Nah, I just feel like we go through this every week to spoiler tag even minor stuff. Obviously you don't care but I'd still like to be surprised.
Haha yeah, I can understand that.
Nah, I just feel like we go through this every week to spoiler tag even minor stuff. Obviously you don't care but I'd still like to be surprised.
No worries I feel ya bro. Who was that asshat who posted a picture of the last mission in episode 10? Seriously GFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nah, I just feel like we go through this every week to spoiler tag even minor stuff. Obviously you don't care but I'd still like to be surprised.
Nah, I just feel like we go through this every week to spoiler tag even minor stuff. Obviously you don't care but I'd still like to be surprised.
Alright juniors, Ryaaan14 agreed to do this with me. First 5 to send him messages on XBL requesting Destiny pics get the links. Try to also include a good reason as to why you deserve them.
GT Ryaaan14
The Destiny troll is still funny? Beats the hell out of me.
Alright juniors, Ryaaan14 agreed to do this with me. First 5 to send him messages on XBL requesting Destiny pics get the links. Try to also include a good reason as to why you deserve them.
GT Ryaaan14
I don't get how people believed Frankie would give two people Destiny beta keys especially since most of bungie hasn't even announced the name publicly yet.
The Destiny troll is still funny? Beats the hell out of me.
Awesome spoilers, appreciate it.
Whipped this up for the future, hopefully nobody is still asking for Destiny pics.[IMG][/QUOTE]
This is great lol
Oh then my fault! I read it as a scripted moment of it crashing and exploding, etc.Uhh normally I get this, but that literally spoiled nothing other than you can explode stuff and fight Covies and Proms. It was a random sandbox moment, not anything scripted.
I spoil tag everything story, new, or set piece wise.
Oh then my fault! I read it as a scripted moment of it crashing and exploding, etc.
Customizable Circuit Armor Skin
Please PM me too.PM'd
Anyone else feel free to ask, too. It might take a while, though, cause my PM box is filling up fast. No juniors, sorry.
Didn't see my tweet?
Hey GAF.
Customizable Circuit Armor Skin:
upAlready used. Thanks though. I wonder if a GAF'er got it or a lurker.
You know that Frankie isn't with Bungie right? And Bungie released the game name as Destiny a while ago, as in quite a while ago
Uh you wanna re-read my post? That's why I said I can't believe some people bought into it since Frankie is no longer with Bungie.
And no, Bungie has never officially announced Destiny. All they've ever stated is that they are working on a new game which we should see Soon (TM) etc. They released a piece of artwork once the IGN leak happened but once again, no mention of 'Destiny'. In fact, if you read this week's mail sack, you'll see DeeJ take a subtle jab by trying not to mention the word Destiny. We all know it's going to be called that, but Bungie has never uttered a word that's what it'll be called.
I don't know where you heard that Bungie released anything quite a while ago, most people only found the name from the leaks that have happened.
There have been... uh, Bungie Beta surveys.
One of whichI participated in.
I don't know where you heard that Bungie released anything quite a while ago, most people only found the name from the leaks that have happened.
That picture means the name is permanent!
In the survey, does Bungie explicitly state its game is going to be called Destiny? They've never once acknowledged the name Destiny officially or publicly. Most people only saw the title font from the IGN leak. Internally they referred to it as tiger. It's semantics I know, but Bungie has not publicly acknowledged once that they are working on a game called Destiny. Even in the new interviews with places like Polygon, it's always Polygon that wrote the title, all Bungie acknowledges is that they are working on the new game that will be released soon.
Edit: In fact, the only thing that would tie Destiny and Bungie publicly is the trademark application they've filed.
So Ram, if you didn't get a Destiny beta key, what did Frankie give you?
Its ok I forgive you
So Ram, if you didn't get a Destiny beta key, what did Frankie give you?
You guys asked for it, here it is. Comprehensive listing of all weapons (and other parts of the golden triangle-with-a-dot-in-the-center of the of Halo's combat, that central dot being the revised AA system) that are a part of my sandbox revision project, now titled Instruments of War.[IMG]
I'll have more to say on this tomorrow morning, but is that much overlap in the weapons necessary?
[quote="TheOddOne, post: 47325871"]Spartan Ops spoiler: [spoiler] Anybody laugh at seeing the Covenant using Forerunner weapons? [/spoiler][/QUOTE]
I thought it was a bit refreshing to be honest.
Spartan Ops spoiler:Anybody laugh at seeing the Covenant using Forerunner weapons?
I thought it was a bit refreshing to be honest.
I didn't mean it as bad thing thoughSpoiler:All Covenant weapons are Forerunner weapons. Reverse engineered tech, like Infinity's engine (although I think humans apparently make better use of their adopted tech, see: MJOLNIR). Seriously though, I actually like that they're exploiting more of the sandbox. Why the fuck not? I use their guns, why can't they? We've been fighting Elites with plasma rifles for going on 12 years. Mix it up a little bit. Reach had those Heretic Elites with the Human weapons in Firefight, that was interesting!
I didn't mean it as bad thing though
Just a holy shit moment, I was like "That makes sense, why the hell not!".
Just waiting for the Jackal Snipers armed with Binary Rifles, Hunters with Incineration Cannons, and Grunts with Boltshots, oh AND Needler Watchers.
Uh, dude, I don't think you're quite getting it. That was from an unofficial leak from an agency Bungie had contracted to do promotional work.
It's okay, I forgive you for still not understanding what I'm saying, which is that Bungie has not yet acknowledged they are working on a game called Destiny. All we know about the game is from leaks.
Someone get Duncan in here, he's the resident GAF expert on Destiny.
Spoiler:All Covenant weapons are Forerunner weapons. Reverse engineered tech, like Infinity's engine (although I think humans apparently make better use of their adopted tech, see: MJOLNIR). Seriously though, I actually like that they're exploiting more of the sandbox. Why the fuck not? I use their guns, why can't they? We've been fighting Elites with plasma rifles for going on 12 years. Mix it up a little bit. Reach had those Heretic Elites with the Human weapons in Firefight, that was interesting!