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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


Schmitty said:
What does the guy say at the end of the intro song?

kind of a cheers! when toasting, in the grunt language. Bungie inside joke.

that intro is from HaloGAF btw, it was made by Doodis


Letters said:

kind of a cheers! when toasting, in the grunt language. Bungie inside joke.

that intro is from HaloGAF btw, it was made by Doodis
I are famous now!

I rerecorded the song at an actual studio so they'd have a higher quality version, but, um, I guess Urk doesn't check PMs?

Regardless, I'm flattered.

EDIT: from Bungie forums:
New song sucks.
I are infamous now!


I remember that intro song when it was posted on GAF. It's so awesome. :lol

Conceptually, I really like the idea of rotating fan intros on the podcast.


Schmitty said:
So what has changed with the vehicles? I hate how they alluded to tuning them, but not saying what they did.

From what they said, they're probably just not so fragile anymore.
Haven't listened to the podcast, yet, since I'm still at work. Did they mention anything about the shield? Is it still the same as it was in the beta, where you need to completely remove it before anything less than a power weapon will kill someone? /sadface

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I'm loving a lot of the changes. :D

But there is one thing I'm wary of: why would you slow down the Magnum a bit while beefing up the AR? They should've just beefed up the AR while not touching the Magnum.

The Magnum was perfect in the Beta.

Oh well, aside from that little blib, I'm very happy with all the changes.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Full List of changes as reported from the Podcast

  • Speed and jumping - Looked into it. Sage has adjusted it. Faster movement, higher jump. Game feels differant from Beta.
  • New Aim assist prioritises targets. Proximity doesn't always equal most valuable target
  • Headshot fix most import issue fixed from Beta - great improvement
  • Melee was "broken" in Beta, now fixed, longer delay (Five frames) (Melee in H3 is 30 frames) - so melee is now the same speed as Halo 3
  • Golden triangle, now "Golden Box" =P
  • Vehicles in internal Alpha "paper machete", vehicles changed from Beta, Sage currently working on them, no longer "fragile".
  • Getting Tank away from spawn in Boneyard was difficult, if you suceeded, Tank was powerful. Will be "improved upon"
  • Grenades - people initially perceived them as "mini-nukes" but then got used to them. Similar to CE. Frag power lowered by 1 point during Beta. Changed again, another 1 point taken away. Radius smaller, timer reduced by 0.1 second. One grenade will not impact health at all if no further damage is taken and shields recharge.
  • Shield wasn't reporting damage correctly during Beta - fixed.
  • Single DMR shot takes 25 points from shields
  • Maps and game types tweaked
  • Reticule fixed, brighter, fancier, quite noticeable, crisp, clear
  • Bloom stays
  • Where you are taking damage from is more visible - you'll know where the damage is coming from
  • Swordbase weapon spawns changed about - no Plasma Launcher on default! (right now =P)
  • Swordbase - Flag removed from Beta yellow lift room on 1 Flag (Battle over lift) - Flag moved to 2 story room with glassy balcony, top of the ramp. Plays better. Same on Powerhouse - Flag moved away duevto Rocket Launcher, on rooftop of one of the buildings.
  • Stockpile UI being redone, UI was carried over from Halo 3 - not suitable for Reach, confusing. Much more clear now. Stockpile <3. Flag spawn locations kept the same. On Powerhouse "Stockpile" return zones moved.
  • Magnum slowed down fractionally to make it fair against AR users
  • AR is slightly buffed
  • Plasma Repeater kept in line with AR
  • Sniper Rifle made a bit more "idiot-proof"
  • Plasma Launcher "getting nerfed a hair" - "Clown Cannon, Comedy Gun". Changing time it takes to lock on to make it slightly more fair for infantry. Tracking also reduced slightly. Fire rate slightly longer/slower. "Not quite good as it used to be but still pretty awesome"
  • DMR - Rounds in magazine changed, 12 in Beta now increased to 15 rounds
  • Needle Rifle rounds in magazine changed, 16 in Beta now increased to 21 rounds
  • Magnum NOT getting more rounds for certain, no chance
  • Elite shield regen time increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds (not final)
  • Reticule bloom - they admit 50/50 from fans loving it/hating it but think that's expected and won't remove it or modify it. Might consider removing the "random element" but won't prioritise above anything else. Bloom makes Halo "play better". They say that people exaggerate the amount of random kills they see compared to expect kills.


Wow, they slowed down the pistol and are not giving it more ammo? And for the AR no less? The AR was good and now they made it stronger? GAME OVER

This is why you shouldn't have a beta.
This 100 times over!
Domino Theory said:
I'm loving a lot of the changes. :D

But there is one thing I'm wary of: why would you slow down the Magnum a bit while beefing up the AR? They should've just beefed up the AR while not touching the Magnum.

The Magnum was perfect in the Beta.

And I can't stop thinking about what I said before. I find the shield mechanic in Reach just as puzzling. That whole mechanic baffles me. If you cannot die until your shield is depleted (for whatever reason that the developers can come up with), then even a power weapon shouldn't kill you. But why? Because using a power weapon would be horribly unrewarding if it couldn't one shot someone; so what's less unrewarding about hitting someone that has a fraction of their shield left and not being able to finish them off? There is no way this enhances gameplay. Instead, it will lead to more frustrating experiences.

It's so obnoxious that all I can do is laugh about it.


