolnir Mark V or VI?
Now about the first level (and a little bit of the second).
Let me get the negatives out of the way first:
1. I think Cortana says her lines too loudly. She almost screams them. It's good when everything times up and there's a real sense of urgency, but when you're exploring or just walking through hallways it can be very abrupt and take you out of the mood.
2. The visor outlines in your HUD. I talked about this before the game's release, but I've never liked games that have your visor going around the edges of your screen. It makes me feel claustrophobic, and I feel like I can't see as much as the environment as I should. I would love a TU that gives us the option to turn off the edges of the visor.
3. I'm not sure yet if it's because I'm a better campaign player or there's something different about the AI in the game, but I haven't died once. I'm playing on Heroic, and I find that I'm breezing through the encounters. At this point in ODST and Halo 3 I died several times. I hope the game gets harder with the Prometheans.
4. Not sold on the QTEs like that climbing part.
Okay, now for the stuff I like!
I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the first level. In an extraordinary way the ice, the sterility, the glow of the lights and the broken nature of the ship it all adds to the sense of isolation of your situation. I loved the little things you could do in the level like check on the status of several aspects of the ship (weapons, structural integrity, and so on) and view a summary of the events prior to Halo 4. The presentation of the level was very good. My favorite encounter of the level was the last one, and that encounter was made more enjoyable against the awesome backdrop of Requiem and the Covenant ships.
I like sneaking up on the Covenant and seeing them interact with each other before they see me. Moreover, I did enjoy those little scripted moments like the Elite suffocating when the ship's atmosphere controls failed. You know, I find the Grunts just as hilarious in Halo 4 as I did Halo 1 - 3.
Keep in my first impressions, but overall this level is one of the better opening levels to a Halo game. Not as good as Sierra 117 or Tayari Plaza, mind you, but better than Cairo Station, Pillar of Autumn, and Winter Contingency.
Second level, Requiem:
Gotta say that I LOVE how the level begins. You're dropped into this area with a bunch of wreckage and there's a lot for the player to discover. There's a Halsey journal entry not sure how that go into the Forward Unto Dawn but that was great to find. There's also this Covenant terminal there which took me a second to realize it was saying, "The Didact." There's also Carbines and a SAW lying around for you to grab if you look hard enough.
The presentation in this level is great too. Walking out to discover that landscape of hanging Forerunner structures was a sight to behold. I enjoyed the first encounter in the level, which is where I stopped.
Now, back to more playing MP.
I hope it settles down or stops giving quitters host![]()
Ok, so I'm getting told servers are not available, I can eventually play games, but it puts me in as SR1, then gives me points towards my actual rank at the end... Also I can't join any of my friends.
I just finished solo legendary.
That was a fantastic campaign to start a trilogy. Bravo 343i.
Now on to war games for a little while.
One level down in Legendary. Enjoyed it much more than the Legendary in prior games. I didn't feel like I was using a pea shooter to take down a tank.
It felt like I was more vulnerable than prior games, but the enemy shields and health didn't have the insane buffs. A good trade off, IMO.
Guys, I have it in my hands. Guys. Guys, screw Elzar.
Anyone got a full medal list?
Is there any way to replay the movie that plays when you launch Infinity for the first time?
I got this strange video error (see below) when it played. Would like to watch it again and see it clearly.
People have been begging for Join In Progress since Halo 2. I don't understand where these people keep coming from who don't view it as an improvement.Whoever thought of joining in progress should be fired.
I join a game with a team of 3 in Dominion and as soon as I join, boom loss.
Wtf 343
People have been begging for Join In Progress since Halo 2. I don't understand where these people keep coming from who don't view it as an improvement.
You lost this one game, but the next time a teammate drops a new one may join quickly enough to give you a fighting chance. It seems likely that Join In Progress is able to find you matches more quickly than before each and every time you search because it has a greater selection of games to choose from. You'd trade those two benefits for the occasional "boom loss?" I don't get it.
or give us the option. i personally don't ever want to join a game in progress. i don't mind people leaving or joining me, but don't drop me in a losing battleYea, but people don't want to join a game right before its finished, it's science. Is it so hard just to make a time limit on JIP?
People have been begging for Join In Progress since Halo 2. I don't understand where these people keep coming from who don't view it as an improvement.
You lost this one game, but the next time a teammate drops a new one may join quickly enough to give you a fighting chance. It seems likely that Join In Progress is able to find you matches more quickly than before each and every time you search because it has a greater selection of games to choose from. You'd trade those two benefits for the occasional "boom loss?" I don't get it.