Should have hooked up 4 Original Xbox Consoles, a Switch/Router, and a bunch of controllers. Played Halo CE and Halo 2 on original Xbox, that's a guarantee to work.
MCC is messy garbage, even on LAN, how sad.
Wait, LAN is broken too?
It's not real lan play. Connects through XBL servers.
Wtf is going on here!?
Wait, LAN is broken too?
Remember at least one of you will need to be signed into gold. Otherwise it should function as a normal LAN. All other players can be silver/guests.
Per game. In theory, 15 cheapskates and one millionaire.
Right now it's system and it may change in the future, but it is a tiny amount of data going out, so a crappy connection and a trial account would work in theory. Even a tethered phone, potentially. I caveat all of this heavily as we're still deep in dev and all or any of it is of course subject to change.
But frankly gasoline and breaker boxes will be bigger challenges for most.
I thought it phoned home and then when authenticated, allows a direct connection? That may have just been an assumption on my part, now that I think about it...
So if one were to be getting an xbox one friday, do you think it is at all worth the gamble? Especially if the person never played any of the halo campaigns? Only played 3/4 multiplayer and loved it.
Wait, LAN is broken too?
Normally, all transactions being made are final and non-refundable but since there is still an on-going issue with the game, we can process a refund as a one-time courtesy. But I would just like to inform you that our engineers are doing their best to fix this as quickly as possible especially that it's been more than a week now.
No, matchmaking with parties is not going well.
You can still play on custom game.
edit: derp. I read that wrong. Still doesn't change about matchmaking and parties which includes split screen woes via multiplayer matchmaking.
Lone wolves are safe.
When you say lone wolves are safe, theres no issues joining a game if your not in a party?!
When you say lone wolves are safe, theres no issues joining a game if your not in a party?!
Right now it's system and it may change in the future, but it is a tiny amount of data going out, so a crappy connection and a trial account would work in theory. Even a tethered phone, potentially. I caveat all of this heavily as we're still deep in dev and all or any of it is of course subject to change.
But frankly gasoline and breaker boxes will be bigger challenges for most.
Sounds a lot like online DRM for an offline feature to me.Yes, LAN, along with the rest of the game is broken. These caveats that Stinkles talks about, makes playing LAN a pain in the ass.
Honestly this is what will probably happen.
Yes, LAN, along with the rest of the game is broken. These caveats that Stinkles talks about, makes playing LAN a pain in the ass.
People were making the same excuses 18 months ago. There should be zero tolerance of offline features being locked away behind an online check-in.that's only a pain in the ass if you live in an oil rig. My phone could power the LAN.
that's only a pain in the ass if you live in an oil rig. My phone could power the LAN.
Still no word from 343? :/
They posted yesterday. They essentially said, "Yeah, shit's gonna be broke. We'll get back at you Monday."
Here is your quasi-weekly reminder that most guides for getting the skulls in Halo 2 have incorrect information about how to get the IWHBYD skull. Most claim you need 7 checkpoints to get it to spawn. This is not true. Heck it was debunked just a couple months after Halo 2 came out. I'm not sure who the first person was to disprove it, but here's a post of mine from the dearly departed High Impact Halo forums:
There are three triggers to get the skull to spawn:
1. Play on Legendary
2. Load the Jackal snipers in "Sniper Alley"
3. Be on the right side of a 1 in 7 random number generator
That's right. It is random whether the skull will spawn or not. If the skull is not in the room when you get there (and give it a second or two to pop up), then restart the level and try again. Reverting to your last checkpoint won't work (unless you follow this video from the great Grumpy to mess with the checkpoints) since the random number generator has already been run. You need to restart the level to get it to run again. Dying is OK. It won't ruin anything. Here's a video I made spawning it in Halo 2 Anniversary, using the same route I've used since I made that post on HIH 9 and a half years ago.
There was a small update today, they said they were bringing Rumble H2A back for people who don't want uneven teams while the fix it.
I can't imagine it won't get updated again before Black Friday. Huge missed opportunity for sales and brand confidence if they can't resolve some of the MP.
Where did you see that? I don't see rumble in the playlists either...
Edit - okay I see on waypoint that they said that now. But I'm still not seeing it in game. Is it supposedly live?
Yup. Though I'd like to know how anyone figured out it's 1 in 7.
(if (or (game_is_cooperative) (not difficulty_legendary) (not (= (random_range 0 7) 0)))
(sleep_until (volume_test_objects tv_e5b_main players))
(sleep_until (not (game_saving 1)))
(if (not game_reverted)
(set q_e5b_started 1)
(object_create key)
(sleep_until (and (unit_has_weapon (unit player0) objectsweaponsmultiplayerballhead_sp.weapon) (volume_test_object tv_e5b_main player0)))
(sleep 30)
(wake e5b_inf0_main)
(wake e5b_resetter)
It was their first foray into Skulls with Halo.What skulls in Halo 2 require you to be on legendary?
What skulls in Halo 2 require you to be on legendary?
Halo 4 is a technical marvel but i cannot pinpoint what exactly is missing from it.
It was their first foray into Skulls with Halo.
Man Halo 4 just feels so out of place in this set particularly right after you finish 3 (which is amazing). Halo 4 is a technical marvel but i cannot pinpoint what exactly is missing from it.
Played for the first time since the patch tonight and we got 3 games in a row, Halo is saved! Well, after the third game we didn't find a game for an hour and a half. And the third game was Team Slayer on Snowbound and it had a few issues. Namely... Sentinel/c028413b-44d0-42f7-af3d-c7d304a5c6a8
This is what appeared after Snowbound loaded. Why is the 360 Anniversary main menu still in the game anyway? What a shambles, I'll put it away 'till the next patch.
Edit: Also, every game was uneven and the hosts were shit. Fix those dedi's while you're fixing everything else pls 343.
Most hyped video game collection turned into biggest disappointment ever?
How the hell I kill people in Halo 3?
I can swear I shoot the hell out some guys with no effectivity at all!! They all kill me in breeze and I cant kill them even when I hit like 5 plasma rifle shots! Wtf!