Ah I see, so here comes the inevitable "Make fun of it, it'll all go away"
Fuck that.
Yo take it easy bro.
Ah I see, so here comes the inevitable "Make fun of it, it'll all go away"
Fuck that.
Just calm down, don't start an argument about opinions. That isn't a good idea...
Ah I see, so here comes the inevitable "Make fun of it, it'll all go away"
Fuck that.
Your opinion on starting arguments SUCKS!
Want a real answer?
Your wrong.
Want a real answer?
Your wrong.
343i goofed and Halo 4 has multiple well documented and understood problems. Don't rant like a child and you wont get stupid responses.
Get off your high fucking horse brah.
:lol I fucking love this place.
I love that this is HaloGAF, yet all you all do is bitch about the game, who gives a flying fuck if its got in game ranking, whats the fucking point of that? If you're truly good at the game then prove it, don't rely on a visible rank so you can show off.
I fucking can't stand it, all you do is bitch bitch bitch and say how much 343 screwed the game up. They didn't! Not by a long shot, the story is easily the best since 2 (aside from karen traviss' input) and the multiplayer is quick and fluid. I don't get why everyone has to bitch about each new halo. People did it with Halo 2, they did it with Halo 3, they did it with Reach and now they're doing it with 4. Everyone just loves to bitch about each new halo, and every time theres a new halo its compared to a previous one, WHICH WAS BITCHED ABOUT.......BECAUSE PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE IT.
Right /rantover.
Looking forward to seeing what happens in season 9, love how palmer doesn't wear a helmet when dealing with prometheans, yet she dons it, to do what? Hmmm? Assasinate a 60+ year old woman.
I love that this is HaloGAF, yet all you all do is bitch about the game, who gives a flying fuck if its got in game ranking, whats the fucking point of that? If you're truly good at the game then prove it, don't rely on a visible rank so you can show off.
I fucking can't stand it, all you do is bitch bitch bitch and say how much 343 screwed the game up. They didn't! Not by a long shot, the story is easily the best since 2 (aside from karen traviss' input) and the multiplayer is quick and fluid. I don't get why everyone has to bitch about each new halo. People did it with Halo 2, they did it with Halo 3, they did it with Reach and now they're doing it with 4. Everyone just loves to bitch about each new halo, and every time theres a new halo its compared to a previous one, WHICH WAS BITCHED ABOUT.......BECAUSE PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE IT.
Right /rantover.
Looking forward to seeing what happens in season 9, love how palmer doesn't wear a helmet when dealing with prometheans, yet she dons it, to do what? Hmmm? Assasinate a 60+ year old woman.
I've been lurking HaloGAF for a long fucking time AND I'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH THE HATERS!!!!!!! *melts down on my first post*
Not to mention a generic, OOOOOOO bad guy trying to blow up the world campaign. GOW has the exact same campaign, for 3 games. Go here, kill bad guys, go underground blow shit up.
bitchin bout people bitchin.
People bitch about the game because it has it's problems. Yea "RIP HALO" is kind of pointless, but there's been a shit ton of good useful posts in these threads as well.
relax man
I type one wrong word, and my entire post is irrelevant. Seriously? What sort of intelligent argument is that?
Totally off-topic (lol rtas is antitype alt down to the avatar lol pop culture), but do you guys know how to make a computer read one drive/USB port as another? To clarify, I had my external hard drive plugged in to K: but something happened along the line and it now reads it as E:. Even though it's plugged in the same place. Is there any way I can get the computer to consider the external hard drive as being plugged into "K" without manually switching the port? I really don't feel like manually going in and correcting libraries given I have my whole DAW stored on there.
geez forgive me for not recognizing the guy with a master chief avatar in the Halo OT
But again my advice "Chill."
At least now we'll recognize him. It will just be as the random meltdown guy
I'm not antihype, I have the same avatar, and have had this avatar, since it was posted after the Halo 4 early screenshot release. People have been confused before.
I've chilled.
So anyone else rants = nothing
I make a rant, then finish it, OMG LOLZ HE'S MELTING DOWN, JOKE ABOUT IT.
Terrific logic there.
Anyways, I shouldn't have posted it in the first place, should've realized it would caused this reaction.
As I watch Ninja play Black Ops 2 I can't help to notice that everything has a stupid ass name that has nothing to do with the actual thing. War Machine? Hell Storm Missile? Lightning Strike? Instead of King of the Hill it's called Hardpoint or some shit. Whatever happened to just "Airstrike" or "Mini-Gun"?
These don't seem to match up.
