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Halo: Reach Beta Thread


The only reason the AR was worthless in the beta was because the Pistol made it that way. The Pistol should've been consistently better at mid-range, while the AR beats it out at close. Pistol had both ranges covered in the beta.

Sounds like they're trying to fix that.

Louis Wu said:
if you can't wait, why not just download the mp3 from Bungie.net and listen to it in iTunes?
What if he's like me, and it takes forever to download podcasts from b.net?


[EDIT] - Oh~ just finished.
Deputy Moonman said:
Why don't they go back to having to melee someone 3 times for a kill if a person is at full health and shields? This is how it was in HaloCE; it's one part of that game where there weren't any complaints or disagreements, which is quite an achievement. If it's not broke, don't fix it.



Kapura said:
Used to be triangle of Grenades, Guns, and Melee, now Armour Abilities are also in the loop.

Dani said:

They were talking about the "Golden Triangle" of Guns, Melee and Grenades and how it's changed for reach and they now refer to it differently as it's no longer the same.

Edit: Beaten by everyone.

Thanks everyone.
Slower pistol? long as it's not halo 3 slow I loved it in reach while it was a bit OP :p glad that the pistol is not getting more ammo as it doesn't need it.

3 more shots in the DMR? that gun just became more sexy.

All the other tweaks I think are good so far.


Dax01 said:
I'm confused. The melee, as is, and as it appears it will be in the final build, takes two hits to kill someone. You complain how can't rely on killing anyone with melee (which is by itself incorrect), yet you want to make melee weaker hoping somehow that will make it more reliable?


Melee was a lot of people's top TODs, how was it unreliable or weak? It was stupid OP in the beta.

About the possibility of more AAs, I'm not sure why they would have held any back from the beta. The element of surprising people with things that will drastically change the gameplay without a proper public testing is a scary thought. I think the other AAs, if there are any, will be much safer/easier to balance or perhaps even just regulated to SP.
Request bump:
Zeouterlimits said:
<3 The Mona Lisa. So awesome.

'The Return', yeah, it's damn good, had a nice "Oh shit" moment at the end.
There's a motion comic interpretation of it on Waypoint, fantastic job.

Voc, Coco, Frankie & Ellis: Skip to the next post :D

Speaking of Evolutions, there's a Art Competition 343 are starting based on Evolutions. Would one of AmeriGAF help me out and submit my girlfriends sketch if I send it on my/her behalf?
I'm not saying it's amazing, but I'd like to submit, it's a really nice piece :)

I wasn't a fan of melee in the beta.
I was terrible at it
Dang, I was really hoping for two extra rounds in the pistol clip.

It seemed like I was always one or two shots away from killing an enemy.

Probably just my poor aiming...
About the possibility of more AAs, I'm not sure why they would have held any back from the beta. The element of surprising people with things that will drastically change the gameplay without a proper public testing is a scary thought. I think the other AAs, if there are any, will be much safer/easier to balance or perhaps even just regulated to SP.

Did you miss the sheet the modders released right after the Beta? They pulled a bunch of references to new armor abilities from the game files. There's like five or six new ones.

Ammo Pack - reload all weapons/grenades? does it apply to power weapons?
Power fist - one hit kill melee?
Repulsor - push away people who try to melee you, or maybe reflect certain weapons?
Sensor Pack - increased radar range? negate active camo effects? detect crouchers?
Super Jump - duh
Emp Pulse - this seems to have been rolled into armor lock.
Shield Generator - sort of a mobile regen bubble from halo 3?
Hologram - lol wut.


Reaction to podcast:


I await Eazy's rage about something.


GhaleonEB said:
Reaction to podcast:


I await Eazy's rage about something.

Yeah, seems like Sage and the team really took their time to "listen" to the complaints and try to fix them as best as possible.
Dax01 said:
I'm confused. The melee, as is, and as it appears it will be in the final build, takes two hits to kill someone. You complain how you can't rely on killing anyone with melee (which is by itself incorrect), yet you want to make melee weaker hoping somehow that will make it more reliable?

I'm annoyed with the way shields work. I should have clarified. I brought up melee damage as an alternate solution to the looney shield mechanic that is currently in Reach.

