Finished the Campaign, I posted in the spoilers thread since people want to keep it out of here, I'm just going to say that overall I'm fairly disappointed and leave it at that. Spartan Ops and Campaign co-op netcode also still sucks ass, so Ops is almost a complete bust for me. Going in I expected the Campaign at least to be excellent, Ops would be great assuming the netcode was improved, and multiplayer was my toss-up. Now outside of going back to get the Achievements because I'm a whore I doubt I'll ever touch Campaign again, and Spartan Ops is a total bust because the it's laggy as shit whenever I try to play with most of my friends. After finishing up the current Ops stuff solo, I'm definitely going to check out some multiplayer, I haven't played nearly enough of that to call it either way yet. At the end of the day that's still the most important component for me in terms of if this is going to be my go-to game going forward, but the Campaign stuff has just completely bummed me out.
I do want to call out whoever the fuck was going on pre-release about how reviewers had to have rushed through the game on normal bypassing encounters and terminals to finish it in under 9 hours and that they obviously "didn't care" about Halo. I did it on normal in 6 hours (wanted to get through the story so I could do Ops with friends), was exploring and found the majority of the terminals, and without going into detail let's just say I don't see how much time could be saved by bypassing encounters.