"Untracked build, won't upload"
What that?
"Untracked build, won't upload"
What that?
How is this just for the campaigns these days? Are there still major issues?
Campaigns been more or less ok. Biggest bug is that you might lose your save game progress. But its not as big a deal as it sounds since all levels are unlocked anyway so worst you lose is 20 minutes or so.
Only happens on Halo 1 and 2 from what I can tell.
I assume the online Co-op for campaigns remains completely broken with lag still?
I didnt face any lag in online co op. But we live in close by cities (like 200 miles or so).
If previous Halo games were laggy for you then this will be too. Nothings changed on that end.
"Untracked build, won't upload"
Just got a refurb XB1 for Black Friday off the Msoft store, and opted for this as my 1 free game.
*sigh* This thing is going to collect so much dust until the Halo 5 beta since the collection is busted still and with no real hope in any near future.
Oh well. Hopefully Halo 5 next year justifies this purchase. :/
Just got a refurb XB1 for Black Friday off the Msoft store, and opted for this as my 1 free game.
*sigh* This thing is going to collect so much dust until the Halo 5 beta since the collection is busted still and with no real hope in any near future.
Oh well. Hopefully Halo 5 next year justifies this purchase. :/
I'm in!
Yay updates and long downloads.
Just got a refurb XB1 for Black Friday off the Msoft store, and opted for this as my 1 free game.
*sigh* This thing is going to collect so much dust until the Halo 5 beta since the collection is busted still and with no real hope in any near future.
Oh well. Hopefully Halo 5 next year justifies this purchase. :/
Campaigns been more or less ok. Biggest bug is that you might lose your save game progress. But its not as big a deal as it sounds since all levels are unlocked anyway so worst you lose is 20 minutes or so.
Only happens on Halo 1 and 2 from what I can tell.
I suggest both of you run & buy in addition titanfall, forza5, sunset overdrive and horizon2.
you might even end up missing the halo5 beta period and wont even realize it happened![]()
Thanks! Sunset Overdrive looks like a blast, definitely gonna pick that one up. Also a play and charge kit.
After a few days of moderate success finding games (albeit still broken), the matchmaking today is no longer working, and there is a bunch of blurry static colors in place of images for maps.
This game is a total piece of garbage and was released unfinished. I'm at my wits ends here, and am seriously considering a refund.
Is anyone else experiencing terrible Halo CE hit detection online after the patches? I can waste and entire clip shooting someone with my reticule red and not kill them. When the game launched I could kill someone with 3 shots to the head but now it seems impossible.
I realize mine is just an individual case not indicative of total population but I've had zero trouble getting games the past 3 evenings in a row. Played split screen Halo 3 multi and I got matches within 2 minutes almost every time.
just get refunds while you can when you can if you are unhappy with a game. You can always buy a new copy if it ever gets fixed!
Sadly I'm waiting for chat myself about something similar. I bought this game primarily for co-op with a friend and it's been a pretty terrible experience so far. We both then tried to play some multi and yeah, glitched out and I'm done. I can't believe these issues just continue to go on and on. I'm not very optimistic with getting my refund though, I imagine they're putting a stop to it if at all possible.Just got kicked out of a legendary co op game with my friend. fuck this fucking bullshit. gonna try to get my money back.
Sadly I'm waiting for chat myself about something similar. I bought this game primarily for co-op with a friend and it's been a pretty terrible experience so far. We both then tried to play some multi and yeah, glitched out and I'm done. I can't believe these issues just continue to go on and on. I'm not very optimistic with getting my refund though, I imagine they're putting a stop to it if at all possible.
Just got kicked out of a legendary co op game with my friend. fuck this fucking bullshit. gonna try to get my money back.
Even now? Last night I had little issues, but currently I didn't find one game in like 40 minutes.
Halo 2 was a hardcore shooter?
Also, the remix of Peril(Jeopardy, I believe it's called) is too light.
Alright I got my refund processed. The guy tried as best as he could to keep from doing it to the point where I demanded a refund and asked who I needed to talk to if he couldn't do it. I'll buy the game again at a later time when all of this is fixed but as it is, my money is better spend elsewhere.Yeah I was able to get one when I did so a couple of weeks ago but I heard from some people they are just cutting you off once you mention a refund now. Hope it works out for you. Just talk to a manager and be insistent. Took me over an hour to get it.
Is there a way to check if my game is updated and patch? Is it automatic (as in I wouldn't even be able to search on matchmaking if it wasn't updated)? Just got my X1, was waiting 40 minutes for a match before I backed out. Next time I waited 15 minutes then backed out. After that I am usually waiting 5 minutes.
Turn off the console (all the way), turn it back on, launch the game. If you need a patch, it'll notify you.
Alright I got my refund processed. The guy tried as best as he could to keep from doing it to the point where I demanded a refund and asked who I needed to talk to if he couldn't do it. I'll buy the game again at a later time when all of this is fixed but as it is, my money is better spend elsewhere.
Thanks, I was hoping there would be a way to check that involved going into game management but this will do.
Also I'm not familiar with the playlist, is there a way can play only Halo 3 or 4 matchmaking?
I have absolutely nothing against people getting getting a refund and I think they should if this is affecting them this much, but why on earth would you buy it again? Either keep it or get rid of it and don't play it again.