Bungie had some reason for changing the way the shield works, where you can't kill someone until the shield is completely eliminated. I think having it work that way makes the melee unreliable. What difference does it make how powerful the melee is if someone always has a little bit of their shield left. That is stupid retarded. The only reason you ever move within melee range of another player is so that you can try and finish them off with a melee. But now there is no point in risking it. Why waste the time it takes to melee, when the melee isn't even going to finish a player off, and instead you could stay out of range and continue shooting your gun.

It's stupid for the exact same reason that it would be if power weapons couldn't kill you in one shot with full shields. It would be unrewarding to the player. What's the difference? There is none. A power weapon should kill you in one shot, just as a melee should be able to break through a small remainder of a shield. But melees don't...

Bungie is pushing people away from even using the melee. If you can't double melee really fast like in the beta (which i thought was dumb btw), trying to melee anyone is going to be a bad decision 99% of the time. Therefore, it's unreliable.

Take the gimmicky shield mechanic away and make the melee do less damage, and I think the problem is solved. If Bungie wants to keep the shield mechanic the way it is as far as gunfire is concerned, fine. But how stupid is it to say that you can't kill someone when they are within a fraction of having their shield completely gone, but you can assassinate them in one shot from behind. Where did the shield go? The whole system is completely retarded.


I'm loving all the changes they made, seems they really took the criticism to heart. The only thing I'm not happy about is the nerfing of the Magnum :( If it feels sluggish like the H3 pistol then I am disappoint bungie.


Natakuu said:
I'm loving all the changes they made, seems they really took the criticism to heart. The only thing I'm not happy about is the nerfing of the Magnum :( If it feels sluggish like the H3 pistol then I am disappoint bungie.
I don't think we can say the pistol was nerfed. They just slowed down the speed. (Probably to accommodate for the quick 4 shots + melee)


I think I'm ok with the pistol getting a hairline nerf, making the DMR and Nerfle more competitive in the face of a pistoler. I'm not really that worried about the AR guys now given the melee change anyway. You guys are overreacting.

EDIT: And everything in the podcast sounded good. They addressed so many of my complaints I almost felt like they were speaking directly to me. Not crazy about bloom remaining, the poor man's recoil.


Yeah, it doesn't sound like the Magnum is being nerfed. If using the Magnum properly(waiting for bloom to go small), the change should be unnoticeable.
I'm not as annoyed with the pistol change as I might sound, but I'm definitely still trying to push a change to the way shields work. obviously:lol


Deputy Moonman said:
I'm not as annoyed with the pistol change as I might sound, but I'm definitely still trying to push a change to the way shields work. And that is only me stating the obvious.:lol

Its not going to happen. It's a design decision, right there with bloom. *gag*
Im worried about grenades, a reduction of 0.1 doesnt seem to make that much of a difference, just so you know Bungie, I didnt adapt, I called them mini nukes even on the last day of the beta. :lol Its awesome that they managed to drop the nade damage down a point during the beta without patching the game though, what kind of magic was that?

Im also worried about the Pistol Nerf, but if it still beats the AR and actually encourages more controlled Pistol shots, then I guess it will be a good thing.

P.S. Bungie upgrading Jumps and Speed <3


Kuroyume said:
Wow, they slowed down the pistol and are not giving it more ammo? And for the AR no less? The AR was good and now they made it stronger? GAME OVER

This is why you shouldn't have a beta.

This is so true.


butthole fishhooking yes
Magnum's still nice and quick. We're not talking about an overhaul. Subtle tweaking that will only impact the really close quarters combat.


urk said:
Magnum's still nice and quick. We're not talking about an overhaul. Subtle tweaking that will only impact the really close quarters combat.

According to the summary posted on here it's been made slower. Now, I recall people asking for bigger clip size and not a rate of fire decrease and yet you guys slow the gun down and don't give it a bigger clip. WTF


Kuroyume said:
According to the summary posted on here it's been made slower. Now, I recall people asking for bigger clip size and not a rate of fire decrease and yet you guys slow the gun down and don't give it a bigger clip. WTF

I'd like it if you didn't post anymore.
Now that I've asked for it on here no less, comply.


butthole fishhooking yes
Kuroyume said:
According to the summary posted on here it's been made slower. Now, I recall people asking for bigger clip size and not a rate of fire decrease and yet you guys slow the gun down and don't give it a bigger clip. WTF

People here ask for a lot of things.