You know what? After playing Halo 1 and Halo 2 in 3D and then watching Halo Reach in 3D....Bungie please put in a 3D option! :lol


KS Seven X said:
Yeah, that's pretty much the only big downer from the pod cast. AR will dominate Pistol now.
Is that truly a bad thing? the AR was like 100% trash in Beta, no role, ever. It should have a role if it's in the game.
Kuroyume said:
Wow, they slowed down the pistol and are not giving it more ammo? And for the AR no less? The AR was good and now they made it stronger? GAME OVER

This is why you shouldn't have a beta.

Kapura said:
Is that truly a bad thing? the AR was like 100% trash in Beta, no role, ever. It should have a role if it's in the game.

Ehh, I'm probably just making a deal out of nothing. We don't know anything til the game actually comes out. Everything else is great.


while waiting for the iTunes Bungie podcats, the Insomniac Games podcats downloaded. I'm listening to the Bungie podcats on-site now.

Control+A, Control+B. It's a word thing.
Dani said:
*list of changes*
I'm loving what I'm hearing, and if Bungie continues to make such changes, I'll be back on board the hype train for MP come this fall.

I'm glad to hear the AR has been further buffed up, and the reticules have been given a good overhaul.
Schmitty said:
Where are you going to college?
Here is where I'm going to college.:D

To the rest of you: Thanks for the congratulations.

Edit - Oh, and thanks for the podcast, Urk.
I'm fine with the AR's damage being boosted, but not if it's at the expense of another weapon. Don't hype machine the beta with news about bringing back the pistol and then nerf it simply because the AR is weak.

I have no sympathy for AR users. It was a poor choice of weapon to use in HaloCE. It was completely removed from Halo2. It was a poor choice of weapon to use in Halo3. Why are people using it, let alone complaining about it? Go use another gun lol. Hey, but I like using the plasma pistol. Why can't Bungie increase its single shot power? :p NERF ROCKETS PLEASE!


Trasher said:
Rate of fire got slowed down a little apparently. So it makes it slower to spam people at point blank.

That was what made it such a fun weapon, and I don't think the AR needed a buff against it, you still had to land all of your shots and sometimes reload to kill someone before they could spray you to death, meh. If the beta made anything clear, it was that the AR is completely a forgettable weapon in the sandbox, I actually enjoyed using the Plasma Repeater.


Merguson said:
So.. what does this quote mean? It's from Dani's list of beta changes. (Thanks for that by the way)
Used to be triangle of Grenades, Guns, and Melee, now Armour Abilities are also in the loop.
Kapura said:
Used to be triangle of Grenades, Guns, and Melee, now Armour Abilities are also in the loop.
You can remove melee from that, since you can't rely on killing anyone with it. So it's still a triangle, but now it will be the golden triangle of AA, Guns, and Grenades. /facepalm

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Merguson said:
So.. what does this quote mean? It's from Dani's list of beta changes. (Thanks for that by the way)


They were talking about the "Golden Triangle" of Guns, Melee and Grenades and how it's changed for reach and they now refer to it differently as it's no longer the same.

Edit: Beaten by everyone.

Louis Wu

FourDoor said:
iTunes is sooooo slow. Where is mah podcast!
I totally don't get this.

iTunes reads mp3s just fine - if you can't wait, why not just download the mp3 from Bungie.net and listen to it in iTunes?
Why don't they go back to having to melee someone 3 times for a kill if a person is at full health and shields? This is how it was in HaloCE; it's one part of that game where there weren't any complaints or disagreements, which is quite an achievement. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
Louis Wu said:
I totally don't get this.

iTunes reads mp3s just fine - if you can't wait, why not just download the mp3 from Bungie.net and listen to it in iTunes?
Because it won't be part of the podcast feed, be organised neatly for storage etc.
Best solution is to download it off B.net, listen to it, then get it properly when it's on the feed, that's what I do.


Louis Wu said:
I totally don't get this.

iTunes reads mp3s just fine - if you can't wait, why not just download the mp3 from Bungie.net and listen to it in iTunes?
Also - you can even move the mp3 from your "Music" section into the "Podcasts" section by clicking on Get Info>Options>Media Kind>Podcast.
Deputy Moonman said:
Why don't they go back to having to melee someone 3 times for a kill if a person is at full health and shields? This is how it was in HaloCE; it's one part of that game where there weren't any complaints or disagreements, which is quite an achievement. If it's not broke, don't fix it.


Louis Wu said:
I totally don't get this.

iTunes reads mp3s just fine - if you can't wait, why not just download the mp3 from Bungie.net and listen to it in iTunes?

I was hoping to get it downloaded through iTunes so I could sync it up with my iPod before I left. I could have downloaded the mp3 directly as most people but I'm just lazy that way as iTunes is the only program I use to subscribe toPodcasts.

I guess being lazy and impatient today doesn't mix. :lol
Deputy Moonman said:
You can remove melee from that, since you can't rely on killing anyone with it. So it's still a triangle, but now it will be the golden triangle of AA, Guns, and Grenades. /facepalm
Deputy Moonman said:
Why don't they go back to having to melee someone 3 times for a kill if a person is at full health and shields? This is how it was in HaloCE; it's one part of that game where there weren't any complaints or disagreements, which is quite an achievement. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
I'm confused. The melee, as is, and as it appears it will be in the final build, takes two hits to kill someone. You complain how you can't rely on killing anyone with melee (which is by itself incorrect), yet you want to make melee weaker hoping somehow that will make it more reliable?

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