I love that this is HaloGAF, yet all you all do is bitch about the game, who gives a flying fuck if its got in game ranking, whats the fucking point of that? If you're truly good at the game then prove it, don't rely on a visible rank so you can show off.
I fucking can't stand it, all you do is bitch bitch bitch and say how much 343 screwed the game up. They didn't! Not by a long shot, the story is easily the best since 2 (aside from karen traviss' input) and the multiplayer is quick and fluid. I don't get why everyone has to bitch about each new halo. People did it with Halo 2, they did it with Halo 3, they did it with Reach and now they're doing it with 4. Everyone just loves to bitch about each new halo, and every time theres a new halo its compared to a previous one, WHICH WAS BITCHED ABOUT.......BECAUSE PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE IT.
Right /rantover.
Looking forward to seeing what happens in season 9, love how palmer doesn't wear a helmet when dealing with prometheans, yet she dons it, to do what? Hmmm? Assasinate a 60+ year old woman.
It's like we have one of these a month now.
Everything in the future needs buzzword names even the guns had a name change. Their AK is now AN. The barrett is a DS50, and the M4 is M27. It makes total sense, everything needs a different name in the future
Everything in the future needs buzzword names even the guns had a name change. Their AK is now AN. The barrett is a DS50, and the M4 is M27. It makes total sense, everything needs a different name in the future
As I watch Ninja play Black Ops 2 I can't help to notice that everything has a stupid ass name that has nothing to do with the actual thing. War Machine? Hell Storm Missile? Lightning Strike? Instead of King of the Hill it's called Hardpoint or some shit. Whatever happened to just "Airstrike" or "Mini-Gun"?
AN-94 is a real Russian assault rifle, Avtomat Nikonova. Is that the rifle in BLOPS2?
M27 is also a real weapon...
I love that this is HaloGAF, yet all you all do is bitch about the game, who gives a flying fuck if its got in game ranking, whats the fucking point of that? If you're truly good at the game then prove it, don't rely on a visible rank so you can show off.
I fucking can't stand it, all you do is bitch bitch bitch and say how much 343 screwed the game up. They didn't! Not by a long shot, the story is easily the best since 2 (aside from karen traviss' input) and the multiplayer is quick and fluid. I don't get why everyone has to bitch about each new halo. People did it with Halo 2, they did it with Halo 3, they did it with Reach and now they're doing it with 4. Everyone just loves to bitch about each new halo, and every time theres a new halo its compared to a previous one, WHICH WAS BITCHED ABOUT.......BECAUSE PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE IT.
Right /rantover.
Looking forward to seeing what happens in season 9, love how palmer doesn't wear a helmet when dealing with prometheans, yet she dons it, to do what? Hmmm? Assasinate a 60+ year old woman.
Yes I know this, what I mean is, the guns are no different in game, I should have clarified that better, they work exactly the same as their counterparts in MW2/3 with no difference.
They even replicated the broken SPAS-12 from MW2 and 3, its called the Remington, and its apparantly a shotgun sniper hybrid
All they did was take the old weapons, slap a new skin on them and change the name.
Yes I know this, what I mean is, the guns are no different in game, I should have clarified that better, they work exactly the same as their counterparts in MW2/3 with no difference.
They even replicated the broken SPAS-12 from MW2 and 3, its called the Remington, and its apparantly a shotgun sniper hybrid
It's like we have one of these a month now.
Why is the Concussion Rifle in Halo 4 just the Halo 3 Brute Shot?
TouchéWhy is the Concussion Rifle in Halo 4 just the Halo 3 Brute Shot?
Because the Brute Shot had a distintive role but you can't reallly have it in the game without Brutes?
I want my Brute Shot back, so good!
Read it earlier, this is solid content. I really hoped Halo 4 would discuss the Covenant a bit more, but I suppose now that the MC is back at Earth, the next game will deal with that sort of stuff. The politics back home and on Sanghelios are crazy right now.
God that brute shot was so good, dat melee!
Because the Brute Shot had a distintive role but you can't reallly have it in the game without Brutes?
I want my Brute Shot back, so good!
Thanks. I definitely agree with you. Originally I wrote the article months before Halo 4 came out; if I'd posted it then I would have called the Storm 100%. Sadly we haven't gotten a lot more on the Arbiter's side of things, and it looks like Traviss is going to focus on the humans/Venezia part of the universe for the final book. There's just so much that can still be covered in the universe, it's amazing that two book series and a game trilogy can't address it.
Woorloog said:I loved the rapid ROF and the explosions, confused the fuck out of people. And then meleeing them.
And then there was Brute Shot Mongoose flipping and launching... the passenger has the Brute Shot and uses it to launch the Mongoose...
Did you really need to continue this?