They shouldn't look any more amazing than they do on a 1080p TV.
My friend is furious. He bought an XB1 for this game and can't play it. His console freezes at loading screens, apparently.
Between this and Driveclub, do these companies just not care?
Happened to me twice now because of this game. Also lost my checkpoint so I need to start the level all over again..And now my Xbox froze... This is getting frustrating.
My friend is furious. He bought an XB1 for this game and can't play it. His console freezes at loading screens, apparently.
Between this and Driveclub, do these companies just not care?
I'm just gonna go to bed. I'm re-downloading the game now. And it just took 10mins to get to 1%...wtfHappened to me twice now because of this game. Also lost my checkpoint so I need to start the level all over again..
About to take a break from this game until they get it all up and running properly.
.Such a disappointing day.
Worse Halo launch ever.
Nothing more to say really.
I don't know why, but there's something oddly pleasing about booting anyone who kills you in a matchmade game,
Yesthey should actually look worse, shouldn't they?
any 1080p content i watch on my 1440p screen looks terrible. [although i'm certain his television upscales much better than my monitor]
Anyone want to get a lobby together for some good ol' 4v4 Halo 1?
Anyone want to get a lobby together for some good ol' 4v4 Halo 1?
Seems to be happening a lot this gen: games coming out with broken online
Anyone want to get a lobby together for some good ol' 4v4 Halo 1?
Just tried to join my friend's custom game. We were apparently in a party because I was notified I would lose then if I left...but then we were not in each other's game/lobby. Sometimes we couldn't even see each other online. Really bad start...
is anyone else having the problem that after a game is completed it freezes at the loading screen?
Anyone want to get a lobby together for some good ol' 4v4 Halo 1?
How can the brand franchise and a premier launch be so borked?
How can the brand franchise and a premier launch be so borked?
Who thought it was ok to disband a party everytime the party leader goes to restart matchmaking or pick a new playlist?!!
They shouldn't look any more amazing than they do on a 1080p TV.
So... yay or nay on picking this game up in a month?
Anyone else not able to load terminals? It just goes into the Halo App and then nothing. They should have just let it play within the game.