Kuroyume said:
According to the summary posted on here it's been made slower. Now, I recall people asking for bigger clip size and not a rate of fire decrease and yet you guys slow the gun down and don't give it a bigger clip. WTF
They specified in the podcast that the change was very small, and made to slightly level the playing field with the AR at very close range. Which makes sense, since the AR was entirely outclassed by the pistol up close, which was not the intent.

What struck me durng the podcast was how powerful very small changes can be given the mix. The changes to fragmentation grenades sound almost absurdly tiny, but in total they add up to a big shift.

  • Base damage was reduced by one point. But that one point is the difference between your health recharging fully or not recharging fully. In the Beta, one lone grenade damaged your health such that a health pack was required to be whole.
  • Grenade blast radius reduced slightly.
  • Grenades take 0.1 seconds longer to go off once impacting a surface.
  • Jump height slightly increased, movement slighly increased. So players can get out of the way much more easily.
Very tiny tweaks all around, but in concert it sounds like a very noticable shift. That last point was one I railed on and on (and on) about, so I'm simply delighted to hear it addressed.
urk said:
People here ask for a lot of things.
I would like a lock of your hair. You'll need to grow it out a bit.

Safe Bet

Sai said:
It was as good as it's ever been, the Pistol just like... Stole it's spotlight, I guess?
AR should be the go to mid-range weapon, IMO.

The pistol is much larger caliber so it makes sense it would win in a close combat situation.

The assault rifle is much more accurate so it make sense it would win in a ranged combat situation.



what a podcast, fuck yeah at all the tweaks mentioned, they were hitting all the right notes for me :_)

GhaleonEB said:
Reaction to podcast:

I wondered if this would happen while midway through the podcast, awesome :lol

wwm0nkey said:
Anyone watch THIS yet?
busted out my shitty Coraline bluray paper glasses for that, was pretty kewl

bobs99 ... said:
Im worried about grenades, a reduction of 0.1 doesnt seem to make that much of a difference, just so you know Bungie, I didnt adapt, I called them mini nukes even on the last day of the beta. :lol Its awesome that they managed to drop the nade damage down a point during the beta without patching the game though, what kind of magic was that?
Don't worry too much, besides that slight overall damage reduction, there'll be also the longer fuse, smaller damage radius coupled with the higher movement speed and jump height, which will make them easier to escape from, I think they will be fine now.
Really good changes all around. where did they say that the nade damage went down during the beta, and afterwards? I just heard that it went down one point. Pistol doesn't sound like it changed much, maybe the AR will finally be powerful enough to justify how fun it is to shoot :D.

Suff about clip size, movement speed, grenade tweaks, and headshot tweaks should appease those who felt they couldn't get clutch multikills enough.

I'm really worried about vehicles right now, the way Carney was talking about them, he made it sound like they've still got a ways to go on that design, and time be tight yo.

It was interesting to hear about the ability to make "Script" changes to gametypes on the fly. I figured the stockpile fixes/flag fixes were just gametype changes (Ie, options for flag return length, and scoring were options baked into the gametype) it's cool to see how quickly changes to attributes that aren't exposed can be made. In fact, it seems so fast and simple, it would be wonderful if we could play with it.
hint hint

Next Criticism: Too easy to get multikills in the final game!


Nothing was mentioned about the visual feedback of hitting a shielded spartan.
I really hope they consider adding some more sparks when a rifle weapon strikes an opponent.
The nerfle, pistol, and DMR all lacked the visual feedback that they had any real power when they connect. I really hope this complaint is considered.
I think it would look really awesome (and help the gameplay) if you got some (noticeable) nice sparks popping off the shield when a bullet hit.

Also some bloom or heft to the sword wouldn't hurt either.


urk said:
Magnum's still nice and quick. We're not talking about an overhaul. Subtle tweaking that will only impact the really close quarters combat.
Okay that's good to hear. With that reassurance I'm fully on the hype train, can't wait to get Reach.:D
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