Digital Limit
This track is currently not available in the United States.
My work vending machine has gamefuel!
GG America. I can play it here in Europe.This track is currently not available in the United States.
So far I'm only to Faithless, and it really is quite good. The only one I will probably steadfastly dislike is Awakening, just because the piano implementation is pretty unappealing.
Ouch! You wound me, doubt it.
I'm no Louis Wu!
Obama should vow to pardon eazyb when re-elected. He'll get my vote.
youtube.SoundCloud - Blocked
Spotify - Blocked
Work pls. How am I to listen to the OST?
Does anyone know why it's blocked in the US, by the way? It's really irkin' my jerkin.
Anyone not doing solo legendary straight through on release night is weak.
Anyone not doing solo legendary straight through on release night is weak.
Does it make me a pussy that I would rather play the campaign on Easy instead of Normal the first time?
Their "standard definition" has always been starting at a pixelated blob on the screen.
Does it make me a pussy that I would rather play the campaign on Easy instead of Normal the first time? I don't know how to Halo. And 8 hours of drinking isn't going to make me know how to Halo any better either.
I'll probably do Normal anyway and just shove a tv remote up my ass if I struggle somewhere.
Then of course co-op Legendary for the lulz.
MLG Stream details: I see they are still going to show users "standard definition" to people that don't pay.
Their "standard definition" has always been starting at a pixelated blob on the screen.
Yep, that's why you got weird times like a new sniper rifle every 2:33 seconds instead of an even 2:30. The weapon had to physically fall through the air then come to rest for the next interval to start.
Co-op Heroic with Franklinator. Then a War Games coma, then SpOps, then back to campaign for co-op Legendary.wait for it
This is from the last OT, but I wanted to say Thankfu.Surprised it didn't have anything about buttchugging. Your avatar is still the best one on all of GAF...period.
heroic isn't that hard...I can't wait to see all the bitching from everyone doing Heroic Solo for their first time lol
whats this from?
#Donotclickhashtagswhats this from?
I got the email for the download late last night and got the physical copy on Friday.Did anyone here order the standard OST from The Omega Order website? (in the US) I still haven't recieved my digital download email from them, and I'm still waiting for my physical copy to arrive. Wish there was a way to track the package from them.
heroic isn't that hard...
Weak friends.Or they have friends they want to play the game with.
Yeah, this is probably me the first day. I usually go through a campaign 4 times. No I have to have a run through with my son as well.
1) First run Heroic
2) Solo Legendary
3) Co-op Legendary
4) Normal or Hard with my Son
Feel my pain, feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it.Some guy is talking to me on twitter, trying to spoil me or some shit. I don't even know who it is, could be one of you for all I know. I like how somehow, somewhere, some kid with too much time on his hands thinks I'm an important spoiler-target.
I have won the interwebs.
Feel my pain, feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it.
You guys have been playing halo for over a decade. More people should do this. Its not a hard game.I did Reach on Heroic for my first playthrough. Was easy as balls so I'm cranking it up for Halo 4.