There's bugs with the networking and lighting generation. If you join a game in progress, the lighting may or may not generate on some pieces. If you are watching a film of a forge map, it won't do the render lighting phase. If there are any black screens, lighting and forge pieces in general become all kinds of fucked up. Any one of those(well, not the theatre one) could have happened during your match. I highly doubt that they would put out a fix for a single map in the middle of the week.
I have seen a couple youtube videos of matches on the map as well, and they had the same problem, so I don't know what the deal is.
Also, why would a few of the pieces still have their lighting generated if this was the case? Does this glitch happen frequently? I have yet to see it, although I haven't played a lot of Forge MM.
It happened at least once while I was testing my map. Blue base didn't generate shadows and looked terrible, but the rest of the map had shadows. Might have happened when Tashi was playing on it too. I know he had a match where a black screen occurred, but I could tell anything since it was a film.
It should be noted that just because you forge a map a certain way, does not mean it will be 1:1 in matchmaking, or behave the same way. There's a conversion process they have to do to maps and strange shit can occur during it.
It happened at least once while I was testing my map. Blue base didn't generate shadows and looked terrible, but the rest of the map had shadows. Might have happened when Tashi was playing on it too. I know he had a match where a black screen occurred, but I could tell anything since it was a film.
...My point exactly. And not just about the conversion process. Forge in general has had and continues to have it's myriad of problems, let alone MM playlists. ...Let alone the game of Halo 4 itself.
Three different Youtube Videos from different players. All different channels. They're the only videos I could find.
All of them have their lighting mostly/all turned off.
(I don't understand how anyone would argue for this kind lack of lighting as an alternative.)
If it is just coincidence, that would be weird, although...
...My point exactly. And not just about the conversion process. Forge in general has had and continues to have it's myriad of problems, let alone MM playlists. ...Let alone the game of Halo 4 itself.
Best part? Timed respawn returns in Halo 5, but only because when you get run over by the Dorito-mobile you're forced to watch an advertisement prior your respawn.
Best part? Timed respawn returns in Halo 5, but only because when you get run over by the Dorito-mobile you're forced to watch an advertisement prior your respawn.
Sure its a marginal feature, but that can be said for fileshares, and theater, (in general) probably even forge, I mean what percentage of people really use it? It's still not a good thing, and there are a lot of these quirks. Also Forge maps just made their way in to matchmaking recently and the glitch is only becoming relevant now that there are actual forge map films to be played.
Just got done playing a couple rounds of Doubles. Pro is still cream of the crop in this game and is absolutely a shit ton of fun to play. I don't think there are many things that can be done to make it better other than perhaps some minor map tweaks and the TU patching up some loose ends (I've heard there is a fix coming to Haven for the spawns, so that's some good news). It's the best that can be done with what we have, and it's pretty fraking great. 5/5 give someone an award.
Commence selfish post/rant:
I'll probably put Infinity Doubles down to a 1/5 from a 2, and CTF down to 2/5 from 3. I just can't stand some of the horseshit that goes on in both of those gametypes.
I seriously hope that Ordnance is utterly broken on Dispatch and is getting a fix, because getting spawn killed by a semi decent team in CTF on that map with a dude using an Ammo boosted Fuel Rod Cannon is just broken. I've even seen a Spartan Laser or two. Spawning both initial power items (sticky and overshield) top mid is also a bit daft - it works out that most of the time whichever team gets the overshield also gets the sticky (which with the 10 second respawn in CTF becomes maddening after the initial bum rush since there are no other power weapons on the map). I wonder why they aren't spaced out rather than right on top of each other.
Infinity Doubles on a map like Rail or Scythe (Both utterly fantastic in Pro) is frustrating as hell. One team I played against got a Stability-enhanced Sniper off the bat (only power weapon on Scythe: mistake) racks up a few kills and now they're calling down personal ordnance and cycling the 2 minute sniper easily. That's not even the half of it. Camo and Provis are powerful in regular playlists, but in Doubles, they might as well be god mode, same thing goes for the Ammo and Stability perks, same thing goes for Boltshit.
Here's a suggestion: ditch/reinvent Infinity and CTF in Doubles:
Pro - leave it be
rename to Gentleman's Dubs
Infinity Doubles:
Pro settings (so 5 second respawns, sorry: instant has no place here) + Radar
Restricted AAs/loadouts (at least until certain things can be banned)
[DMR + AR + Hologram + Resupply + Dexterity] (could be removed in favour of making DMR map pickup only, unless these primaries get rebalanced in the TU)
BR + AR + Thruster + Resupply + Dex
Carbine + Storm Rifle + Regen + Resupply + Dex
LR + Suppressor + Shield + Resupply + Dex
You could potentially swap the AR for the Pistol if the autos are too much, but I wanted to keep at least a little variety for the Infinity variant, and I like the auto weapons in this game.
I understand that this isn't ideal for people who like to customize their loadouts, but some of the possible OP combos here just become a bit too compounded in Doubles. Hopefully the TU allows some more options with respect to game loadouts, like the ability to ban certain items on a per playlist basis, as well as the ability to add specialization perks into the global loadouts). Until then, though, I think this is the only fair way to go about it.
P-ordnance restricted to Railgun, Sticky,
Scattershot/Boltshot MAYBE Provis, Invis, and Jetpack, but I'd prefer the more powerful AAs placed on the map Halo 3 equipment-style, if not, it wouldn't be too bad in the ordnance, since they disappear upon death. Ideally you could have ordnance re-roll in the loadouts and have all six ordnances available, to remove the random factor. Powerups should be map pickups only, so Damage boost, Overshield and Speed boost (and I wish Invis, but whatever). No point in putting nades here, either, as they're on the map.
Doubles CTF:
Infinity settings above - P-ordnance (You could potentially make this a Infinity CTF gametype with ordnance, but then you'd need a CTF Pro gametype to go along with it)
Change respawn time from 10 seconds to 5, or ideally, if available, 7 seconds.
(I also want to note that Doubles CTF would benefit greatly from the ability to drop the flag)
Some other observations:
-Not having Red Xs really hurts this playlist, probably more than others, too. I really hope this will come back in the TU - I'll be extremely disappointed if that's not the case.
-I seem to remember (although I could be completely wrong, if so, ignore this I guess) in previous Halo games that if you weren't looking directly at your team-mate, the "outside ring" of the HUD would point to their direction. Halo 4 does not have this, so locating your team mate is slightly more difficult.
-Lack of Lockout. Not sure how I feel about this, I thought it could work well for Dubs, it was mostly fun in Halo 2 and 3. I don't miss it THAT much, but it was nice to see.
-Lack of Oddball (I assume it's because there is no way to turn off passing, which is a little OP for Dubs)
-Lack of Rockets. I don't see why having Rockets spawn with 2 shots is not a possibility. Maybe there's something I'm unaware of (ammo perk holding her back?). This is like a classic Halo power weapon, and pretty much invented the idea of rushing at the beginning of a match. I'd like to see it on one or two maps.
-Weapons stay longer after death? Not sure, but a buddy of mine mentioned that he noticed this, so perhaps it's true.
-I want to reiterate that the changes to most of the maps should be propagated back into the rest of MM (save for perhaps Solari, it's a bit small, but I guess you could run both).
Aaaaaand there you have it. My (mostly) ideal Doubles playlist. Thanks for reading